What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog

So you want to start a blog? Here's six simple questions you need to ask yourself before you start. Get started today!

I was doing a podcast last week on blogging and I was asked the question, “What do you wish you knew before starting a blog, and what would you change?”

It’s a big question, and a common one too. Personally, I like to live without regrets, but there are some things that I’d like to definitely consider properly before launching into blogging. I started blogging 8 years ago, so blogging was almost brand new, and we were all just navigating the space and finding our way.

There are a handful of questions you need to ask yourself before you start blogging today, in order to be successful {whatever success looks like for you!} and to be able to ensure longevity of your blog. Take a walk through these questions below, and take some time to work out the answers before you start blogging. As always, feel free to chat and ask more questions in the comment section below.


This is best place to start. You want to really drill down on what your reasoning behind starting a blog is. If it’s to get rich, we’ll you’re in the wrong place. And that’s simply not enough. You have to have something to offer your potential readers. Do you have a knowledge on a topic that you just have to share? Are you hilarious and need to share your humour with the world? Are you an a-grade fashionista who always get asked about your style and you think it’s time to blog about it? Do you own a business and want to start blogging to support it, and add a human side to your business? Know why you’re starting a blog, because you’re going to need to come back to that on days you ask you’re self, “WHY AM I DOING THIS?” ?


If you’re not sure what topic or topics you’re going to blog about, then simply come back to things that you’re passionate about. What are your talents? Are you the best cake-baker on the block and you want to share your recipes? That passion is what is going to get you excited to blog regularly.


Can you? I want you to do this: Grab a plain piece of paper, and write down 30 blog posts ideas on the topic you’re planning to blog about. It might take you hours or it might take minutes. You’re going to want to be able to write about this topic for a long time, so you need to know you can come up with content. If you’re going to write a blog about something that has a really small niche, like ‘Unicorn Sightings In New York’ the chances are that you’re going to be stumped for content ideas {I could be wrong, I’ve never been to New York}. Choosing a topic broad enough that you can create loads of content for, but also one that you’re passionate about is what you need to do.


I think this is the fun part, I love naming things! You want a name that’s unique enough that people can search for you, and find you right away… but not so unique it’s totally weird, hard to spell and makes no sense. When naming anything, I love to go through a favourite magazine and circle words that grab me. Then I have a brain-storming session to add two words together, or try and work out those words into what I’m doing. The decider is usually whatever domain I can find in that name. You can check on Go Daddy which domain names are available.


OK, I am not trying to be the fun police here, but it’s something you do need to ask yourself. If you’re not entirely committed and you’re not sure what you want to do with blogging, perhaps you’re better off starting out by writing into a journal or word document for a month or so until you’re certain you like this blogging caper.

If you’re certain you’re ready to rock and roll with it all, then I ask this because when it comes to setting up a blog it can cost money {unless you’re clever enough to create it yourself}. You will have to invest a small amount of money, on things like a Domain Name, hosting for your blog, and even a logo or blog design {depending on how quickly and beautifully you want to jump in}. Looking back this is something that I would have done differently. I started out on Blogger {a free blogging platform}, I didn’t have a domain, and I just made a logo myself. It was fine back then, but I think if you’re committed to blogging you can save yourself time in the long run, and look more professional from the get-go by getting this sorted in the beginning. I would recommend starting on WordPress as it’s easier to have designed and much more professional.


This is one hurdle that loads of people seem to stumble across when it comes to blogging. And if you’re not planning on making money from blogging {yay!}, you can skip this question and start your blog. I always think, that with anything we do, we should start how we want to finish. Grab another plain piece of paper and work out how you can make a revenue from your new blog. What opportunities are there? Perhaps you already have a business that earns income, and the blogging is just to support your business and increase your reach. Spend some time planning this, so you can hit the ground running.

So there you have it. How are you feeling? Are you ready to get blogging? I hope these questions have helped give you some clarity.

Oh Snap!

August Photo A Day 2016

5 thoughts on “What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog”

  1. I love reading these kinds of posts, even though I’ve been blogging in some kind of form since forever! I find it very validating and also a great way to review how far I’ve come and whether I can improve anything! I have learned so much in the last 5 years in particular. There are things I could work harder at, but I am just in this for the love of it!
    One thing I put a lot of thought into was my blog title. I wanted it to be applicable to all aspects of my life and for it to have a little humour. I was about to become a parent for the first time but I knew I didn’t want to limit myself to just blogging about ‘mummy’ stuff. I knew it would grow with me. I didn’t want to paint myself into a corner and feel my creativity dry up a year in.
    As for the money thing, I have backed off from that a lot. I do dream of making a living from writing and being in a creative industry one day, but I am not sure that my blog is the way I want to do it right now. I decided to only take opportunities that fit me absolutely perfectly and to just do it for love.
    Good luck to everyone who wants to give it a go! It’s so exciting 🙂

  2. I love this! I have only been blogging for a few months and I really started because I wanted to share a bit of love, and hopefully help Mums out there feel supported, plus share a laugh or two. I enjoy writing and feel so uplifted by the community of bloggers I’ve discovered. I used your blogging advice archives as a bit of a go- to prior and while I was setting up my blog so thanks for helping we fledgling writers out there 🙂

  3. I love this post, it was very useful, considering I’m very new to the whole blogging field.
    The main reason I started blogging was mainly down to my huge love for writing and the enjoyment I receive whilst writing!
    Hopefully one day I can make a living from my passion! 🙂


  4. Thanks for all the tips! I am very new to blogging. I set myself up with Blogger and have done a whole 2 posts so far 😉 While I am continuing to write, I am also contemplating what steps to take next – Facebook Page, domain name only or website, better blog design.. So much to think about.

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