Back in July I put a call out for people to suggest prompts. I wanted you guys to create every single prompt for the September list. I got thousands of responses. Thank you. I picked the ones that I thought worked well, and others that were repeated over and over again {in other words you guys REALLY wanted to see in the list}.
Personally, I think this is one of the most fun, and also challenging lists I’ve seen for FMS Photo A Day. Let’s have a cracking month. x
How to play!
Playing along with photo a day is super easy:
♥ Check out the September photo a day list.
♥ Each day look at the daily prompt and take a photo according to whatever the prompt is. For example for day 1 the prompt is ‘Together’ so share anything that shows what together is for you. It could be people together, or otherwise. It’s Father’s Day in Australia so perhaps even share a photo of you and your Pa.
♥ Once you’ve taken the photo it’s time to share it. There are loads of places you can share it. See below for more details.
♥ Check out other people’s photos. You can browse through them on my Facebook page, in the FMS Photo A Day Facebook group. Or on Instagram or Twitter just search for the #FMSphotoaday hashtag to see them all.
Where to play?
There are loads of places to be social and share your photos with the #FMSphotoaday community:
♥ Instagram: Just upload your photo, use a fancy filter, add a caption and the hashtag #FMSphotoaday and then share.
♥ Facebook: There are a few options here. You can simply share on your own personal page, among your own friends. Or you can upload to my page’s wall, or I’ve created a Facebook group for 2013. You can join it here: Now that Facebook has hashtags, simply add the hashtag #FMSphotoaday when you share your photos and you’ll be able to see which of your friends are playing along too. It’s cool!
♥ Blog: If you have a blog, you could share each day or do a wrap up of all the photos at the end of the month.
♥ Tumblr: Add your daily photos to your Tumblr feed.
♥ Flickr: You can get their app and share your photos there, or upload on their web version. We also have a photo a day group here.
♥ Twitter: You can share on Twitter by uploading the photo and sharing the hashtag #FMSphotoaday. Easy.
How do I remember the prompts?
There are a few ways you can grab the list or remember the prompts:
♥ Come back here each day and click the button on the right-hand side to check out the list.
♥ Right-click on the list above and save it to your desktop. Or if you’re on your phone you could take a screenshot and save it as your wallpaper. {To screenshot click the power button and home button at the same time}.
♥ The lovely Doug has created prompts for us that we can download straight into our calendar, so we won’t forget. If they’re not ready right now, they’ll be ready by September 1st. Doug is really busy with a full-time job, so please be patient. x
To subscribe on iPhone/iPad/Android/Mac:
To view on the web:
What about the fab four?
Usually I spend time each day picking photos that capture my attention on Instagram and Facebook, but as I’m trying to take a few things off my plate with the baby – I will be taking a break from Fab Four for 2-3 months. I hope you’ll understand.
BUT in exciting news, I’ve some really kind people offer to help me out. Over on Facebook our lovely FMS Photo A Day group admins are going to take turns in picking the Fab Four and sharing them in the FMS Photo A Day group. To be considered, just share your photos in the group. Join the group here.
On Instagram the lovely Carly is going to be helping me out, so you’ll still get to see the Fab Four each day. Yay. x
What do the prompts mean?
There are no rules when playing along with photo a day, you can be creative as you like! Interpret the prompt as you please. For those that need a little help, some more suggested details about each prompt are below:
1. Together: You could share a photo of you and someone, or two things that below together. Define this prompt as you please.
2. My name begins with: Choose something that begins with the same letter as your name, or find the letter your name starts with and shoot it.
3. Lines: Find lines in your travels today and shoot them. It could be stripes or power lines, or other lines.
4. Alone: Choose something that’s a little bit solo. Or perhaps it’s what you like to do when you’re alone?
5. Here forever: You should find something today that isn’t going anywhere. What’s here for always?
6. Getting ready: Is it a plane about to take off? You getting ready for the day?
7. White: Take a photo of something white. This is our charity prompt {details below}.
8. Made by me: Did you make dinner/lunch/breakfast? A craft? Art? Handywork? Anything?
9. On the wall: It could be artwork, a spider, a poster… anything!
10. Sweet: What a great excuse to indulge in a treat. Or take photos of kittens or cute kids.
11. What you did today: What did you do today? We want to see it.
12. Shadow: You know what a shadow is. Shoot it.
13. Unexpected: This one might be a bit tricky… but what’s unexpected? A little bit of graffiti? A letter in the mail? A sun shower on the perfect day?
14. Liquid: It could be the ocean, a drink, rain or something else.
15. Season: What season is it where you are right now? How can you show that in a photo?
16. Frame: You can take this as taking a photo of a frame {art, spectacles or otherwise} or you framing a photo in the photographic sense.
17. In front of me: What’s ahead of you? A person? A huge task? A great life?
18. Vintage: Find something with a little bit of history in it today. Or just visit your Nana and take a photo.
19. What is this?: This can be a cracker prompt. Why not take a photo of something and make it a mystery. Perhaps shoot something really close up so it’s not identifiable and then the community can guess what it is?
20. In the morning: Self-explanatory really. If you sleep in, you’re in trouble!
21. Rule of thirds: This is our photography lesson prompt. Keep an eye on my blog for a post teaching you how to achieve this.
22. Made me smile: What made you smile today? Shoot it and share it.
23. From my childhood: Find something from your childhood and share it.
24. Space: You could explore negative space, take a trip to the moon {kidding!} or shoot another interpretation of space.
25. H is for…: What starts with H that you see in your travels today?
26. Curve: Look for curves today, you might see them in buildings, on people… keep an eye out.
27. WTF?: What the f*&k? This prompt was suggested a few times. Interpret as you please. It could be something that makes you mad, makes you laugh or just makes you question life and ask, “What on earth?”
28. 10 o’clock: What are you doing at 10am or 10pm. Share it in a photo.
29. Gold: Shoot something gold today.
30. Found: What can you stumble across today? A stray coin? A feather floating by. Keep an eye out for something found.
Charity prompts:
♥ Our charity prompt this month is White Balloon Day
The charity we’re bringing awareness to this month is Bravehearts, which aims to educate, empower and protect our children. You can read more about it here.
Will be participating! Can’t wait 🙂
this is exciting!
Dedicated photoadayer here….September will be my 16 month!!!! Love love love it 🙂
Why are the prompts asking me to configure Outlook Express when I try to add them to Google calendar? Last month they worked fine. I don’t use Outlook Express and don’t want to.
This will be the first month I’ll be participating, super excited to get started!
how can you remove the calendar prompts from an iphone?
Try this?
I am pumped! I never do these but always think they are pretty rad….I am going to old-ish school with my camera, not phone. You are fab FMS.x
I love the photography technique prompts. Rule of Thirds has me stumped though…look forward to the “hints & tips” blog about tha 😉
The link doesn’t work on iPhone :/
“If they’re not ready right now, they’ll be ready by September 1st.
Doug is really busy with a full-time job, so please be patient.”
Maybe come back Sept 1st? x
it works for me but only gives me the prompts for August and the previous months no September as yet but i’ll check again in the morning 🙂
I just uploaded to my computer but I am getting October prompts for the Month of September.
Just thought I’d let you know.