Super Star.


hen we were kids we used to ooh and aah over Ma’s prized possession, an autograph from the members of the band Sherbert. “Tell us the story again,” we’d pester her. And Ma would tell the story, without any added colour, flavour or drama, “I went and saw the band play and I got their signatures.”

We loved that tiny raggedy piece of paper, scribbled with men’s names that we had no idea who they were, and to be honest I still really don’t today. We just loved what it represented. Ma once went and saw a band, and Ma once met someone famous. Oh-my-goodness.

Fast forward a couple of decades and Ma had another story to tell. Last week a major celebrity was at her work and her boss had spotted him in the CCTV. He requested that Ma run down and get him an autograph. Ma, the ever reluctant celebrity hunter, went down and met with the celebrity and asked for an autograph. Unimpressed, but polite nonetheless, the actor scribbled down a few words for her and they said goodbye. She clutched the paper and handed it over to her eager employer. The words, ‘All the best Russell Crowe’ written forever… for his children to ogle over, and perhaps their children… just the way we did.
Who is the most famous person you’ve met? Do you have any autographs that you’ve kept?

Fruit Tingle.

Dancing In The Street.

17 thoughts on “Super Star.”

  1. I've met a few people in my previous jobs but probably the most famous person was Bob Geldoff (and his ?adopted daughter, Tiger Lily). Luke Mangan and Kerry Chikarovski (lol, does she count?) have also passed through work recently as well.


    (PS. Chantelle, if you haven't participated before and want to, I've tagged you for the Versatile Blogger Award on my blog)

  2. Your Ma sounds lovely BTW.

    I have The Goodies austographs from about 1975.

    My children ran into a weatherman celeb last summer at the beach, and he offered them his autograph. They ran away, citing stranger danger!!

  3. When I was a kid, my Dad owned a Recording Studio in the Valley (Brisbane). He recorded & put together Keith Urban's first ever album! He wasn't famous then when I met him….but he's probably the most famous person now that I can claim I have actually met 🙂
    {P.S. Love the Elmo photo chantelle hehe cute}

  4. I once waited outside the Australian Idol house for 2.5 hours, waiting for Guy Sebastian and Shannon Noll to come out. AND I GOT TO TOUCH GUY'S AFRO. So embarrassing to admit, but I still claim it!

  5. Love this story! I happen to be one of those lucky people who is in the right place at the right time quite a bit. Some of the celebs I've met include: Jon Stewart, Lily Tomlin, Gloria Steinem, Alice Walker, Maya Angelou, the Dixie Chicks and a few others. As for the most famous, it would probably be a tie between Don Henley and Tony Blair. Both were lovely people but I only had the guts to ask Henley for an autograph.

  6. The most famous person I have met is Mohammed Ali. I have a photo of me sitting on his lap (I was three at the time) that appeared in the paper.

    It was when he was in Oz for the infamous Logies episode, we were at the airport and he sat down next to us and started chatting about how he missed his little girls.

  7. When I worked in advertising many years ago, I used to meet “famous” people regularly and I was never really star struck…but my biggest claim to fame is running into Boy George at a London nightclub! I was absolutely beside myself and couldn't string a sentence together.

  8. Russle crow has a house in my town and he is seen around plently my friend sold him a xbox and big w once lol
    besides that ive meet a couple of bands oh and andrew g before he was on idol

  9. My Mum used to manage a hotel so quite a few celebs would come through. The one that springs to mind is Fleetwood Mac. Stevie Nicks was off her face most of the time but she looked like a doll.
    My Mum picked me up from shopping one afternoon while I was in Adelaide and I get in the back seat only to be sitting next to Alex Dimitriades. I nearly died. He is so much better looking and smooth in real life.

    Hahaha about Sherbert. My Mum used to see them live too. I was jealous to hear that she saw Ike & Tina and the Bee Gees live. Oh to be a teen in the 70's.

  10. I played pool with Mr Crowe at the Bentley Bar at about 2am one drunken Tuesday morning (pre-kids, his and mine). Can't say I would 'treasure' his autograph. He's a fine actor but a rotten pool player xx

  11. Is this where I confess that I followed a boy band around Australia in the mid-90s?
    Nah, that'd be just too, too daggy.

  12. In the late 70's my Dad (who was an ad exec)sat next to Rod Stewart on a plane from Auckland to Sydney, then they discovered they were staying at the same hotel (Sebel Town House, back in the day), so they met up for drinks at the bar. I still have his autograph on the back of one of Dad's business cards.
    He also got me Mark Hamill's but I lost that years ago.

  13. have managed to meet quite a few famous people in the past couple of years but i would have to say that the ultimate and most famous encounter i had was when i was lucky enough to meet Dave Grohl earlier this year.

    it would be safe to say that he is my favorite muscian of all time so meeting him was a massive deal for me and luckily he was extremly nice and took the time to have a photo with me and shake my hand, even though he was in a hurry to get to soundcheck.

    Also met Josh Homme on the same day who was quite the charmer.

  14. I met the band A Perfect Circle back when I was a fresh faced sixteen year old. I got them to sign the inside of my coffin bag, and to this day, I still have that bag… hidden away.
    They also signed the newspaper article about the band, this sits framed above my fire place.
    I still love the band 😉

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