Hello August! It’s so nice to see you. Let’s not wait any longer and jump right in to some photo-taking fun…
If you’ve played before, you probably don’t need any instructions at all. But if you’re new, and a BIG welcome to you, all the details are below.
Let’s have another great month of photo- taking. x
How to play!
Playing along with photo a day is super easy:
♥ Check out the August photo a day list.
♥ Each day look at the daily prompt and take a photo according to whatever the prompt is. For example for day 1 the prompt is ‘Something beginning with N’ so share anything that spot today that begins with the letter N. I love seeing what people come up with for these letter prompts.
♥ Once you’ve taken the photo it’s time to share it. There are loads of places you can share it. See below for more details.
♥ Check out other people’s photos. You can browse through them on my Facebook page, in the FMS Photo A Day Facebook group. Or on Instagram or Twitter just search for the #FMSphotoaday hashtag to see them all.
Where to play?
There are loads of places to be social and share your photos with the #FMSphotoaday community:
♥ Instagram: Just upload your photo, use a fancy filter, add a caption and the hashtag #FMSphotoaday and then share.
♥ Facebook: There are a few options here. You can simply share on your own personal page, among your own friends. Or you can upload to my page’s wall, or I’ve created a Facebook group for 2013. You can join it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FMSphotoaday/ Now that Facebook has hashtags, simply add the hashtag #FMSphotoaday when you share your photos and you’ll be able to see which of your friends are playing along too. It’s cool!
♥ Blog: If you have a blog, you could share each day or do a wrap up of all the photos at the end of the month.
♥ Tumblr: Add your daily photos to your Tumblr feed.
♥ Flickr: You can get their app and share your photos there, or upload on their web version. We also have a photo a day group here.
♥ Twitter: You can share on Twitter by uploading the photo and sharing the hashtag #FMSphotoaday. Easy.
How do I remember the prompts?
There are a few ways you can grab the list or remember the prompts:
♥ Come back here each day and click the button on the right-hand side to check out the list.
♥ Right-click on the list above and save it to your desktop. Or if you’re on your phone you could take a screenshot and save it as your wallpaper. {To screenshot click the power button and home button at the same time}.
♥ The lovely Doug has created prompts for us that we can download straight into our calendar, so we won’t forget. They’re ready and loaded right now.
To subscribe on iPhone/iPad/Android/Mac:
To view on the web:
What about the fab four?
Usually I spend time each day picking photos that capture my attention on Instagram and Facebook, but as I’m trying to take a few things off my plate with the baby arriving soon – I will be taking a break from Fab Four for 2-3 months. I hope you’ll understand.
BUT in exciting news, I’ve some really kind people offer to help me out. Over on Facebook our lovely FMS Photo A Day group admins are going to take turns in picking the Fab Four and sharing them in the FMS Photo A Day group. To be considered, just share your photos in the group. Join the group here.
On Instagram the lovely Carly is going to be helping me out, so you’ll still get to see the Fab Four each day. Yay. x
What do the prompts mean?
There are no rules when playing along with photo a day, you can be creative as you like! Interpret the prompt as you please. For those that need a little help, some more suggested details about each prompt are below:
1. Something beginning with N: Find something that begins with the letter N, snap it and share it.
2. Incomplete: Incomplete, unfinished… is it a meal, a craft or something else?
3. Skyline: Show us where you are today by sharing your skyline.
4. Fresh: Take a photo of something fresh – it could be flowers, food, the weather, someone’s style… anything.
5. Early: Take a photo of something that represents early to you. It could be the time of morning, being early for work or an appointment or something I haven’t thought of!
6. This means a lot to me!: What’s something special in your life that has a lot of meaning?
7. A sign: We come across signs throughout our day, which will you pick to share?
8. Peek-a-boo: This can be a bit like a bit of a mystery photo, show us just a hint of something. Or perhaps something hiding.
9. 2 o’clock: Whatever you’re doing at 2 o’clock, take a photo, snap it and share it.
10. Beverage: Pour a glass of something nice, and share it.
11. I love doing this!: What do you love to do? Take a photo of it.
12. Macro: This is our photography technique prompt. I’ll write a post soon with examples, but it means an extreme close-up.
13. Fast: Can you show speed in a photo? Try it today.
14. Trash: One man’s trash is another person’s art. Take a photo.
15. The best: This can be interpreted anyway you like, what do you see today that is ‘the best’?
16. Cooking: Whether you’re the one doing the cooking, or someone else – take a photo.
17. Exercise: It could be physical exercise or otherwise, but take a photo of what you consider to be exercise.
18. Someone you spoke to today: Who have you chatted to today? How can you creatively share them in a photo?
19. Lost: Have you stumbled across something today that’s lost? Or do you have an idea of how to portray lost?
20. Stairs: Stairs! Self-explanatory really.
21. Slow: We’ve explored fast, now let’s turn it down a little and explore sloooooow.
22. A room: It could be a favourite room in your home, an office space, a shop or otherwise.
23. Yellow: This is our charity prompt. Find something yellow and snap it.
24. In the background: Get creative and shoot something in the background, rather than the foreground.
25. Culture: I can’t wait to see the photos for this one. Not sure what it means? Here’s a few definitions.
26. Entrance: Find an entry to somewhere. Anywhere.
27. 10 minutes from home: What a great excuse to explore. Take a walk or a drive and see what’s right near where you live.
28. Corridor: Show off a hallway or corridor. It’s a great way to explore perspective {which we learnt about in July}.
29. Lucky: It could be a lucky charm, or a reason you feel lucky.
30. Cluttered: Is there a space in your home/work/life that feels a bit cluttered? Now is the time to show it off. Be creative!
31. Dangerous: This could get a little scary! Let’s see your dangerous!
Charity prompts:
♥ Our charity prompt this month is Daffodil Day.
On Friday the 23rd of August people all around Australia buy Daffodils and wear yellow to support Daffodil Day. It’s a day where we grow hope, and raise money to support research and treatments so we can hopefully live in a cancer-free world. You can read more about it here.
Next month’s list is created entirely by you guys! I put a call out for prompts, and I’ve created a list made up of reader prompts. It’s a fun one, so get excited!
Thank you everyone!
You can suggest a reader prompt below:
When I try to subscribe to the calender on my android phone it just takes me to another page with a whole bunch of computer talk. Is there something else I need on my phone?
Try copying the link and pasting it into your browser instead of clicking it. I think it works best in Safari too.
Oh I have just read this I’ll give it a try.
I just love fmsphotoaday!! So good to get the creative juices flowing!! Thanks for another fab month…and best wishes to you and your fam this month…very exciting time for you!! xx
Thanks for playing along. x
I broke my foot the beginning of last month so I couldn’t do July but hopefully I can do most of August. These are pretty cool.
Hopefully you can get around a bit better this month. x
I haven’t done the challenge in absolute ages, will give it a bash this month. All the best with the new addition to your family đŸ™‚
Thank you! x
Thanks for another month long prompt đŸ™‚
Why are some yellow?
They’re the weekends.
posted a pic! http://myeloquentrambles.blogspot.com/
Chose this one to incorporate into my Run-A-Day challenge!! I’ll be taking a picture to match the day’s prompt while on a run! I’m excited!! đŸ˜€
Thanks so much for creating these prompts! I love this idea. I also love that you’re taking a few things off your plate before the new baby arrives; good for you! The wee ones sure do make life busier, don’t they? Good luck to you and your lovely little family.
Anna @ http://www.lovelyup.wordpress.com
Hello from Manila, Philippines! Excited to be part of this. đŸ˜€ Thanks for the bright idea, Chantelle!
I can’t seem to get the prompts for the calendar to load, it’s just a plain page with text down the left side of the page. Not sure if it’s my phone or a little glitch.
The one tip that seems to work is by copying the link and pasting it into your browser, rather than just clicking it.
Let me know if this works. x
Eu também estou a participar no seu desafio, o qual gosto muito!
———————————————————————— Google Translate đŸ˜‰
I am also participating in her challenge, which I really like!
Can i still join the challenge even if it’s the misdle of the month or should i wait for next month’s challenge?
Congratulations on the baby!
Of course. Just start today! Welcome aboard. x
Hi! This is such a brilliant idea. Too bad I saw it so late. When will the September one come out?
This Monday x