13 Food Quirks of Mine.

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1. I hate ginger. Fresh ginger. Gingerbread. It’s got such a distinct taste and ruins a good dish.

2. I like my cakes a little gooey and my cookies a little chewy. I love eating baked goods straight from the oven.

3. I love pretty much all vegetables. Love them. In fact I can’t think of a vegetable that I’ve met that I didn’t like (unless ginger is a vegetable?).

4. I eat my steak medium-rare.

5. I won’t eat eggs that aren’t organic (and free range/hormone free). The same goes for chicken. And milk. I try and eat organic when I can and when I can afford it.

6. Hubby and I are so fussy about sausages that we’ll buy in bulk from Byron Bay, freeze them and bring them home when we visit each year. We don’t like them to be too fatty and we want them to only have good quality meat inside.

7. As a kid I hated bubblegum and pizza. Now I love pizza but still hate bubblegum. It gives me a headache and I think it’s pretty ugly to watch people chewing it. (The kids at work aren’t allowed to chew gum in my company. :P)

8. I’m pretty routine when it comes to breakfast. Since I was a child I’ve always had weet-bix and low fat milk for breakfast. Since falling pregnant and having Lacey weet-bix gives me heartburn for some weird reason. No other food does. Now I have either a piece of toast with two eggs or a piece of toast with natural peanut butter (which is just 100% peanuts).

9. I used to love meat pies as a kid. After working in a bakery as a teenager I saw what went into the pies and couldn’t eat them again. I’ve had a few since then but will only eat them from a trusted source.

10. Every birthday, as a kid, we could have whatever we wanted cooked for dinner. I always chose beef wellington.

11. I don’t like seafood except for fish and squid, and the occasional oyster. It’s the textures that get to me.

12. I love vegemite. I like it spread somewhere between a lot, and just a little bit. There is a fine line and I’m probably best left spreading it myself.

13. The thought of eating any offal type meat makes me all queasy and uncomfortable. I realised a few years back that when we used to go to my Nana’s house as kids and she made her special Steak and Kidney pie… there was a pretty good chance that I was eating some kidney. Ugh. Fetch me a bucket.

I’d love to hear your food quirks. Share here in the comments or on your own blog. Leave a link in the comments. xx

6 thoughts on “13 Food Quirks of Mine.”

  1. Ha Chantelle, your idiosyncracies are great 🙂
    Ginger is a root! I don’t know if that makes it a vegetable, technically.
    I’m with you re: offal. Gross. I’m not with you re: seafood – it’s excellent, and sooo healthy! But expensive, which sucks.
    I deeply enjoy cake, as long as it has strawberry jam in the middle, otherwise I’m not interested at all. I deeply loathe sausages and will always opt for hamburgers over mystery bags any day.

  2. Such a great post! Here are a few of mine…

    I hate milk! I don’t eat cookies and milk. I just have water instead. I eat cereal dry, but in a bowl with a sppon.

    Even though I hate milk, I love all other dairy products…yogurt, cottage cheese, all cheeses actually. Ice cream rocks!

    I love green peas. I buy bags of frozen peas and just thaw them out and eat them cold.

    I love bluberries. I eat them everyday I can. I went to a bluberry festival last year and bought 15lbs thinking I had so much I could make all kinds of blueberry dishes. Nope, I ate almost all of them as is. This year I’m buying at least 20lbs.

  3. I love all vegies too. It amazes me when people say they can’t eat/don’t like them. I think it’s just because they don’t cook them properly.

    And I have a really hate of gum. I once had my favourite shoes ruined because I trod in someone’s discarded gum.

  4. Hi. I have just spent 2 hours trying to get my daughter to sleep (we have just moved her from a cot to a bed.. disaster!!) Anyways, I finally sat down to have dinner (at 10.30pm) and came across your blog and I really love it!

    But I just wanted to add that you should always drink full fat milk, not low fat.. because the vitamins in milk (vitamins A, D and E) are fat soluble and can only be absorbed if there is still all the fat in the milk. (I was a nutritionist before I became a mother and wife..)

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