
Hello. How are you?

This post is for those of you who are new, and those of you who aren’t. It’s for everyone. I wanted to say hello, and introduce myself.

I’m Chantelle. I’m 35 years old. For the first time ever last week, my daughter asked me why I have so many wrinkles. I pretended that conversation wasn’t happening. I know they’re there.

I have two children, Lacey who is 7 and Lulu who is 2. I also have a dog, Bronte, who is 3. I have a husband who is 8 years older than me, but is prone to a little immaturity… so it all evens out. Mentally, we’re the same age.

I like Vegemite on toast with butter {not margarine, don’t even go there}. Whenever I go traveling, I come home and eat it immediately. I like getting into a freshly made bed. I like trashy TV {I know far too much about the Real Housewives, just ask me}. I like washing clothes, but not folding them and definitely not putting them away. I like filling the dishwasher, but abhor emptying it. I like the feeling when I stop, and breathe from my stomach, filling my lungs completely. It calms me. I like writing lists, and am pretty terrible at ticking things off them. I like talking about the things I like.

I also love getting to know other people.

So, tell me about you. Who are you, and what do you like?


A day at Pixar

The quilts

138 thoughts on “Hello”

  1. Haha, I’ve ben following you for a while and thought you’d be a list girl, but who knew you’d hate ticking them off!
    I buy stationery to write lists and download apps to create lists but rarely get around to ticking them off. When I see a list app with lots of notifications for things I haven’t done I delete the app.
    I’m 45 with 2 adult children. And I’m about to go travelling to visit one of them who is studying on exchange in Denmark.
    I was also just in the US – in San Fransisco around the same time as you for work.
    I have a food blog, that is just starting to get off the ground – I love cooking, but love eating even more. Luckily I also love running so that balances the eating thing out.
    Have a beautiful day xx

  2. Hello, I am Charlotte.
    I am a 29 year old mum of 3 – Bella 5, Ariana 2 and James 1.

    I like movies and I know random trivia on most movies.
    I like cheese toasties and mushrooms… Raw or cooked
    I like washing dishes….i do it 4 times a day.
    I like to travel…but don’t get much of a chance to.
    I like taking time out to crochet ?

    p.s I am not new. I love your blog ?

  3. Hey Chantelle I’m one of the newbies im 27 have two sweeties 4 and 5.

    I love orchids, running, organising, the beach and love coming home to a clean house.

    Trying to get into this whole blogging thing atthisgate.wordpress but it’s abit of a doozy to get my head around at the moment.

    Love your blog very inspiring.

  4. Hi Chantelle
    I am a 38 yr old mum to 2 very active boys 6 and 3 yrs….have been following you for a while now
    I have been married for over 10 yrs but together over 20 yrs.

    I live in Tasmania(the often forgotten about state of Australia)

    I love reading trashy romantic novel as my release from the 2 boys and I eat far too much chocolate, drink too much coffee and maybe some would say wine too…..

  5. Hello,
    I’m 29 and a scientist. I’ve been following your blog and participating in FMS photo a day on and off for a couple of years. I found you through a friend’s photo a day posts on Instagram.

    I live in Sydney with my partner of almost 10 years but I’m from a small town on the coast a few hours north of here.

    I love reading, playing board games, pole dancing, baking and stationary. I am a neat freak at work but my house is always a mess.

  6. Hi Chantelle
    I’m a 32 year old other of 4 wonderful children, 3 boys(9,10 and 14) and one princess (3).

    I’m the Centre Manager of a childcare centre in a small Queensland country town called Goondiwindi.

    I love music, photos, Motorsport and wine.

    I’ve been following your blog for about 3 years now and love everything you write.

  7. Hi Chantelle, I’ve been a list person too (rarely get that all crossed off though) and have been loving FMS for a long time. Its helped me through stressful times, sleepless nights and to take much much better photos, plus bake a cake or few. I:
    * list and sometimes cross/tick
    * finished a degree while working and raising 2 sprogs (so, no decent sleep for a bloody long time, now I find I can’t anyway)
    * get confident about being creative – photos for a long time, more recently drawing (darklight/tele drawing while hubby watches too many political dramas)
    * I got published (drawings) and now I’ve learned how to build a website
    **** absolutely love your blog page, have recommended to friends and found an online community I feel part of…..

  8. Hi
    I am Anne a I am 37 with 2 children aged 3 and 1 and I must say that motherhood has been a bit of a shock to the system!!
    I love to travel, swim, play waterpolo and knit.
    Now we have small kids we do lots of camping and starting to explore more of Australia.
    I am pretty new to your blog but I love it

  9. Hi! I am Janet, 49 years old (50 on Jan.1st), with a 22 year old son. I live in the USA (state of Georgia). My friend introduced me to #fmsphotoaday about a year ago. I love photography, and spent 8 years taking Cross Country Race photos of my son and his team in high school and then college. I started running when he started in high school, have run several half marathons, and am signed up with my husband and son to do my first full marathon in November. I am a certified elementary school teacher, homeschooled my son from 1st to 12th grade, and now tutor.

  10. I’m Sam, I’m 44 on the outside but about six and a half on the inside. I was born in Cape Town, lived most of my life in London and now call Sydney home. I haven’t got kids, but I married a man baby and I’m desperate for a dog. I like baking cake, eating cake and most of all like sharing cake. Your blog, running, puppies and making other people happy are right up there on my list of things I love. My dream is to run another Disneyland Half Marathon and go to Lapland to meet the “real” Santa.

  11. I’m Sam. 31 years old and mother to two tiny dictators: Orion aged 5 and Piper, 2. My husband is 36 and is a gemini, complete with serious work personality and goofy home daddy personality. These three people are the center of my universe.

    I’m a stay at home mum who’s aspiring to be a writer and designer, so that I can afford to stay home with my treasures as they grow older.

    I’m a crafter, dancer and stationary lover. I am a hopeless planner addict who finds peace in washi tape and sticky notes.

    I believe in dreams, dragons and chai tea. When I grow up I’d like to be a unicorn. 🙂

  12. you pretty much summed ME up!!! i think we could be immediate BFF’s had we lived close.
    My name is Ash, i have 2 children…Mikalah 10 and Kyle 8! i have a dog, Bella whom is also 8, 2 birds (which i’m scared to touch) and a husband who is 8mths younger than me, though born in the same year, i like to say we are the same age lol!
    I like Vegemite on toast at all times of the day, a lot of butter, a little Vegemite, all the way to the edges.
    i have many lists on my phone, some from 3yrs ago, i rarely ever delete anything…i also like diaries, and planners….many of which barely see the mark of a pen…i’m a planner, but a procrastinator…the only things i won’t procrastinate over, would be sushi and water…
    i’m currently staring at 2wks worth of school holiday washing, that hasn’t been touched, and on 2 occasions these holidays, i purchased new summer clothes for my children, so i wouldn’t have to spend an other 20mins digging and ironing…can lazy just be called procrastinating?
    I have no trained my children to unstack the dishwashing every morning, so i only ever have to load it! HA! MUM GOALS!

    I also love coffee, wine in all sorts, collecting plants which i kill within a week, believe in mermaids (or that i am one), obsessing over all dogs, buying beautiful handbags (yet only using one till it falls apart), filling up my shopping cart online and then X’ing off the page and stationary stores.

    peace! 😀

  13. Hello! My name is Maria I am 30 although I look like I’m 20ish maybe younger! I’m 4 feet 8 inches tall and my husband is 6 feet so that doesn’t help me. We have a 2 year old boy named Ferdinand. What I love is spending time with my little family, taking pictures, eating and my iPhone. I was born and raised in California USA haven’t lived anywhere else. I dye my hair red right now it’s half red half dark brown. I speak Spanish and it surprises a lot of people since I have never been out of the country but when you are raised by a family that didn’t know English when you were young that’s all you would speak until you went to school. And I love it really would of love to have been able to learn more languages.

  14. Hi there! It’s hard to tell you about me in a paragraph or two but I’ll give it a wing. I’m almost 53 (on the 18th), married for almost 28 years to a guy who looks like black pirate…eye patch and all that (no wooden leg tho’!). Mom to a 32 year old daughter who has a 6 year old daughter, they live with us and we live with them and our 14 year old son in a room-mate situation on the coast of California near Monterey. We live just 2 miles from our 31 year old daughter, her hubby and their 4 year old son. We just moved here a few months ago and it’s simply wonderful. I’m a bit OCD, always have been, and actually work hard to “let it go”. I’m more than a bit claustrophobic which can be very difficult when it comes to traveling. And traveling is a big part of my life. I’m a photographer. I was pro till our son was born then I semi-retired and became and event planner and custom cake artist. Now that he’s older I’m working to get back into the pro side of the biz again. I’m currently building up my portfolio again. I’m one of those disgustingly chipper morning people. I adore coffee but caffeine has no effect on me (hereditary thing). My favorite dessert is gooey lava cake with vanilla ice cream. My favorite breakfast is coffee (duh) with begneits (sort of a cajun donut). I’m a real Disney freak….my whole family are Disney freaks. Lastly, Family is everything. Hope that helped! LOL! Just the tip of the iceberg!

      • I went to Disneyland for the first time when I was 6 months old…I’ve been there now over 100 times! Love it! My cake art can be found here: http://www.cakecentral.com/u/636257/catlharper/gallery
        As you can see, there are plenty of pages of it! Unfortunately two years ago I broke my right hand. Not terrible since I’m ambidextrous but not good for cake art. After doing any sort of detailed cake my hand hurts for two days. That ended that career. I still do them for family tho! So now I’m back to working on my photography career instead!

  15. Hi! My name is Elvira, 33 years old, married two a husband that’s two years younger and whom I fell in love with because on a walk, he can seriously ask you which one of the cows that are in the field you would like to be. We’re the parents of a cute, rather strong-willed little boy who just started Kindergarten in September, at the age of 2,5 (the age most children start here in Belgium). I’m great at imagining projects and starting them, not so at finishing them. I like the sound of my husband shaving, and the feel of two little hands that caress my head after coming home from school and dozing off on the sofa. I love writing and long letters. Like you, I love washing clothes, but not hanging them: I often forget them in my washing machine. Folding is no problem, when I finally get them to dry. I refuse ironing though.
    I love having fun in the kitchen and I love my husband for his organized, clean-loving nature, because he does clean up after me.
    I like anything paper and pen and office supplies. I have way too many notebooks. I can’t leave a bag of crisps in the pantry closet, certainly when it’s already open. I would love to have a real, walk-in pantry (but maybe it’s not a bad thing that I haven’t).
    I love the smell outside on a mild day, when it just stopped raining. I love reading blogs – like yours. Have a great day!

  16. hi chantelle have been doing pad for awhile now, my good friend donna Hilton was posting so I thought I would do as well, I’m 57 married, divorced have matt 36 lisa 32 and 5 grandchildren , matt has charlotte 3 in oct and Hamish 7mths old (first boy in my immediate family for 34yrs) lisa has shae 13, Chelsea 7 and sophie 3 in nov love them all to bits, have a very loving caring family, hope you are having a wonderful time at heron island

  17. Hi Chantelle! I’m Holly. I’m 36, married, with an almost 17 month old daughter, Abby, who has my crazy curly hair. We live in Perth, Western Australia in a clean, but perpetually untidy four bedroom house. I like to bake cakes and cookies, read, watch TV, and taking my daughter to the park. I miss sleeping in, and I’m addicted to coffee, but it’s all worth it when I hear my daughter laugh and see her cute little smile.

  18. Hi lovely lady!
    I’m Kristy, I have 2 crazy-but-I-love-them boys and a loopy dog oh and a hubby, we’ve been married 9 years!! I love making things and traveling and am currently trying to clean tidy and sort my craft room and think about where I’d like to go traveling next.
    I have just set myself a challenge of finding something I love about each day for 500 days. I’m posting photos on my new IG account @thingsilovetoday if anyone is interested in having a look (and to follow?!).
    I love to write letters but have no idea how to find penpals ?
    I am also super excited about the elf exchange. ?

  19. Hi Chantelle,
    I’m a Mama of three (one furry, two human) and live in drizzly England. My husband runs his own company and I run the home!
    Am a big fan of routine, traditions, Pinterest, washi tape, wine, my girlfriends, drinking cocktails on one wild night a year and dancing on tables…but really I’m a home body who prefers making sure everyone is in cosy jammies with echoes of magical bedtime stories in their teeny heads as they drift off to sleep.
    We love to travel, eat out, cycle, run up mountains with the dog, ski and eat marshmallows on the beach.
    Great to meet you 😉

  20. Hi Chantelle!
    I’m a mom of an 8 year old, living in Houston, TX. I love cooking, baking, and arts and crafts. I’m slowly getting into the blogging world. I enjoy staying at home and watching movies with my family. I thought I was the only one that liked doing laundry, but hates to fold and put them away hehe Anyhoo, that’s me in a little nutshell. Great to meet you!

  21. Hi, I’m Sharon, a mum of two grown children, plus two dogs. Born and bred in England, now living in California, USA where I’ve been for 20 years! Recently (about a year ago) decided I would blog about my life and the differences between home and here. I am also a list maker, which I don’t follow; I like to watch anything English, no matter how bad it is; love to watch English Premier League football every Saturday morning with a cup of tea and Marmite on toast or Cadbury’s Digestives. Love hot weather (California is ideal for that), but have also grown fond of rain as it’s so rare here. The first year I did PAD, I didn’t miss a single day… I took a short break and have been attempting to get back on board (somewhat unsuccessfully). I work in an office, but run a small screenprinting company from home – more of a hobby than a money-maker. Perhaps its cheeky, but maybe if anyone’s interested, they could take a look at my blog 🙂

    • Thanks for sharing Sharon. When I get home I’m going to have a read {currently in Sydney}.

      Thanks for being a part of PAD. I’m struggling this year too, and I don’t know why. I need to take things off my to-do list so I can spend more time on the fun things.

  22. Hi I’m Amanda. I am 39 years old (turning the big 4-0 in November) I am the mum to my now grown up daughters, Jessica 20 and Kathryn 18 (I still don’t know how the time passed so quickly cos they were little just yesterday!) My partner Kylie and I have been together for 4 1/2 years and we are happy, well mostly happy. I say mostly cos some days just suck! We found out our landlord is selling the home we live in and so the house hunting and packing has begun! Plus we had to say good bye to our beautiful cat Princess yesterday who passed at 13 years of age. I try to stay positive and find something good in every day. I love photography and have been a PADer since the very beginning. I currently live in Ingleburn, NSW with 3 labrador dogs – Max, Rosie and Millie and now 3 cats – Gizmo, Coco and Jaffa. I love scary movies and soppy tear jerker movies and I love being outdoors! I have found that since my marriage broke down over 6 years ago I have truly found myself and I feel happy to be entering my 40’s shortly! That’s just a little about me, have a fantastic day! 🙂 xxx

    • Hello! Where does the time go? I know before I know it my girls will be big too, so I’m trying to embrace them as much as possible.

      I am so happy to hear that you’ve found yourself {a second chance at life maybe!} and that life is good! Made me smile.

      I hope that moving isn’t too stressful though. I know Sydney is insanely expensive, so I hope you find the perfect, affordable place to reside. xx

    • I like crossing things off, love it actually, and I do what you do… write things just to cross them off. We can be weird together… but I am so freaking overwhelmed at the moment that I don’t seem to be getting things done as much as I would like. Or I have too many things on my list!

  23. hey chantelle! i’m the chick from welly that posted that anonymous SS the year before last 😉 i’m sue, and it’s my 31st wedding anniversary today! october 30th will be the LAST day i have any school age children. august 25, 1994 was the first. with 4 girls spanning 8 1/2 years, i still haven’t quite adjusted to the quiet around here (2 gone, 1 with a one way ticket to london and 1 left), but i do manage to fill my time quite nicely with boxing, zumba and scrapbooking and travel! we’ll sell our family home next spring too. certainly moving into that next phase. happy reading <3


      Happy belated wedding anniversary. What did you do to celebrate?

      October 30 is nearing, so I hope you’re embracing these last school days. I imagine the adjustment to life with big kids is an interesting one. Nice to get to know more about you. xx

      • hey again! we went to this amazing concert at old st pauls here in wellington. ‘lost highway’ church tour – google it, it was AMAZING! went with great friends and had dinner first, so an awesome night.

  24. Hi, I’m Janelle. I have to teenagers 18 and 16. I have been married for 25 years to a man I adore. I work full time at a mine driving dump trucks and graders. A job I love. I say it is the best job in the world. We work 12 hour days and do 7 days on and seven days off. So I really work less than half a year. We have just changed our diet to no sugar and no grains for health reason for the boys in the family. It sounds boring but is anything but. I have never felt better. I like walking and one day hope to do a trek to base camp at Mt Everest or Machu Picchu. That is my goal. ?

    • I love that you love your job, and I also love that you work half the year. That’s a great balance I reckon. It’s good to have a run of consecutive days off.

      How are you finding the no sugar/no grains life?

  25. Hi Chantelle. So nice to read about you. I’ve been a reader for a little while but don’t comment very often. Sorry. I just noticed in your side bar that you are a Jamberry consultant. I’ve just signed up as well. Aren’t they great! I am Deb. I just turned 50 and it freaked me out!! I can’t even believe it. I wrote a blog post expressing my feelings about this milestone – the good, the bad and the ugly. I live in the Noosa hinterland and while I know it is a really beautiful part of the world I detest summer – the heat and humidity here really get me down and I am therefore a cranky bum during the hot months (read: most of the year). My dream is to live in the UK or Europe (preferably somewhere cool). My husband however doesn’t want to budge so I guess I am stuck here. More than anything in the world, I love travelling. I’m trying to work out a way to travel while making money to afford it. I have three children who are growing up way too fast – Ned (16 – yikes!!), Molly (13) and Ava (9). I am a graphic designer, I have a craft blog http://www.sewcraftygoodness.com.au/blog, I have an online craft shop and now I’m doing the Jamberry thing. I am Virgo which means I am a perfectionist but I rarely get the things done because if I don’t have time to do them properly then I won’t do them at all. Silly huh! I therefore live in a state of chaos and disorganisation. I am a creative person and always have at least three projects on the go – often many more. I love meeting new people and thank you for this opportunity to say hi. I really admire what you do. Have a great day!

    • Hello! I’m not a consultant for Jamberry, but a friend sells them so I gave her an ad spot. I think I should get my order soon to try them. I’m worried I won’t be able to do it!

      I think any birthday milestone is a big thing mentally. I know I had a moment at 30, and will at 40, and again at 50. It’s normal!

      I have to tell you, I’m the same when summer hits. I’m a bit of a hermit because it’s just so hot! I hope this summer is kind to us. To survive I get up early, get to the beach and do everything before the day starts… when possible. SO HOT.

  26. I’m 52 (as of yesterday?) and currently cooking on a cattle station in the Kimberley’s, halfway through an 8-week stint. My husband and I have been traveling and working for 3 years now with numerous trips home to SA. Two of our three kids got married earlier this year, 2 weddings in 6 weeks! Just a little bit stressful ? but both were just beautiful.
    We have a 2-year-old granddaughter with another due in 3 weeks so I’m really looking forward to going home to see them!
    When I finish this job, I’m keen to start doing the photo a day but it’s just too busy here, if I’m not cooking, I’m trying to sleep ?. I start at 4am and finish at 8pm with a break in the middle.
    I have a blog to chronicle our travels but it is sadly neglected right now as the service is pretty patchy out here.

  27. Hello Chantelle! De-lurking here as a big fan of your lovely and thoughtful writing and images. I’m Laurie, probably one of your most ‘senior’ readers at age 55. For now I live in Huntsville, Alabama until my husband winds down his career in the rocket launch industry and we move back home to our beautiful San Diego, California. I love photography, books, bookstores, cooking, music, the arts and dining out. We travel a bit when we can, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know ‘the other side of the states’ during our stay in Alabama. I look forward to getting back out west to my beloved Pacifc, and the pleasure of living in California. Other things that make me happy are dogs, autumn, foreign films, cake and pie, being a beauty junkie and a closet Real Housewives fan.

      • Ah, thank you, it makes me happy to know that I’m not the only ‘senior’ floating about admiring your generation and what happiness you bring to the world.

        It’s so hard to choose a favorite from the greatest reality television guilty pleasure franchise ever, but I have to say the girls of the OC are probably my favorites, with Beverly Hills and New York right up there, too. I think I favor OC/Beverly Hills probably because I’m from Southern California (temporarily away on a work relocation move) so I really enjoy all the cinematic shots from home (alongside the drama, of course)! I also hope that the Ladies of Melbourne return to our television screens, too!

  28. I’m Lexi, I’m 35 and mum of three kids (16, 13 and 9) and work from home doing the things I love. My husband who I adore and I celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary next month and I can’t wait for our weekend away. I’ve been nagging/dropping heavy hints for a golden retriever for four years now and I think he’s going to cave soon – my neighbor works long hours so I often bring her very large puppy over here for both of our company, but one day I might just forget to take him back. I jest. Kind of.

    I love to look after my family and cook – though I like to extend my skills and try new things in the kitchen which sometimes my kids don’t appreciate when they just want a ‘normal’ dinner. I once met the Masterchef hosts at the airport and embarrassed myself when I boarded my flight and saw them seated upfront in the cabin and said very loudly to my husband OMG I’M BREATHING THE SAME AIR AS GEORGE. I’m pretty sure he wanted to climb into the overhead storage and hide.

    I’m passionate about list making and serious about stationery, so much so I buy it then can’t bring myself to use it. I love social media and if Instagram were to ever close its doors, I think I might seriously shed tears. 😉

    I look forward to meeting you Thursday in Adelaide for lunch!

    • Hello! Hello! Was so nice to meet you. I thought you must have been young! I was going to ask you for your skin care routine, because you looked too young to be a mama to your daughter. You looked like friends {I hope it’s not offensive to say that}. You’re just beautiful.

      I hope you get that puppy. Dogs make everything better!

      What’s your favourite meal to make for your fam?

  29. Hi!! I am Ivette, 30 and mum of 2 (4 and 1 year old boys).
    I like to create, I am a graphic designer running a small business from home and I spend every child free moment creating, it gives me energy (@monkeybusiness_design)
    I like cooking for others (and eating it)
    I love buying presents and spending money on others 🙂
    I like food, any food, I don’t discriminate… food is good
    I have a drawer FULL of notebooks, notepads, list making pads etc. I think I have a problem…
    I am a typography nerd and spend too much money of fonts (thank god for “business accounts” lol

    I was born and raised in the Netherlands before meeting my husband 11 years ago on a backpacking trip, he’s 13 years my senior but just like you we’re mentally the same age, seriously why are men so immature! Could you imagine being with someone your own age? Just wrong!

    My youngest boy was born with a cleft lip and palate and after several operations you now couldn’t tell physically. I am very much involved in CleftPALS WA to provide support for other parents and to raise awareness and educate. Clefts happen in 1 in every 300 kids yet you don’t hear much about it. People think that after the operations all is good and that’s it. Far from it, it comes with so many other challenges and problems!

    I LOVE FMS 🙂 I love your blog and photo a day!

    • Ivette, we are SO similar! well maybe up until the part where you were born in Netherlands, I was born in SA…but I am 32, have two boys aged 5 and 2, I’m a Graphic designer and typography lover etc etc etc. That was so uncanny I had to comment, I felt like you were writing about me!! x

    • It would be so weird to be with someone my own age, thinking of it now. So glad you found ‘the one’ for you. 🙂

      I didn’t know that Cleft Lip & Palate was so common. I imagine that was very stressful for you in the early days, but amazing now that you can’t even notice.

      Thanks for sharing more about you. And I hear you on the fonts front. I’ll be out with Shane and say, “OMG, look at that sign… the font is beautiful!” He never gets it, but I know you would!

  30. hi, i’m gwen and i am 52. i am from texas but have lived in mexico for over 20 years. i started doing PAD in august of 2012. i am a single mom of a 23 year old son and i work at a tennis club. i like doing laundry as well and only like folding pillow cases and i hate ironing so that never gets done….i bought a steamer for an emergency. the dishwasher is me, and the only things that get put away are the pots and extra dishes……the main dishes and utensils stay in the drainer 😉 before i moved to mexico i was a dancer and i worked at a university teaching dance in japan, i have a bad knee now and can’t dance much so PAD has become my creative outlet and i am so glad you started it and i found you…..thank you chantelle

  31. Hellooooo!! My name is Sallyann and I live in a town 200kms east of Perth called Kellerberrin. It is a farming community but we are townies! I am a mum to 4 kids aged 19, 17, 11 and 7. I am going to be a first time nanny in April, which I am way too young for at 41! I am a compulsive volunteer due to my ability of not being able to say NO, something I really need to work on. I work relief in the office of our local school. I enjoy lots of different crafts and am about to start making body lotions and scrubs. I love holidays whether it be five star or camping. I am happiest though when I can snuggle on the couch in front of the fire and read a good book.

  32. Hello from Sydney! I am also a lover of clothes/dish washing but not putting them away. Worst two jobs ever. I like lying down in a little wash at the beach and letting the waves trickle over me. I like freesias and daphne and gardenias and any other scented flower (I definitely let my nose choose my flowers). I like talking to people, all kinds of people. I like twilight when the day is done. x

  33. Hi Chantelle! I’m from the Yorke Peninsula in SA but live in Adelaide, and I am EXCITED because I get to meet you this week! YAY! SO looking forward to lunch on Thursday. I’m 32, a graphic designer and mum of 2 boys (aged 5 & 2). I love being creative, I love my family and I’m a massive people pleaser. Can’t wait to chat more this week! See you then xx

  34. Hi Chantelle
    I’m Jessica, mom of 3: noah 17, Ryder 6 and Charlotte 5. I have more interests than time, I don’t love housekeeping and i watch a lot of TV. I’m older than my hubby by 10 years but he’s more mature, so it balances out:) currently sitting in the ER with our daughter who has been unwell.

  35. I love hearing new thing about you! I like beer and pulled pork, going to the beach, but not wearing swimmers (see previous likes) I like blogging and making bloggy friends. I love it when it is 38 degrees out and a make-up artist recently told me that I should get Botox. Also I like you. xoxo

  36. Hi Chantelle, I am Supriya from UAE. I started following you on Instagram in 2013 and every time I miss posting #fmsphotoaday, i feel super guilty. I love all things artsy but i am super clumsy so i contend myself by pinning things i like. I want to travel the world, settle with the guy I love and become a global motibational speaker, especially for Indian women. Am always on the hunt for vegetarian quick recipes and even though am super lazy, I never flinch when it comes to cooking.
    Also, I want to thank you for creating thsi platform for us; it feels great connecting with peopel from around the world. Lots of love to your children; pictures of them are my favorite kind of FATMUMSLIM posts.

    • Awwww! Thank you. That’s so nice to say about my photos. Please don’t feel guilty about missing photo a day. I do it too. It’s life.

      My cousin is moving to the UAE next month, so I plan on heading over there next year to visit again.

      I hope your dreams become reality. They sound awesome and SHOULD come true! xx

  37. Hi there, I’m Eliza 34 year old mumma of two gorgeous kids Rylan 11 and Ashlyn 8 and wife to Gary.
    We have been together 12 years married for 6.
    I love music! It is my happy place!
    I am obsessed with Foo Fighters (saw them in Brisbane and Sydney this year!!) and I have another not so guilty pleasure in country music, my girlfriends and I have an annual weekend away at CMC Rocks music festival, best fun ever!
    You and I have a few mutual friends from I-do 🙂

  38. Hi Chantelle
    I am Cathy, I live in Corrimal, NSW (near Wollongong). I helped you out with the gift exchange 2 years ago I think it was. I have 3 children my son Zac he will be 14 in just over a month! Every year as I come up to his birthday I am filled with dread and amazement. He was born at 31wks so the feelings of dread wash over me as though I am living those last weeks of his pregnancy not knowing what was going to happen whether he would make it or not, I first went into labour with him at 25wks and we were told we had to decide what to do as the drs would not automatically do anything. He is now a strapping young man who plays every sport he possibly can and you wouldn’t even know he was prem, but a mum never forgets.
    I also have twin daughters Charlotte & Lillian who turned 10 this year and the most interesting fact about them is they are so identical we still cannot tell them apart with any sense of accuracy! They were also born prem but not as early as their brother interestingly. They are just gorgeous and they have been photographed with many exciting things like the Ashes trophy (yes the Crystal Trophy that was almost as big as them!!), but most excitingly with Princess Mary & Prince Fred when they visited in 2013. They were everywhere their photo with the Royals pops up still now from time to time.
    My life this year has ben turned completely on its head when I had a complete physical & mental breakdown and ended up in hospital for 5weeks, learning to use the left side of my body again. Physically I am doing much better though there are times when I still can’t feel the left side of my body. Mentally not even close! I have a huge rd of recovery in front of me, I have officially been dx with dissociative disorder, ptsd, major depressive disorder and severe anxiety. I am lucky to be surrounded with lots of love from family & friends because over a period of 3 or so years I made some really bad choices that my mind has shut out of my conscious awareness (the dissociative behaviour), my psych believes that my breakdown was about 3yrs ago when the dissociative behaviours started. This was my form of self harm but it took over 3 years for anyone to find out because I was so good at pretending I was ok. Anyhoo, I am where I am now and I just need to get well. What well looks like we don’t know.
    Ok I think I have purged far too much and have overshared beyond belief for the point of this exercise.
    Much love to you
    Cathy xoxo

    PS After pressing send I discovered I didn’t even read what I was meant to do properly! What do I like I LOVE chocolate! Especially Whittakers from NZ and typically it is flavours you can’t get in Australia which is terribly frustrating!

    • Hello Cathy! Before I read your comment I knew who you were, mama to those beautiful twins. 🙂 I love that you sometimes can’t tell the apart. That is so awesome.

      I am so sorry to hear about your illness. I can’t even imagine going through that experience. I am so proud of you for sharing this with me, because I know this is a big deal, and I know this is also part of the healing.

      Big hugs honey. Take it easy, as easy as you can, and lean on your support team. xxxx

  39. YoYo Chantelle ! I like lots of the things you like, including your blog. It makes my heart beat. I also like red snakes and white jelly beans. I like flowers and pugs and washing my make up off at night {on the nights I do}. I like to exercise, not during, but afterwards. I like to EAT and catching up with people gives me the best energy. I must siphon the life out of others for my own benefit. We just bought a unit on Palm Beach so I can stalk you closer now 🙂 + I like commenting on blogs when my iPhone let’s me and it actually works…. Let’s see how this goes… X

    • HOLD UP! You bought a place near me? I am so excited. Let me know when you’re staying there please!

      I like many of the same things as you, and I like you too. Love your energy and look forward to hanging out more. xx

  40. Hi Chantelle
    I’m Ali, a Brit now based in Sydney who is a mum to two ( Cecilia 6 and Frank 4) and married to Marty. I’ve just turned 40 and feel fabulous about it!
    I’m a fashion designer, and lover of everything crafty but need lots of order in my life so I’m the queen of lists. My fav week of #fmsphotoaday was colour week as my Ocd’ness loved it, I’m already planning out Alphabet month.
    I’m obsessed with Chocolate, but trying hard as part of your #thegoodlifegang to avoid it as I figure with my ‘baby’ now 4 I can’t use pregnancy as an excuse for my spare tyre anymore.
    I absolutely hate and am petrified of Fish. Yes, I know it’s weird

    • Hello! I got your catalogue, and it’s so professional. You are so clever.

      I loved colour week and I’m been racking my brain as to how I can bring more of that easy-fun-photography into 2016.

      I really enjoyed it! Nice to meet you again and thanks for being part of my community. I love seeing your face pop-up. 🙂

  41. I’m closer to 40 than I am 30, still feel 28 and act 14 sometimes! I like positivity, creativity and proactivity over inactivity. My fave words are quirky, awkward and eclectic, and I can be all, often together! Chocolate, gin, mojotos and good coffee are my friends. I love sharp, sarcastic wit and banter that comes easy, preferably in the above company and when sat with the sunshine on my back. 80s music always gets me on the dance floor, the fact that I’m not 28 anymore gets me off it. This Friday night I’ll be LOSING MY MIND at the Robbie Williams concert. #throbbie #row10 #letmeentertainyou #ialsolikehashtags xx

      • Oh Throbbie still has it! Was amazing. As is the GC. We are loving ourselves sick right now! Headed to Dreamworld today 🙂 We fly home next Saturday so let me know if you’re free #ididntcomeallthiswayfornothing!

  42. I’m Tash, I have a daughter who just turned six and a little boy who’s 4 months old. I love all things crafty and set up my own small business making craft kits for kids which still feels very new despite the fact i’ve been working on it for 2 years now! It turns out starting a business (while working full time) is rather full on, but I’m getting there and hopefully it will build enough that I can return to work just part-time down the track. I’m one of those people who takes far too much on then finds it very hard to wind down because my mind is always ticking over my to-do list but I’m trying to remember to step back sometimes, breathe and just enjoy my time at home with my little lad. I also love furniture, whether it’s finding old furniture at the tip shop and turning it into something awesome or building things from scratch 🙂

      • You have, but thank you again 😀
        Ah you are too sweet! My business is named Milkbox (milkboxcrafts on facebook/instagram/website) I make craft kits for kids that are packaged in milkboxes where the end result is designed to be used again – like DIY fairy tutus and pirate treasure kits 🙂

  43. Once upon a time there was a girl ( okay, okay…yes I know, not a girl, a middle aged lady) who was an excellent speller at school, but has discovered she is a shocker typer.She did a degree in art, majoring in photography …. at uni …when dinosaurs roamed the earth…when photography was all about darkrooms and enlargers, funny chemicals and cameras that had no automatic setting. She bumbled her way through somehow, then found herself chilling for awhile before heading off overseas for a few years with the love of her life(who she had met at uni).when she got back to the huge blue sky land of Australia, she found herself suddenly living in country NSW. It was never in the plans. But almost 20 years later, she is still there, in her lovely home, now married to that love of her life, with 3 kids, a white picket fence, another degree, and the proud owner of a smartphone that changed her life.She discovered INSTAGRAM, and Facebook… and a thing called FMS… photo challenge.Oh Gosh. A few years later she learnt bout blogs,(finally realising they were not creatures who lived deep in the ocean). This woman loves cheese, dreaming, the colour blue, watercolours and drawing, photography, art, gardening, procrastinating,colour, big blue skies, happy joyous creative people… and she is lucky enough to have met YOU…one of these people, several times. HELLO THERE LOVELY LADY! …and not only that, have just discovered a mutual friend… the insanely talented Bronny Boniface! yep…it’s me. Not new, but old!

  44. Hiya,
    I’m Lorien (Lozzie,Lozziechops, Loz, LorLor or Maryanne depending on who you’re talking too 😉 I’m a sahm of three, two boys that run & one that can fly.
    I like sleep ins, singing in the car & sweets. I love reading blogs ( especially yours) so am loving bloglovin right now too.
    I also like lists & finding out more about people, so am loving this post. x

  45. Hi Chantelle, my name is Amy (nickname is Fats or Fatty due to my Samoan surname). I turned 39 a month ago, and am in denial that next year I’ll turn 40. I live in Ipswich, Qld – it gets a bad wrap, but actually it’s pretty awesome. My daughter is 12 and is easily the person who has changed my life the most, in so many ways. I’m also a high school teacher, a netball player and coach…..and a reluctant dance mum. I believe that actions speak louder than words. I’m uncomfortable when people hug me. My friends and I joke that I live in a bubble, because I never have any idea what is happening outside of my very close group of friends. I love reading your blog. You say it as it is. I wish the Palm Beach Farmer’s Markets were closer to home. My favourite part of the day is the moment I lie down in bed each night. And Disneyland is my favourite place on Earth. Boom!

  46. Hello from Toronto! I’m Kat, a 53 year old who motorcycles and officiates at roller derby. My favourite things are books, adventure, knitting and taking photographs. I went back to school last year and will be graduating in December to become a brewmaster. I am married to an incredible man who gets me completely and have two of the goofiest cats alive.

    Thank you for inviting me into your world. And thank you for the inspiration – I’ve been doing a photo-a-day blog at katitude.ca since 2011, and have used your prompts when it got a little hard and stale.

  47. I am Sam and I have been a lurker for a while. I’m an Aussie but my partner and I got sick of the 9-5 gig so earlier this year we packed up the house and moved to a third world country – as you do. We’re based in Siem Reap in Cambodia. Our days are heavily devoted to a variety of charity work. I am a journalist and photographer and do some freelance work. We are learning Khmer, which is quite a challenge and we are progressing slowly. I love dogs – but I don’t have one. I love reading and I devour books of all kinds. I’m definitely not a literary snob, I’m just as happy with something fast and furious and action-packed as a book by the Brontes or Dickens. I LOVE to travel. I’m fascinated by people, places, environments and wildlife. I love to people-watch. I love the water and swimming – particularly on hot days. I hate the cold, although a chilly morning wouldn’t go astray at the moment. I don’t like Vegemite!! I love butter and cheese and I’m partial to chocolate.

    • I love Siem Reap! Visited there for the first time last month, and already trying to figure out when we can go back. What an adventure that must be, enjoy.

  48. Hi Chantelle, Lianne from a suburb of Wollongong NSW. I work in aged care and love it. I have 3 grown boys, hubby is 53 same age as me and we have a very spoiled dog Kelly. I have rediscovered my love for fabric, sewing, quilting and embroidery, I also like to play with paper, think scrapbooking and cardmaking but there isn’t enough time in the day for everything. I have recently bought a thermomix and love it! I love to read books and blogs and I love checking out instagram. I love spring and autumn, fresh vegetables from the garden, watching the ocean and a chardy or beer in the evening

  49. Wow! How many comments are already on here?
    My name’s Melanie. I am the first daughter of a family of emigrants. We moved a lot and I hate moving and change in general. We used to live in London, but we’ve been living more or less constantly in Portugal for the past 25 years. When we came to Portugal, I was kept behind a year and ever since, I feel like I’m late to everything. I have a degree in Math, but felt I was super old when I finally graduated. I am now 36 years old. I never had boyfreinds growing up and am with my first and only boyfriend for the past 3 years. I only got my house 4 years ago. I am at my first and only job for the past 12 years. I always feel that everyone is 2 steps ahead of me. My friends are either getting pregnant for the second time or are already completely content with their only child and I am only now able to think about this and I am dreaming about being a mum… My friends are jumping from one great job to another and I am at my first job and not feeling like moving anytime soon. I have been living in my little doll house (like my mum calls it) for the past 3 years and I’m wondering if it’s time to move on.

    I have one sister I adore. My dad was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and I have since learned that this is not necessarily a death sentence. I love being a godmother and love both my godson and his brother as if they were my little brothers (they are both grown up now, of course!) I miss London everyday. I love to write. I babble…

    • Hello Melanie!

      Firstly, so sorry to hear about your Dad’s diagnosis. I hope it’s not a hard battle.

      I just wanted to say this: Everyone is always going to be doing something {maybe bigger and better and quicker, maybe not}. I learned that myself. I just have to concentrate on my journey and know that however it happens for me, is just as it’s meant to be.

      I want to live in your doll house. It sounds perfect!

      • I would never have thought it, but nowadays cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence. Depending on the type of cancer and the stage it is caught at.
        Dad’s doing well, taking his medications, having regular shots and should be alright for quite a few years to come. At least, that’s my hope 🙂

  50. I’m Peta and came to your lunch at Palazzo Versace um last year? I have a just turned two year old who has exposed my love but also my impatience. I enjoy writing/sharing outfits on my blog/facebook (trainee mama) and am a bit of a gym junkie. I love shopping without aforementioned two year old, sauvingnon blanc and icecream. Big reality TV fan too.

  51. Hi Chantelley name is Mary I’m from southwest Wisconsin USA My husband Nick & I have been married 28 yrs We have 3 daughters 2 grandsons & a granddaughter I love to read mysteries & do crafts My husband drives a semi & I live in the truck with him

  52. I’m Camilla and I am a reality TV tragic! Also addicted to chocolate and hash tags. I work in special education, but recently started a new business, creartive cuddlies – turning kid’s artwork into plush toys. What a learning curve that has been. I live by the beach, and as much as I love to travel, I love coming home. Would not want to live anywhere else. Love my family, and a Pimms in the afternoon. Keep up the good work, your blog is wonderful!

      • Oh god – favourite trashy show would have to be Bold and the Beautiful – and I blame my mother-in-law for getting me hooked! And then I can’t go past anything reality, from Big Brother to Married at first sight and everything in between.
        I have added some photos of what we do – basically we turn anything a child draws/colours in into a plush toy. The website should be up and running in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime we are on fb and insta (I just love instagram) – Creartive cuddlies. Feel free to have a look!

        • Ooh I’ve only seen this thing done overseas before, never local -are you in Australia? (runs off to follow…)

          • Wow THAT is awesome! Thank you so much Chantelle, you have no idea how much I appreciate that, I will be sure to contact you in the new year. So glad you like the idea, thanks again, that’s like an early Christmas present!

  53. Hello, been a subscriber for a long time, loved the pic a day idea and will get back there. I am 52 and live in Northern California, I am a retired nurse married to a retired cop, and we are both working part time, I switched careers and am now a dog trainer.
    I like to cook but am not very good, and it’s better to make it a social event
    I like to play on phone, iPad or computer, I can waste hours, there is so much to see
    I like TV, but I am partial to NCIS, and other crime show but not Criminal Minds, didn’t like the nightmares
    I like to travel and now that we are retired we are talking about getting further afield, last trip was earlier this month 2 days in New York(not nearly enough) then a 10 day cruise up and around to Quebec City – great trip
    I am the girl of a thousand lists, and have been know to make a list of lists, I will add something I’v e already done just to check it off

    I like your newsletter, but will admit I don’t always get a chance to read it
    I like cocktails and wine and if I had to do it all again I think I would like to have been bartender
    I like not working full time, and really how can working with puppies really be work?

      • We had two days and we saw sooooo much, we stayed on Times Square which was amazing! So in no particular order: The Subway, One World Observatory Deck and Ground Zero, 9/11 Museum, Harbor Boat Ride, we used a Hop On/Hop Off bus to get around, Central Park tour, 30 Rock, St Patricks Cathedral, Grand Central Station, Empire State Building, a night bus tour….. whew! I so want to go back see some museums and shows and spend more time everywhere. You have to go, and if it’s a once in a life time trip plan on at least a week, there is so much and plan on going to Times Square and just people watching if you like that, we did a little of that. Also, some great food, so much more to try!

  54. Hello Chantelle,
    I’m Michaela, but my friends call me Kyler. I am originally from England but live in Germany with my wonderful husband, two teenage children, 2 cats and our husky. I love travelling, photography, books, music, going to the theatre, concerts, shows and anything crafty. I’m a certified Dental Assistant but right now I am a stay at home Mum, working on my Business Degree. I love to watch Sherlock, The Great British Bake Off, Downton Abbey and Outlander. I love to try different wines & foods but I am partial to the lovely wine and schnitzel from our region. I would love to go to New Zealand, Australia and Orpheus Island (off the coast of Australia) My secret vice is watching Made in Chelsea 😉

  55. Hi there! I just read all of the comments here – was fun to read and once I started I just couldn’t stop. My name is Kim. Teacher, mum and a photography lover. (Hi!)

    I really love reality TV and trashy TV on Austar ( pay TV). Surpisingly loving Below Deck and the Wahlbergs–both shows I thought I’d hate when I saw the first promo. GoggleBox, anyone?
    But Housewives is my one true love – I do believe I have seen nearly every episode over time!
    Anyway, there’s not much time to watch TV! So, just quickly …I’m reflective, loyal and sensitive, artsy and chirpy, positive and sometimes too serious for my own good.
    *I’ve loved following your blog for a long time ( no idea how you do it all) and don’t want to sound stalkerish but would love to meet you one day!
    *I don’t really like the beach (sand!) but love to photograph it.
    *My desire to cook has seriously diminished lately but I love watching cooking shows!
    *Finally, I am blessed and bad days are just busy days, really – so I appreciate that I am actually living my life-long dream of being a mum and teaching my kids to be kind humans.

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