Hello you.
Are you ready for a new week of photo-taking? I am. Last week was a crazy-busy week, so I’m loving that I can put that week behind me and start a new week of photo-taking. I’m finding that the weekly lists make it much easier to manage and stay creative, are you the same?
The list for this week was designed by the lovely Shani of Rare Pear Studio. Thanks Shani. If you’d like to design a list, you can find out how to get involved here.
How to play on Instagram
+ check out the photo a day list for the daily prompt
+ use your phone or camera to take a photo using the prompt as inspiration
+ upload the photo to Instagram, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption}, add the hashtag #FMSphotoaday and then publish.
+ check out the #fmsphotoaday hashtag to see all the other photos. Like them. Comment on them. Be part of the community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared on Instagram for the challenge. It’s four photos that have captured my attention from each prompt. Check my feed {@fatmumslim} to see the photos.
How to play on Facebook
+ check out the photo a day list for the daily prompt
+ use your phone or camera to take a photo using the prompt as inspiration
+ upload the photo to Facebook – you can either share on your personal page, on your business page {if you have one} or in our Facebook Photo A Day group {you’ll be added within 12 hours of requesting}, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption} and then publish.
+ check out the photos shared in the group, or among your friends. Comment, like and be part of the photo-taking community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared in our Facebook group for the challenge by our lovely admin team. It’s four {or more} photos that have captured my attention from each prompt. The photos are made into a collage, shared and pinned to the top of the group.
How to remember what the prompts are
+ If you’re a lucky iPhone or iPad owner, you can use the Little Moments App to remind you of what the prompts are, as well as make your photos a bit fancy. You can grab the App here.
+ For all devices and PC, we upload the prompts which you can download automatically into your phone or PC calendar. For Smartphones & Mac Calendar, click here. For HTML for web viewing, click here.
+ You can also print out the list, save it as your screensaver or save it to your camera roll.
Often people will ask what for more details on what each prompts mean. It really is up to you’re own interpretation and creativity, but here’s some help if you’re stuck.
16. From where I stand
Take a photo from somewhere you stand today. Show us your view.
17. Routine
Share a little of your routine today. It could be your morning coffee, your daily run, cooking dinner… anything!
18. Bedside
Give us a peek inside your bedroom. What’s on your bedside table?
19. Fresh
What do you think of when you see the word fresh? I think crispy vegetables or beautiful flowers. Share your fresh with us!
20. This is so me!
What’s so you? Me: I’m super clumsy so it would be so me to drop a cup of milk, or break something. Show us something that is SO you.
21. Matching
This goes with this! Snap a photo of something that goes with something else.
22. Macro
This is this month’s photography prompt. A post will be up on the blog shortly where you can read some tips on taking a macro photo. No time to read? Just take a photo of something SUPER close up.
Have fun! x
Love the design – Great job Shani. Looking forward to getting tips on macro photography!
I am loving the weekly lists. I am finding it so much easier to stick with it and I am looking forward to the new list each weekend 🙂
The weekly list’s are a lot less pressure. I’ve been pretty good at keeping up in recent week’s but last week I took a break because a lot was going on. Please keep the list’s weekly if it’s possible.
Is there going to be a LittleMoments app for Android user’s? I play along on my iPad but my phone’s a Samsung and I use that a lot more as it’s more convenient.
Why are the calendar prompts not loading?
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll check in with Doug. 🙂
The Google Calendar isn’t updated this week.
Yes the prompts are still not updated for the different calendars.
The prompts in calendar are working now. Thank you!