hat is one thing that made you smile today?
Me? I’m excited, about most everything. I turn 30 next week… and I think I’m actually okay with it. I’m looking forward to a little time out, a little celebrating and whole lot of love. x
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I love that image – so full of joy. Big 30, huh? Lots to look forward to.
Oh you sweet young thing. I am envious. Looking back to 30 makes me feel old!
What made me smile today? Eggy toast. And my daughter declaring she can read…….(she is 3. Uh oh.)
What made me smile today? When my 3yr old said “thank you very very much, Mummy” when I passed her drink to her.
Oh and 30 wasn't so scary for me….but 40 is getting too close!
i am so jealous.. wish i was turning 30 again:)
what made me smile today was i received something from Etsy today after 4 weeks waiting patiently LOVE IT .Have great day Miss Chantelle and guess what i'm having my first giveaway pop over an check it out XXX
Watching my 3 yr old having some quiet time reading a book. So sweet.
Btw Chantelle, just discovered your blog, its beautiful:)
i love this photo!
and today i smiled because i got to do several things that i enjoy so much. i was able to do a photoshoot of my friend and ended up with some amazing shots. also, i was able to see some friends i haven't seen in a while and we all went to a movie. it was great! 🙂
Sharing a mini kitkat with my girl. We got one finger each. Sweet, she does love to share.
not much has made me smile today, I have felt flat and every little thing is pissing me off. possibly the freezing weather here in canberra has clouded my mood!!!!
however, I did smile when I saw miss 4 sitting up straight and tall waiting for her ballet class to start. She was determined to be the straightest and tallest. she is such a suck up! lol
That we got paid. Finally. Only one more food voucher to get us through this week coz it caught us up only half way on the rent but it's something!
Something that made me smile was my own personal best in the stair sprints at bootcamp!! Go me!! I always said i couldnt run, but now I can fly! Best feeling ever!
Hoping you have a fantastic birthday!!
I feel old now thinking back to when I turned 30, but it was really not that long ago. I was nursing my first baby at 19 days old, my little boy, who will be starting school next year. Eeek. Where did those years go, and how can I get them back??
Love your picture. It's the rainy season in my country and I plan on doing this a lot with my sons over the summer
My 9mth old baby girl learnt how to get herself in a sitting position, when she is lying on her tummy. She is so proud of herself when she does it. It definitely put a smile on my face!!!!
I hope you have a fantastic 30th birthday Telle! It was great catching up with you last night 🙂 xxx