In 2009…

i grew as a person i grew as a mother i grew as a wife i watched my little girl grow from a little baby into a chatty toddler i began redecorating my home i saw my beautiful friend get married to her best friend i waved goodbye to my sister as she moved overseas i watched my little brother blossom in his perfect relationship i found the perfect hair colourist i indulged in 13 manicures and pedicures i finally learnt how to use my camera thanks to my talented friend i embarked on a photography course + got completely inspired along the way i read a whole book i made profiteroles + didn’t mess it up i had fun i lost 10kg i grew this little blog into something i’m proud to call mine i got interviewed for a major news publication i laughed i cried i loved and even though i’m not the weight i want to be, i’m the person/mother/wife that i’ve always hoped to be + of that, i am uber proud


In The Noughties…

13 thoughts on “In 2009…”

  1. That does sound great. Well done. A photography course would be fun – I haven't done anything like that since school.

    Thanks for the lovely comment about Frankie. It was great to be included so thanks for noticing!

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