Steal My Sunshine.

Beach Waves.

19 thoughts on “Question Time.”

  1. 30 mins on the cross trainer and 15 mins on the bike. It's been a goooood day! Will possibly attempt to drag the boyfriend out for an evening walk, although it is his birthday so I'm sure he will want to do something more exciting.

  2. Um, going to the washing line… twice. Seriously, it's up some very steep steps, will walk to post office later… that's it for me. Oh and putting up Christmas decorations, does that count as exercise? 🙂

  3. Hubby gone by 4am today, won't be home till 11pm, so might take lil one to Mum's this arvo and take her dog and mine for a big walk over the hill.
    Oh, we had a swimming lesson this morning, does standing in water catching a 2 yr old count? lol

  4. I am about to walk to Byrons daycare via the health nurse for Harper and back home via the park which i think is about 3-4kms… It's the first biggish walk I've been on since Harpers arrival so i'm hoping I make it!!

  5. 34 minutes steep incline on the treadmill…need to lose 100 kgs by the weekend because I plan on wearing a short dress for the first time in…well EVER! Yikes!

  6. i walked around country road many, many times and even did some bends in the changeroom while pulling on and off pants. and i lifted and carried and wrestled with a travel cot that didn't fold up trying to get it int the car. some kicking was involved. does that count?!?

  7. hmmmmm me bad.
    Quit my personal trainer tonight.
    BUT it was because he slotted in the entire local football team into the session where it was meant to be personal training with me?? A*hole
    So it has been 2 weeks since I did anything. Tomorrow I promise to myself I will do what the personal trainer taught me but from the proper personal trainer. Me

  8. I walked into the supermarket, bought copious quantities of chocolate, then scoffed a heap of it.

    Does the walking count?

    *wallowing this afternoon in total self-pity and fury*

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