What can we do? Maybe this.

be a rainbow

Man, the world seems overwhelming right now doesn’t it? Really good people are choosing to leave it, others are dying, nations are at war, people are leaving babies behind, planes are falling out of the sky, people are killing others… it just seems so… heavy.

I’m not very good at processing this stuff. I can’t shake it. It makes me sad and mad, and I carry it around with me where ever I go. I should switch off the TV, and close the newspapers.

Perhaps the answer is us trying to improve the world we live in. We can’t save the whole world, but perhaps we can make the one we live in a little bit better. We could start at home, speaking with love to the people who reside where we do too. Perhaps we could say hello to people we see in the street and wish them a good day as they pass us by. Perhaps we could start a conversation with the checkout person as they pack our groceries for us, and thank them for doing what they do. Perhaps they’ll then spread love and greet the next person with that same positivity as they gently separate their bread from their bananas.

Perhaps instead of giving that guy that cut us off in the street the finger, and holding onto hostility for such a jackass move, we could let it go. Perhaps we could pick up a pen and some paper and write a note to someone who deserves our thanks but we haven’t had time to thank properly in a while. Perhaps we could send a text to someone who we know is going through a hard time and just say, “Hey, I’m thinking of you. I’m here if you need.”

Perhaps we could invite friends round to play, even if the house is a mess, because we should always make time for play {and laughter, and chat}. Perhaps you could offer to help that old lady struggling with her trolley, just to make her life a little bit easier. Perhaps?

Perhaps we could try and be that rainbow in someone’s cloud. Perhaps if we start small… we could make a difference. I don’t know. What do you think?

32 thoughts on “What can we do? Maybe this.”

  1. Yes, yes, yes! I’ve been wearing my emotional raincoat a lot lately. An emotional raincoat is totally a thing, you know. There’s so much bad stuff going around that if I was too fully process it, I don’t think I would be able to function. There’s a lot I can’t change in the world, so as you’ve suggested, I like to change the things I can, at home, at work, and around and about. There is no better antidote to all the bad than doing something good, and seeing people happy! Be the change that you want to see in the world – it really is that simple. And this post is an excellent reminder, so thank you x

  2. It’s so overwhelming just now isn’t it. The world can be a dreadful place. At times like this I think of the saying “It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness” and remember that small actions can actually make a big impact.
    I speak to strangers often, usually just a hello and a smile, occasionally more. You never know how bad a day someone might be having and what a difference you might have made to their day just by acknowledging them. Most of these people probably think I am a mad woman but if I reach out to just one person in my lifetime it’s better than doing nothing.

    • I say hello too or help if I can. People sometimes are freaked out lol which is kinda sad. I showed an old man how to use selfs eve at the shops and he was so thankful cause he actually had someone e take the time to show him. He reminded me of my Dad and I probably for just as much out if the interaction as he did. Being nice don’t cost a darn thing!

  3. Yes! Be a rainbow. And just be kind. To yourself + others. I hope today you laugh + exercise + get your speech done + hug your babies tight. X

  4. I was in the lift yesterday, leaving work (UNICEF Australia) and a woman that I’ve not met before was already in the lift and seeing where I’d left come from she started talking to me about how she felt about all the tragedies children were facing and witnessing (remembering that if you’ve got the news on at home, all of our children are witnessing this too). I knew just what she meant and I receive the daily updates, see the photos (all taken to respect a child’s dignity and with the permission of the child or a caregiver – nothing like what you may have inadvertently seen in a social media feed and we will try very hard to keep it that way) and read the stories and hear them from our own workers. The world has gone to shit but every day you talk compassionately about it, remind your own children their world can be safe and they can contribute to that with kindness and compassion, and do so yourself, you are doing the job of ‘doing something’.

  5. Whenever I’m confronted with someone mean, rude or offensive, I try to think, “we all have bad, bad moments.” Most people aren’t defined by the shitty things, but sometimes we just happen to be in their way when they are having one of those days. We all have them. Good grace helps us all get through them. x

  6. Yes yes and a zillion times yes to all those things. Everyone has a shitty day from time to time, we need to sing that song in our head that has taken me like forever to remove but you know the one I mean… I’m gonna do it you know. I am going to say it and then you are going to be cursing me for the rest of the night when you cant get that damn song out of your head… ready…. LET IT GOOOOOOOO LET IT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 😉 Sorry xx

  7. I have been feeling the same way lately. I can normally switch all the bad stuff off, but it has been getting to me. Really positive post and agree, if we could all just do a little bit more at home and in the community to make someone’s day feel better, it might just spread and catch on.

  8. I think I need to do this, it might make me feel a bit better about things. Sometimes it’s hard to get out of a funk… I just need sleep. And a nice note. But I’ll settle for a phone call from my sister either tonight or tomorrow, I hope. Love this post xx

  9. I read this at work today and it put me in a really good headspace.
    As I dropped into the shops on the way home from work, a guy was carrying a really heavy box in front of me in the carpark. He stopped at his car and was clearly struggling just to unlock it with the keyless entry. So I asked if he needed help and opened his boot for him.
    It was such a small act and something that required almost no effort on my part, but he was so grateful (and I felt so good about helping him out). It really is just the small kindnesses sometimes.
    Thanks for the reminder Chantelle.

  10. Yes times 10000! I’ve been trying to practise this very thing…. smiling at strangers, not getting angry when being cut off driving, doing random acts of kindness. If we all can contribute a bit of love to others and this planet then surely we can all make a difference. xx

  11. One of the reasons I read blogs is that out of the blue someone like you justs gets get right. Thanks

  12. I agree also. It is the little things that are special and make us feel better. Like the woman who helped me with my trolley when I was nine months pregnant in the blazing heat. But even simpler is “are you OK?”, “how are you doing these days?” and listen for the answer. really listen. Look into their eyes. Make them see that this is not a throw away question. I am mother with more than ten years of depression under my belt and i honestly can say these little things help. When made simple, the world can seem good for a while. Love your post Chantelle. Keep it up, you are doing wonders xoxo

  13. Great post Chantelle. When my father passed away (nearly 2 years ago), I got a little depressed, and during that time lost some friends I thought were “good friends”. I guess they couldn’t cope with me being depressed or found it easier to walk away then talk to me. Its times like these when you should be there for your friendsand ask them “Are you OK?”, “Are you coping?”, “Is there anything I can do for you”. Sometimes all you need is a friendly face, and someone to listen to you. You don’t want them to give you answers on how you should be feeling or when you should stop grieving. Just having a friend that cares is all you need.

  14. Something as simple as sharing your smile may help the recipient get back on track to finding their own smile again. It’s so worth it! 🙂

  15. I’ve been having some well hidden cloudy moments recently… but I got a rainbow tonight. And the sun was already on the other side of the world (well, working that way) and the stars were shining… but they shined a little brighter. Sometimes its a little twist in a moment in time that makes the world a shinier and happier place to be. And when it does… I say you just shouldn’t be afraid to shout that out loud. xx

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