Born to be

68 thoughts on “Instagram lovers: What’s your favourite filter?”

  1. Amaro and 1977 always seem to be my go to's…I did find these two apps: Instaplus and King Camera that have soooo many fun filters and they feed right into Instagram too! Obsessed!

  2. This year I switch between Amaro and Rise as I like that they have no borders, I try to keep it minimal after printing them in a big poster last year, this year I'm going for a cleaner look 🙂

  3. Amaro, rise, valencia, sometimes kelvin. It was only recently that I discovered (unobservant!) that you could turn the borders off – I like hefe and x-pro II without the borders. What happened to Gotham? I'd like to see some more black and white filters.

  4. I used to be all about Earlybird but lately I keep using Sierra. I also like a bit of xpro II when I've captured something really bright and colourful.

  5. Depends what the photo is. Earlybird is good for a romantic look, X-pro II gives great colour saturation and Brannan is a good all-rounder. It's the tilt-shift functionality that total rocks my world though 😉

  6. I'm quite partial to Earlybird, though I have been loving Amaro, Rise and Hudson since they added them. Valencia rounds out my top 5. 😉 Since I've been using IG for over a year I find that I rarely use any other iPhone photo app. I'm an IG addict!

  7. It all depends on the photo, really. I like to see how the pic looks in every photo. Sometimes, though, if I trick the picture out in other apps first, I don't use a filter. This is usually the case if I use Snapseed first with a grunge filter.

  8. I used Amaro heaps when I first started, but have decided that recently I'm a bit X-Pro obsessed myself! I also love Walden and Valencia but I think it depends on the type of photo! I don't think I've ever used Toaster now that I think about it! Thought about it a lot, but I never seem to have the right picture =)

  9. For me it depends on the day, but I do really miss one of the old ones that gave your photos a kind of starry quality, its name was something like celestial or something like that…

  10. I usually dislike most. After they changed the filters appearance with the last major update they all pretty much suck to me. Sorry about being negative, but I've been using for quite a while and the loss of quality is just too noticeable. Nowadays I process the images with other apps and just use Instagram to share.

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