22 thoughts on “June Photo A Day Challenge: It’s time my friends, so let’s do it!”

  1. I’m having trouble getting the prompts to open on my iPhone. The link opens a new window in Safari, then does not do anything. I got the April/May prompts to work, so I wonder if something may be wrong with the link? I love your Photo a Day!!

  2. Hi Chantelle – this will be my first time playing and I’m so excited. I will be posting on my blog with a poetic twist, and also sharing on Instagram. You can visit me at http://bohohippiemom.com or bohohippiemom on Instagram. Looking forward to seeing everybody’s photos this month!

  3. Hello. Christina Cison linked me to the photo of the day challenge. I would LOVE to join! I’ve joined the facebook group, have a blog and will link there, and will look forward to seeing all the shots! (I have my “b” ready!) Thanks so much for this!! Roz


  4. Just FYI, when I subscribed on my iPhone, it made “reminders” from April until June. Maybe me computer tech Doug needs to tweak thus a little.

  5. Thank you for doing this and making it available and thank you to the lovely Doug for creating calendar reminders. I’m really enjoying this!

  6. Hi I’ve just been lucky enough to find your blog and I’m taking part too. Hope I’m not too late! 🙂

  7. Hi, I’ve been struggling to find a good photo a day challenge and have now found this so I am going to be sticking for a while me thinks 😀

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