In The Noughties…

i started nannying for the sweetest little boy named jackson i stopped live-in nannying + moved into my own apartment i made a whole new group of friends i did my fair share {+ a little more} of partying i lost weight i put on weight i spent most weekends dancing to daggy 80’s music i celebrated my 21st with not one, but three parties i saw my first cringe-worthy strip show i travelled all over the east coast of australia i fell in love at first sight i fell in love with myself i developed myself as a person i saw my ma’s heart get broken in two as my parents seperated i lost my beautiful pop i got proposed to i said yes i said goodbye to my cousin my beautiful nanna became an angel i married my soul mate i spent 10 luxurious days in fiji i lived in wedded bliss i nannied for my favourite family i got up-the-duff i gave birth i fell in love all over again i became severely sleep deprived i started a blog i lived happily ever after

In 2009…

In One Word.

12 thoughts on “In The Noughties…”

  1. Looooove this!! Might have to do something similar on my own blog, if you don't mind! Sounds like you've had a pretty jam packed decade. X

  2. I did something similar inspired by your beautiful post and others.


    I saw my first (and only cringe worthy strip show on a girls weekend to Sydney!… bleurgh)

  3. I did something similar inspired by your beautiful post and others.


    I saw my first (and only cringe worthy strip show on a girls weekend to Sydney!… bleurgh)

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