Last week I sent off 150 Fun Kits to people all around the world. My post dude loves me.
Today I want to tell you all about the project, what is in the boxes, and how you can win the best camera ever just by sharing a photo. Also, I’m going to tell you, how you can participate, even if you don’t receive a Fun Kit.
First of all, what is this project? The Fun Kits are little boxes filled with six props that people can use in their photography to have a little bit of fun and be creative. There are no rules to how these props have to be used in your photos, you can do it however you like. You can combine a few props together for one photo, or use only one in one photo. Absolutely up to you. Olympus and I team together to make this fun project happen. I come up with the idea and they kindly make it happen so we don’t have to put our hands in our pocket {don’t you love them for that?}.
Earlier this year we did this same project with different objects. You can see how people used the props here.
The props aren’t difficult to source. If a Fun Kits doesn’t arrive on your doorstep, you can easily make your own little box. Here’s what’s in the Fun Kits this time around.
There is string which I grabbed from the hardware store, googly eyes which I grabbed from my bargain shop, tiny teddies which I sourced online {but you could use any small object}, 100s & 1000s from the grocery store, glasses {photobooth props} which I also sourced online which you can probably find at a party store, and a sparkler.
So if you didn’t get a Fun Kit but you want to be involved you could absolutely make your own. Or you could wait for the first weekend in December, when 20 people all around Australia are going to be hiding Fun Kits for people to find. Just stalk my Instagram that weekend to see where they’re hidden so you can go and grab yours.
Whether you receive a kit or make your own, be sure to share your photos on Instagram {or here in the comments as well} using the hashtag #FMSlovesOlympus.
So why should you get involved? Well, because it’s fun {hence the name FUN kits!} and it’s great to embrace your creative side. Everyone has the ability to be creative, to varying degrees. Being creative makes my heart sing, and I hope it does that for you too.
Also, it’s absolutely normal when playing along with this to feel vulnerable. I don’t want to get all Oprah on you, but 99% of people will ask themselves, “Am I doing it right? What if I can’t do a good job? What if I look silly doing it? Am I really creative enough?” Fear and creativity go together, just tell fear to rack off for a bit and embrace it. You are creative. There is no right or wrong. There is just giving it a red-hot-go. See what happens when you embrace your creative side and let her/him come out to play for a bit. Pretend you’re 8 again and you don’t care what other people think, and it’s all about just having fun.
Also, there’s this camera for motivation….
I’ll be scouring through the photos shared, and the team at Olympus and I will be choosing the best, most creative photo to win an Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II. This camera is awesome. It’s the one I have and I wouldn’t {couldn’t!} live without. It’s compact and light {so light that yesterday I forgot I had it in my handbag}, and takes beautiful photos. It’s so easy to use that my mum can use it. AND you can send your photos straight from the camera to your phone using the WiFi function. The prize is the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II with 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 EZ Lens and is valued at $970. Simply share a photo on Instagram with the #FMSlovesOlympus hashtag, using the props before January 31st 2016 to be in the running. It’s that easy!
I can’t wait to see your photos. Seriously, I’m stalking the #FMSlovesOlympus hashtag like my life depends on it!
I haven’t received a fun kit yet. If i don’t, I will make my own as this sounds fun. Thanks Hon xx
I actually can’t remember who I sent them too, so I’d love to be able to confirm or deny that you’re getting one. But maybe just wait a few more days. 🙂
Question- If we have our Instagram set on private, can you still see your pictures if we use the hashtag?
I can’t unfortunately. 🙁 So either make it public {which I’m not sure if you’re comfortable with} or just pop over here and share them in the comments. 🙂
So are 100s & 1000s from the grocery store..the little candies that you sprinkle on cakes and cookies? Just wanted to make sure…
Yes, that’s exactly what they are. 🙂
Some people are SO creative! I love stalking the hashtag too. Thanks for encouraging us to think outside the box with our photos! I’ve got to go and get clicking away … X
I love your pics, can’t wait to see more. xx
OMG Chantelle! Mine arrived just now! I let out a little squeal when I opened my letter box, ran inside to get my phone and then rearranged my mail to take a pic! Thank you so much for sharing your kindness with people around the world – you really are someone special!
Heading to IG now to see the pic! How exciting! And thank you for the kind words. xx
Thanks for your likes 🙂 has made my day!
I love seeing everyone’s creativity shine during these sorts of ‘challenges’!
31st January?!?!? I have to wait that long still? I came to check but thought the comp closes on 31st December… *sigh*
would love this and other projects to try looks fun and if an * year old can do it then so can I
This would be amazing to take on our Cruise and get fantastic pics #FMSlovesOympus
what an amazing little camera i so love #FMSlovesOlympus
do not know how to hashtag do, bit old fashioned but love photo’s it is true, this camera looks fantastic too and love fun and game kits still kid at heart it is true