The Fat Mum Slim project


Recently when I was away traveling I was sitting at a group experience breakfast. There were three lizards on the table next to me, a lady with a snake to my right, a koala behind me and large birds perched on branches in front of me. There were also 25 other travelers also seated at tables, enjoying the same experience. Our host was an outspoken Aussie-to-the-bone ranger who had no filter. He said what he thought, and he said it loudly so that everyone could hear.

I cringed most though, when he decided to address me in front of the group, “What do you do again?” I could feel myself going a nice shade of pink because I just do when I speak in front of people.

“I’m a writer.”

“What books have you written?”

And then I went into a conversation that I do often, because I haven’t learned that I should be open from the get-go and that we’re no longer living in 2005 and people actually do know what blogs are.

“Well, actually I write online. I have a blog. I write about family, photography, food, life, parenting, travel… anything I feel like really.”

“What’s is called?”

At that moment I could feel all the 25 sets of traveler’s eyes on me, plus the birds… and I’m not sure what was most intimidating.

“It’s Fat Mum Slim.”

I don’t love saying those words. I don’t. I cringe. And I wait for people to laugh. So I get in before them and I laugh awkwardly.

“Fat, what?” he asked.

“Fat. Mum. Slim.”

“OK, I’ll write it down. I’ll have a look later.”

The man was in his 60s and dressed in vintage ranger gear. He knew all the animals in the world, what they ate, where they lived and so much more, and I just couldn’t imagine him sitting at a computer looking at my blog. That made me laugh a little inside.

And ranger guy? If you’re reading this right now. Yes, this is about you. Hello.

I started my blog in 2008 not long after I’d given birth to Lacey. It was probably on a Monday, because all my diets started on a Monday. I’ll be completely honest and tell you that I didn’t expect or even want anyone to read it. It started off as a place for me to be accountable. It was going the be THE thing that made me skinny, because back then I truly believed that being skinny would fix everything. EVERYTHING. I’d tried Atkins, and Weight Watchers {28 times}, the diet with the shakes, and the one where I pretty much ate air, and air only. I Googled blogs, found out how to set one up, and then when it asked for a blog name I wrote the first thing that popped into my head. Those three words were, Fat Mum Slim.

And here I am now. Or there I was back then at the breakfast with the ranger, saying my blog name out loud and cringing. If I’m with my family they’ll often say it for me because they can sense my embarrassment. I’m not embarrassed of what I’ve created here on this blog, but I’m a little mortified that I’m in no way slim.

This is so hard to explain though. Because I’m not mortified {and I think that’s the wrong word, because… dramatic much?} because it makes me less of a being, or my achievements any lesser. It’s not that. It would be the same if I was going through a boy band stage and named by blog ‘Boys 2 Men Number One Fan Blog’ and then started writing about other things. Saying that out loud would be weird, right? Those guys totally rocked the 90s though, I must say.

My blog has come a long way in these past 7 years, and I feel like I’ve come a long way personally too. I don’t believe being slim fixes everything. Back then I believed that I would only be acceptable or my true self if I could wear size 10 jeans. Part of me believed that. I love who I am now, where I’ve come from and the beautiful children that my body has created.

But, I want to be healthier. Two months ago I screwed my back up and it made me realise that life isn’t good when you’re not running at 100%. My weight didn’t ruin my back momentarily, but it sure as heck didn’t help. For over 6 weeks I could get down on the floor, or if I did I couldn’t get back up without having to have a full support crew and a lie-down afterwards. I couldn’t roll over in bed without having to really, really want to do it and endure pain to do so, and I couldn’t even walk up a hill without grimacing. And putting underpants on? Olympic-type effort. I always want to grow {not in the size sense! but as a person} and want to keep improving, whilst appreciating where I am at present and where I’ve come from. Most of all, I want to be able to run, and swim, and get up on our stand-up paddleboard with my husband, and scream like a schoolgirl when waves come at me.

And I want to be able to tell people my blog’s name without turning a shade of beetroot. I won’t ever be slim, but I’ll be someone that doesn’t actually give a shit about it because I’m healthy and can run/swim/roll over in bed/jump on a trampoline/skip/whatever.

I’ve made changes over the past few months to look after myself better. I wrote a little about it here. I’m always changing and growing though. Whether that means taking more time for myself, working less, playing more, dating my husband, going out with friends, learning stuff, enrolling in a course, being a better daughter, whatever it is. That’s what Fat Mum Slim means to me now, it just means change and growth… not that I wanted to get into that conversation with the ranger, 25 travelers and those birds. Every now and then I’ll write about it here, as I do. Anyways, this seems like a long, rambly conversation that I’d have with a friend over tea and a cake, but I wanted to say it. Thanks for listening {or reading}. Here’s to now, and to the future. xx

This matters to me

Spiced Pear Crumble Cake

81 thoughts on “The Fat Mum Slim project”

  1. Yes, funny that thing about blogs carrying their original name even when the content changes. Mine started as a record of my faith and doubt, and “A work in progress” seemed very appropriate. Now it’s just about anything, and I’ve occasionally wondered about changing the name.

    Don’t change yours though.

  2. You are perfect just the way you are and thank you I’ve always wondered why you called your blog that name Xx

  3. Isn’t it funny I never think about your blog name like that. After all Norman Cook chose the name Fat Boy Slim as his musical pseudonym and he was whippet thin. For me it’s a way cool name and a way cool blog written by a way cool person. And if all that results in taking time for yourself and being your best you, then I say high five to that! There’s no such thing as too much growing!

  4. Oh Chantelle – I sympathise with the blog name thing, I spend my life apologising for my blog name.
    “Oh hi ….. yes,I write a blog …. it’s called Cooker and a Looker, oh, but it’s a joke my husband told once …. I don’t think I’m a looker … ”

    And so it goes, every time I explain my blog to someone!
    Wishing you all the best in your endeavours to feel better – back pain is so debilitating. A xx

  5. Thanks for sharing the story of your blog name – explaining them can definitely be a challenge! Mine is Alphabet Salad, and I’ve had people assume it’s either a cooking blog or a childhood education blog (and it’s neither)! Fun times in the blogosphere. 🙂

  6. Thanks for explaining.I thought the name of your blog might have come from such a thing, so it’s nice to know. I also think that some people do need filters!!

  7. Choosing a blog name we will love forever is a huge thing. Times change, we change, everything changes. I love your blog name & also hate being in the spotlight.

  8. I love the name, we’ve all been there and many women to come will think exactly the same way. Weight doesn’t ‘fix’ us. I love that you started thinking that way but over 7 years have done soooo much more…more substantial and fulfilling and women will see that and it will give them hope and inspire them.

  9. When I first started reading your blog all those years ago, it was the honesty in your blog posts that had me coming back to read more. It’s hard to believe that was over 7 years ago!

  10. You know it’s funny – I think you can’t get any more awesome or inspiring and then you write this. Hands down the most amazing person. It’s funny how we evolve and change over time and what once seemed so important dwindles in comparison to whatever is going on now. What a special chick you are! xx

    • And my head is now the size of my house. Thank you.

      BTW I went to the Osteo today with my girls, and she’s like I love that Bake Play Smile and we spent half the session talking about you and your recipes. You are awesome!

      • Good – your head deserves to be that big!! Oh thats so amazing to hear! I need to find myself an osteo that likes cake too! xx

  11. Think of the ‘Fat’ as all the dream goals and what ifs. You are ‘Mum’, and in the steps you take to growing and getting better, those goals are ‘Slim’ming down to the most important things that matter and make you appreciate life as it is right now. 🙂

  12. “What’s in a name??” Chantelle, your spirit and skills as a writer, mother, wife, friend came through loud and clear to me well before I ever wondered about you being fat, slim or whatever!! Keep up the remarkable job you do…..we’re all the better for having you in our lives!!

  13. Chantelle I think we can all identify in some form – maybe it’s not the size of our jeans but something else we’re working on, no one is perfect we’re all a work in progress. I totally feel for you – I hate being the centre of attention unless it’s my besties!!

  14. I changed my blog name (originally Ghetteaux Posh) after 4 months because it didn’t sit with where I was anymore. (Also, people struggled with the spelling). It was a pain to change domains, emails and associated accounts and log-ins but I have settled now and glad I did it! That aside, I think Fat Mum Slim is a cool blog name and every time I see it, I get a little “funk soul brother” earworm which isn’t a bad thing. Appropriately, the name of Fatboy Slim’s breakout album . . . “You’ve Come A Long Way Baby!”

  15. I think that our starting point is always something we should keep in mind. The fact is if you had not created this blog in the first place, I would not read it right now. Our past makes us who we are today. This is a unusual name, and because of this, I always remember you when you pop in my facebook feed even if I have tons of blogs I’m following.

    Anyway, long story short : don’t be ashamed of who you are or the name of your blog because I like you and your post.

    (Also, sorry in advance if it’s not a 100 percent clear. English is not my first language)

    Big kisses from Quebec, Canada

  16. Hi Chantelle, you know I heard of your blog years ago & didn’t check it out until recently because I thought the name meant it was about weight loss! My bad assumptions & my big loss by the way. And I’m Sew n Sow with a do-over blog I’m doing nothing with right now, but there hasn’t being any sowing around here for years!!!

  17. I’m with a few others here – totally thought it was a clever play on Fat Boy Slim! I think your blog names rocks, to be honest, and when I was trying to come up with a name for mine I was hoping I could find something that had as much personality as yours (I couldn’t, it was too hard!). I love your blog and I hope one day you will be so proud to tell people it’s name – because you should be. I would have had an embarrassing fan girl moment if I’d been sitting in that group, lol. I can relate with wanting to keep on growing and improving our lives – can’t wait to see where you go from here xx

    • I think I had Fat Boy Slim in mind when I wrote those words down, but it wasn’t about the band… but using the Fat and Slim for weightloss.

      I was the only Aussie in that group {along with Ma and the girls}. They weren’t interested! 😛

  18. I guess that is the thing with blogs … the writer changes and grows, things happen in their lives and then maybe the name doesn’t fit or that the meaning of it changes. I thought of changing mine when I changed location but I mentioned that to readers and they commented back that they liked the name. Not being able to think of something new and loving the original name anyway, it stayed. Maybe the meaning has changed to me but it is a growing story I guess. I love the other takes on your blog name in the comments. The words are the same but the meaning changes. I love looking in and in the end, that is all that matters, that you are happy with what you are doing and that we all like looking in.

    • A few years back I thought about changing, and everyone said they liked it – except a few. It was very reassuring.

      Did you have an alternative blog name in mind when you were thinking of changing? I couldn’t think of anything I loved.

      • It is reassuring when others say they love the name.

        I couldn’t think of anything and was going through the whole uprooting my life as I knew it thing so never got to it. It probably would have been something to do with the tropics but I didn’t really want to leave the Grit and Giggles name behind.

  19. Ha! I thought it meant that it was for all women, Fat or slim. No judging here. Be proud of your name, it’s welcoming and we all love you.

  20. Your name rocks! Nobody stays the same. We all have fat days, slims days, mum days, me days… I love that your blog grows with you {and us!} . You are a complete stranger that has become my everyday. And now you have me thinking about my name…. and sometimes I don’t like Wednesdays… 🙁

  21. Wow! I love the name. Thought it was perfect but never thought about having to say it out loud… I’m just starting my blog (it’s not live yet!) and am trying to decide on a name. Must thing about this a bit more. I love your story and I love that you are growing as a person. Well done x

      • Yeah me too. I was feeling pressured before but now it’s all very overwhelming. But I think like Mycustardpie and Janina and Jenny from Love Wednesday and others have said whatever you choose at the start is not going to always be reflective of what it going on at any particular time. I think as long as it sounds good and has a fun story behind it! (even if it’s a bit embarrassing to explain. My working title is ‘Spiralling Whiteflies’ its a blog about life, craft and finding ones passion… what do you think? (the name has actually not connection to the content of the blog!)

  22. This is going to sound really dumb, but I have never thought of your blog name associated with weight loss. I only found blogs 3-4 years ago so I think you had moved on from diet stuff then. I followed your blog because I found it through Planning with Kids or another similar blog and your blog was so beautiful (still is) and everyone was sharing what a great blog you had. If you wanted to change the URL into your name you could do that but still call it Fat Mum Slim in the header but I think if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!

  23. I always thinking of the Moby song when I read ‘fat mum slim’ – awesome music, makes people happy. ie, YOU 🙂 X

  24. When I think of your blog name, I think of Fatboy Slim. Cool, successful. I don’t think aspirational weight-loss, etc.

    Cool. Successful.

  25. I never thought those three words were referring to anyone’s body. I thought it was just three random words that sounded clever. Even the word mum didn’t connect for me because in the states it’s either a flower or means staying quiet. But I’m very glad you’ve transitioned to health rather than the shape of your body. Much healthier all around

  26. I can relate to you story about setting up a blog with the first name that popped in your head! When i set my blog up, on a whim, my life seemed to revolve around perpetual visits to the park. In a way, I thought the slippery dip paralleled life’s ups and downs. I am not sure I’d choose that name now, but it has stuck. I love the name of your blog, and I love everything you write about!

  27. Fat Mum Slim, Version 2.0. I like it. Good luck with mental reframing and the shift going on for you right now. I love it, sounds great, and I expect amazing things because you are you and you are amazing. Go get ’em Tiger. x

  28. You could always change it to “Phat” sounds the same but can mean so much more. Your followers would understand!

  29. I wish I could have been creative enough to think of a slick blog name like yours – like so many of the other commenters here I really dig how it’s more than just a name but about who you are and how you’ve grown, and not just a blog name. Be proud and say Fat Mum Slim aloud every day!

    I’ve toyed with changing the name of my blog but I’ve never been able to think of something that encapsulates my blog that well. Not that it’s current name is much good, but hey, if it ain’t broke, right?

      • Defo do that 😀

        Now this is my turn to go slightly red and embarrassed. It’s “Time Well Spent” – feel like it’s a bit too typical and doesn’t share much of my personality. But then again, I can’t think of what to change it to!

  30. I feel today I am in the same boat as you were 10 years ago, constantly thinking of getting slim but not achieving much. A blog is something I’ve been thinking of for q year just so I can monitor myself and hold myself accountable. Maybe after reading this I would jump on the bandwagon and do it and in the process hopefully I would change and grow and improve myself 🙂

  31. Here’s to the future Chantelle. You’ve probably heard this before but I would say that 90 % of bloggers rush into their names and then regret them further down the line. I too always blush a little when introducing mine – although I’m proud of my blog – it takes me quite an explanation for people to maybe understand why I have a blog about food, drink and travel but not much custard!
    On the weight, body image, health front I believe that the last is the most important. I don’t own a pair of scales and with 2 teenage girls in the house I’m really glad I stuck to this (but wish we had less mirrors). You just know when you feel uncomfortable and it’s time to do something don’t you. Enjoyed reading this honest post. Hope the ranger does too!

  32. I totally get the blog name thing, I always want to die a little when I have to say mine aloud – something I chose when I was a newbie blogger without a clue but it doesnt make much sense to me now – ANYWAY – why Im actually commenting is because here in South Africa, “slim” in Afrikaans means “clever/intelligent” so you should totally just claim it 😉 Love your work, thank you for inspiring and sharing – Andrea x

  33. I remember years ago you wondered whether you should change the blog name and we all shouted “NO!” I still think that your blog name is perfect because it really is about growth within while you ponder the business of getting smaller on the outside. I think you have mastered the former which means you are probably really ready for the latter. Either way, your blog is awesome. x

  34. Fat (albeit in slightly different way of spelling) means awesome – I don’t think that’s anything to turn beet red over. Own it – you write well, shoot beautiful pics and inspire other people. Go you!

  35. I love the rawness and honesty in this post, well all your posts actually. I have been a long time follower but I have never commented before. I heard you speak at PB last year and was so inspired. You are just so relatable. Size and name doesn’t matter at all when you’ve got it going on (although I totally get the embarrassment feeling when saying your name out loud – I always feel like I need to justify my blog name when i first tell someone – lol). Thanks for being you!

  36. the slim bit is the work in progress…always the work in progress. I can’t believe you were embarrassed about the name of your blog, but yet you were sitting near a lady with a snake?! Whoa! Also, just a thought that came to me – a fat chance and a slim chance are the same thing – just depends on the perspective. Keep up the good work – you keep it real.

  37. Thank you for being so open and sharing. You know, when I think of myself, or in my dreams, I’m not fat. Then I look in a store window, and see my whole reflection, and think geez, I am Huge! I am attempting the shake thing, but it is really hard, because, I like to eat. I want to be healthier and like you with your back pain, hope you are feeling much better, My knees and feet are painful alot. I keep thinking if I lose some weight, it will help. Enough about me. You are an awesome mom, and loved and cheered on by many. Did you see me shaking my pom- Poms? Keep moving forward.
    Teresa K

  38. This is probably the reasons I have been afraid to buy a domain name for my blog. I’ve been afraid of changing and people asking me about it in public. I’ve decided that since I’ve had the same presence on social media for the last 7 years it’s time to take the plunge and go forward. Love what your blog name means to you then and now!

  39. Fat – stores fuel and is an energy source. Without it we can’t function. So it’s absolutely necessary. Mum – goes without any explanation. Slim – to make more efficient in business. So your alternate blog name is {{Energy. Unconditional Love. Efficient.}}

  40. I think of Fatboy Slim when I go to your blog which is great since he’s my favorite house DJ. It’s a great blog and you’ve inspired so many people to take more creative photos. I love your Photo a Day.

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