If you’ve ever had writer’s block you’ll know it can be a liiiittle bit painful to come up with something creative to write about. It’s almost impossible. Below I’ve listed 50 things that might help out in those times of need. You’re welcome.
1. That thing that happened in high school that pretty much changed your life forever
2. The worst movie you ever did see, and why
3. Your favourite recipe, even if you’re the worst cook in the world. Sometimes there’s an art to making the best vegemite toast you could ever eat
4. The day you left home
5. That one time you told a huge lie and kinda got away with it {or perhaps you didn’t and that would make an even better blog post! Cringe}
6. The hardest thing you’ve ever been through
7. 9 things you just can’t handle {gross things like ugly toes etc etc}
8. Your day in photos {take a photo every hour from wake to sleep}
9. Your most excruciatingly embarrassing moment. We’ve all got one.
10. A letter to your 16 year old self. What advice would you give?
11. Your celebrity dinner party. Who would you invite?
12. A how-to post on something you know nothing about
13. Your first love/kiss, and don’t skip the awkward details
14. The day you started blogging. What were you thinking?
15. The most difficult decision you’ve ever made. Write from the heart.
16. 7 things you learned from being a kid
17. A letter to your mum/grandma/child
18. An anti-bucket list: the things you hope to never do before you die
19. The last thing that made you cry
20. Your earliest childhood memory
21. That thing that really gets your goat {Is it the way people drive? That sniffing noise your partner makes?}
22. The worst Christmas/Birthday you ever had {make it funny!}
23. What your Facebook status might be in 2018
24. What you’re addicted to, and why
25. Write your obituary
26. Write a how-to post on something you actually know a lot about, as obscure as it might be
27. Write a FAQ {frequently asked questions} post. This could be questions you get asked about your blog, or questions you get asked by your kids over and over again. Think outside the box.
28. That time that you met a complete stranger
29. Fashion: Your top 5 favourite bags/dresses/looks/hair-dos/shoes right now
30. What you’ve learned about life so far
31. Brain dump. What’s on your mind right now
32. Something you lost
33. Bad habits. Share yours and why you won’t give it up. Ever.
34. Who people think you are, compared to who you really are
35. If you only had one day to live, how you’d spend it
36. A thank you note to a ‘thing’, like coffee, or trashy TV
37. A guide to the town you live in
38. What you want to be when you grow up {yes, there’s still time}
39. Something you found
40. The menu for your last meal ever
41. A response to a popular blog post written by someone else – an opinion piece where you put your cranky pants on
42. Write a review: on anything… a new food, a book you just read, an App
43. Find your most popular blog post and then write a second series of it, or an update on it
44. Do a DIY. A step-by-step guide on how to make something
45. Set a goal, and a plan on how to get there
46. Create a post asking for advice on something that’s troubling you. People love to offer wisdom
47. Share the favourite room in your home, and why you love it
48. Top 5: Share a post with the top 5 blogs you just can’t get enough of
49. Share a secret you’ve never told anyone. Until now
50. Write a list post on things for people to blog about. Pretty much like this one just here.
This is the most inspiring post I have read in a very long time … I just sat down and started writing my own list of new ideas that suddenly popped into my mind! Thank you so so much!!
Would also make a great post series for a year long linky, Chantelle! PS My iPhone is trying to get me into trouble by autocorrections linky to kinky! There’s another blog post idea 😉
Don’t you hate it when you comment about autocorrecting and your iPhone autocorrects for you?!
Ha, this made me giggle!
Wow Chantelle, there’s some scary things in that list, but I feel up for a challenge, I may take you on… Be prepared though, for TOO MUCH INFORMATION! You are very good at inspiring people. I’ve felt compelled to do the photo a day challenge since I started almost a year ago, and thinking of you and wee Luella Blue inspired my last blog post: http://ohwedo.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/recovering-from-birth-6-things-i-know.html
Thank you. You don’t just live life inspired, you’re also inspiring.
You may have just outlined my next 50 posts! Thanks!
I love this! I have been feeling SUPER stuck lately and I was looking for something to kickstart my writing. This is perfect!
Will definitely blog some of this! … or maybe all of it! ♥
Not only are they interesting prompts but they make good things to think about. I really like no.10 – and as a twist, I wonder what my 16 year old self would say to me now if she could get a chance. LOLs.
Thank you. Duly inspired. What a great list!
M definitely taking some cues from here….Really interesting list! 🙂
Awesome list – Thank you! It’s sometimes so inspiring to find lists like this because it also gives a glimpse into what other successful bloggers (like you) find interesting 🙂
awesome list.. thanks for writing this… I really needed it 😀
Gorgeous suggestions; so much food for thought…. Thank you xx
Awesome! Great ideas I will use. Thank you for this post.
This is such a great list! I pinned it so that I can save it for a day that I have terrible writers block!
This is great! Thank you.. I have been meaning to start a blog for a while, but never knew where to start. Well yesterday I started with #1. 🙂
Where Ashton?
Hi Cara – my blog is http://ashtontiarndesigns.blogspot.com.au. 🙂
Well I blog about travel so my topics sometimes jump out at me, especially since I travel so much but this list is so helpful for those that need it. And your list is so thorough! Actually, there are a few on this list that I can use so thank you!
Very inspiring! I should keep this in my notebook! Just in case…
LOVE THIS! I shared it on my blog! elsewhere.blogspot.com
I love writing but I like it better when I don’t choose the topic myself, so thanks for this list, Chantelle—it’s just the kick-restart I needed. I’m five days into my personal 50 days of blogging! bloggingkelly.com
How do I start a blog? I haven’t really written in years and almost daily I ask myself why I’m doing what I love!
This is awesome! I finally started my started my mummy blog and need some oomph to help me past the writers block. And the I-have-ridiculous-insecurities-and-fears block. 😉
Such great ideas thanks for sharing, I might just set myself a 10 day challenge and cherry pick from your list xox Penny
I wonder if it’s because I do photo-a-day that I feel compelled to do everything you suggest! I’ve collated links to all my posts inspired by the suggestions in this list here http://ohwedo.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/blogging-50-things.html I’d really appreciate it if others could put links to their posts there too. It’s amazing how many different stories can come out of the same prompt!
Really love this list! I’ve been struggling to find my “voice” on my new blog. I think most of these will help 🙂 Thanks! babyandabirkin.com
Thanks for this. I could definitely use it on my new blog. I love to write but I never know what to write and worry about what things people would even find interesting.
Great post – I used a letter to myself – but made it to my 21 year old self. Thanks!
Wow! This is like the tenth article I am reading on the same topic and I must say this is the only one where I found something different and useful. All others were just copied stuff which everyone actually knows. some of your points are really amazing. Good job!
Okay finding this list basically just made my day… thanks!
Sweet info . Thank you .
thank you! this REALLY helped! I was looking all over for something as useful as this 🙂 it made my day.
Please take the time to check out my blog: thecookiemonstereatsacookie.wordpress.com
Ive just started a blog please check it out: http://autumnseftontromans.blogspot.co.uk/
Awesome. I’m always looking for new things to blog about, and I was running out… until I found this. Thank you! 😉
I especially like the “Anti-Bucket list” one. I’ve actually done that one before. On this post: http://thatlittlewriter.blogspot.com/2013/12/my-un-bucket-list.html
Awesome, I may incorporate some of these into my own blog I have just started if I do get writers block again! Feel free to take a look at mine: katyratciffe.wordpress.com
this helped me so much! thankyou! http://lovefromtara.com
I am so happy I stumbled upon this list. I think I might need to use a few of these ideas soon!
This is so cool, it helped me a lot!! Thank you!! Perfect for bloggers who are just starting out like me!! chiconthedot.blogspot.com
Great list to apply to my personal blog, thank you for sharing.
This is great! I recently started my own blog after about a year of being a chicken! This has really given me some creative inspiration! Thank you x (DIBelievingx@blogspot.com)
i love your list… i am actually going to try to use it as the basis of my blog… just something for fun… 50daystoblog.blogspot.com
Great! It helped me get out on my writer’s block! 😀
I love this list. I keep coming back to it to get some more ideas. Thank you!!!
Amazing post! Thanks for the inspiring ideas 🙂
woow this really helped me, i was so confused about what to post on my blog, now i’m enjoying it. Thank you so so so much 🙂
check my blog please
Love this post and all these ideas – I started with # 11 and will go through them all – http://www.smoochdog.com/2014/02/1-things-to-blog-about.html
Your blog has given me some ideas for my own. Thank you! Check out my blog page at… http://smb06.com/reachforyourgoal. Leave me a comment on any blog that helps you.
Love it…. I’m at http://momzhappyhour.wordpress.com
this was great : )
look at this
Such great ideas! absolutely love this, thanks for the inspiration.
X Malena
bookmarking this page right now for the next time i get writer’s (blogger’s?) block. thank you so much for this
This is very Inspiring.
totally thought your username was fatmuslim
Ha, lots of people do.
I just started blogging. Posted a topic on our mountain trekking adventure and don’t know what else to post. Visited this and got good ideas.. I’ll keep coming! Thank you so much! 🙂
Please check out my blog x
nothing there
Great list! And you gave Lola great advice too.
I just started a new blog tonight and this has started a billion more ideas of things to blog about ! I had to write them all down !!
Thanks for this awesome post! I’ve started a new blog and will definitely use some of those sooner or later!
I’m not stuck for things to write about, I’m stuck on where to start hahaha
I am absolutely in love with this post!! I am brand new to running a blog and this is so helpful. 🙂
Came across this when ready to post my 3rd blog post – started on a whim, but with passion after feeling (for 24 hours) that I’d wanted to do it forever! I googled ‘things to blog about’ and came across this post. Having been a casual reader of your blog for a while and a regular photoaday-er (@dancingkangaroo) on and off for the last couple of years, I was delighted to find it 🙂 So thought I’d say thanks 🙂
With love xx
This is such an amazing post , I really can not thank you enough! it is really helpful and I already added 15 of your ideas t my list to blog about! Thank you alot for the helpful post! Xx
Love this post so much! Definitely going to use these on my own blog!
I’ve been looking for a great place to get idea when I’ve been a little short on ideas and am leading a dull life for the month. This is the first unique and interesting list I’ve seen.
I have only just starting blogging and this list is so helpful! Great ideas! Thanks very much!
Love this! copied some. Thanks!
Good and Funny! Thanks!
Wonderful post! I actually did 23 (with my twitter)
I think you should add the lines you have into this cool online tool for post ideas
it has many ideas similar to yours
I am so happy I stumbled upon your blog because I am just trying to start one myself, and this gave me so many ideas! I actually just posted my first one based on one of your ideas. Check it out if you have the chance!
https://thedailylifeofateenager.wordpress.com check out my new blog i need some tips to get it started 😀
I enjoyed this blog post. It was inspiring and informative.
This is a definitely a great list for us to look into.
Thanks so much for this list! I’ve been using these as ideas for the past few weeks now. Really great!
Awesome! Thank you Chantelle for the post!! You have given me many more ideas for my (new) blog.
Love the post Chantelle! I’ve been doing a fair amount of research recently on how to get ideas for blog posts, and this post (amongst others) has inspired me to put together a resource on how to hack different tools to generate hundreds of blog post ideas. I’d love your feedback on it if you wouldn’t mind checking it out: http://digitalrhinos.com/guide-to-generating-hundreds-blog-post-ideas/
Otherwise, keep up the great work!
Very Helpful! Thanks
Awsome I’m definitely going to use this on my blog izzyb1103.wordpress.com
Great Work,It really helps me alot,Also have a look on 10 unused blog post ideas for making your Blog “Hot:
Awesome post! It is always nice to have a go-to list of things to inspire you and write about. I know I’ll be using this as a reference in my future blogging! Thanks for sharing your ideas! 🙂
I stumbled upon this a while ago, and took some notes immediately 🙂 Finally something’s online 🙂 Thank you for your inspiration.. Here I’m writing about my addiction: http://sevenseasaway.com/why-im-addicted-to-tv-shows/ Would love getting your feedback 🙂
This list is amazing!
Great tips I’m always looking for new subjects, thank you for sharing.
Thank you, i have been needing ideas because i write them down so i can pick what to write about. http://myweirdlyoddobsessions.blogspot.co.uk
Thanks for the wonderful inspiration Chantelle! I’ve just committed myself to a blog post a day for 30 days, and just had to share your post with your great ideas!
hey girl i wanted to know how you wrote your name at the bottom thats really nice
I just started a blog last week and still trying to get the hang of it. This could really help me spice up my blog! Thank you. You’re the best!
this is great. I’ve always been dreaming of starting a blog but the fear of obscurity has always been…………you know
Thank you for the tips- much appreciated!
Had a fun time reading this list. some of them made me remember some good times between friends.
Thanks for sharing. I am a newbie blogger and have been enjoying all the tips and ideas I’ve been reading about. I actually took your suggestion for writing a letter to my 16-yr old self and this is what I came up with…
I wrote a blog post after one of your prompts helped me out.. Let me know how you felt.
so cool! I started a blog (www.galacticcupcakes.blogspot.com) and this rlly helped out! Thanks
thank you so much for these ideas about what to blog, these will defiantly help me with my blog. much appreciated.
i just made a blog on fan girls
awesome post ! gave me a really nice inspiration to write 😀 THANK YOU
When these are actually the best ideas you’ve seen in a while.
Wrote a few ideas down – thanks for sharing!
OMG Thank you so much for this! I’m actually gonna be writing new blog posts because of this article! 🙂
Thank you SO much for this, i’ve been struggling with what to write for a few weeks now! If you want to check out what a 22 year old University Graduate who’s just moved half way across the country would write to her 18 year old self, please check out https://northernerventuressouth.wordpress.com/
Love this, going to help me when i have writers block!!
I definitely plan to use some of these!
Just starting out. This is my 10 things I cannot stand
Thanks.. I took hints from your list and resumed blogging at http://www.maheshwaran.com
Thanks! These helped alot.
I used it for my latest post.
helpful. Thanks!
Such an amazing list. What I love about this list is that it will never get old. Thank you for the inspiration Chantelle.
Thanks for the great ideas! I subscribed! I am just starting out blogging but if you have time check out my blog at http://www.kallynsheperd.com. Thanks again for the great ideas!
Omg, thank you thank you thank you!
I have just started my lifestyle blog and this is going to help so much. Ahh yay!
this is fat thanks
This is very helpful! Thanks.
Thank you for the ideas. I can’t come up with any good ideas by myself.
Bloggers or shall I say the writer had that mental block sometimes. And you made a good content. Your blog will help others to start a new idea. Good Job!
Thanks so much for this! Please check out my blog: http://poolgirl7.wixsite.com/cats-walk
It is from a cat’s point of view!
I came here looking for an idea, now I can’t decide which one to take a stab at first! Very helpful and creative – thank you! 🙂
#31 Brain Dump
This was definitely helpful! I just did a letter to my 15 year old self (I modified the age) and it was great! I’d surely come back for more ideas. x
Check it out: https://kahmilnicaela.wordpress.com/2017/06/07/a-letter-to-my-15-year-old-self/
OMG! I so needed this. Thank you so much for sharing sadly I was reading through it and designing my own topics while at work hahahaha…One thing I wanna say though, I love your tone of voice, I feel like I can hear you talking although I have never met you.
Like you, I started blogging a long time ago when blogs had just started then quit for a while and decided to start again. Unfortunately I got hacked two years ago and I never recovered from it. I lost all the hard work me and my contributors had put into the blog which = no sleep at times etc. I had a little over 800,000 followers and I just lost everything. I became dead.
I just started blogging again this year and so far its been really slow because I feel left behind with how social media has taken off. But reading your blog, your suggestions and your enthusiasm has given me a little fire and maybe I can get into it again, maybe. I have written a few things down to start with and am on my way to greatness hopefully…
please visit my blog, I’d appreciate all the suggestions I can get. Thank you so much.
check out my blog post plz
I have just started a blog. Can anyone tell how it will work in future. It based on net worth of richest people in the world.
awesome post. Thanks for shairng.
Fresh , new blogger on here! These are some super cute ideas 🙂 I wrote my first blog about my traveling to Belgium! https://yourstrulystef.com/
Thank you , thank you, thank you <3