15 ordinary things to do in 2015

15-things-115-things-21. Simplify

Does your head ever feel like it’s going to explode from all the things/stimulation/stuff? Mine does. I have a feeling I’m not alone. Last year Brooke from Slow Your Home super simplified her home. Like not just a little, she did a LOT. She shares 21 tips you can use to simplify quickly. I also saw a friend on Instagram simplify by minimalising over a month, she did one thing on the first day, two things on the second day, 30 things on the 30th day and so forth. It seems like a fun way to get the kids to offload some of their items too. I’d be tempted to swap the month around and start by tossing out 30 things, but that’s just me!

2. Connect
Like I mean really connect. It’s so good for the soul. Not online, or even over email. Just meet up with a friend, or a potential friend in person and have a moment. A moment where you’re all, “Oh, I do that too! Or I agree! Or we’re the same! Or I haven’t laughed this much in such a long time!” Yes, have more of those moments.

3. Get creative
Being creative makes you happier {science said so}. You don’t have to commit to taking a photo everyday or drawing something each week, but just do something that makes you come alive. Start small and explore. For some people it’s baking, for others it’s finger painting. Find your thing. Personally I’ll take anything I can get, but personally I’d prefer if someone cleaned up after me. Ha!

4. Save $1378
What would you spend $1378 on? A family getaway? A new wardrobe and a bit more? What would you do with it? You’ve probably seen this chart doing the rounds on the internet. It encourages you to save money each week. On the first week of the year, save $1. On the second week, 2. And you follow that pattern until you get to week 52 and you’ve saved $52. Of course that makes December a pretty stressful month, but make you’re own chart, and mix it up a bit.


5. Take a hike
Go for a walk. Explore where you live. Or where you don’t live. Just get out there and give it a go.

6. Help the needy
I know that we’re not all in a position to be constantly donating money, and it’s not a nice feeling to have to say no to people {it does feel though we get asked a lot now though, doesn’t it? Door knockers, people outside the supermarket, on the street, anyhow}. I’ve made a conscious decision to pick one charity and do what I can. My charity is Rafiki Mwema {you can read about it here}. Next Christmas I really want to deliver Christmas gifts to those in need, like Bianca did. I have some other ideas, but I need to wait until Lulu doesn’t need me so much and then I can start helping a bit more. Do what you can with what you’ve got. Even if it’s just listening, smiling, or helping a neighbour. It doesn’t have to be big. We can change the world with small actions {it’s true!}.

7. Learn
2015 might just be the year that you learn that thing you wanted to learn. It might be a course or getting a degree, or perhaps it’s just asking your grandma how to make that awesome pie she makes. Jump at opportunities to learn new things.

8. Take a break
I read something over the break, it was interviews with people I admire talking about what they do to prepare for a new year. A good handful of them said their priority is to block out time for a holiday, because they need something to look forward to and something they could commit to. I whole-heartedly agree, and I’m planning on doing the same. Fiji, October, 10 year wedding anniversary… OK then!

9. Be inspired
Who or what makes you want to do better and be better? I think it’s a good idea to block out all the noise {clean our your inbox so you don’t get so many emails, follow less people on Facebook and Instagram – I just did this and it’s empowering} and find inspiration in a smaller group. Clear your mind and make room for inspiration. Personally, I get my monthly dose from The Collective magazine. It’s my inspiration bomb.

10. Listen to the wise
I live in area that has a lot of older-type people who come to retire. I know it’s easy to dismiss people older than us, but if you take the time to stop and listen, they’ve often got the best advice. And they’ve often stripped life back from all the complex, busy stuff and they get it. Take some time to listen or start a conversation.

11. Grow
Do you want to be the same person you are right now in 12 months time? If yes, yay. Keep chugging along. If you want to grow and stretch, figure out what you want to achieve and do it. Often that means saying yes, when you want to say no, and being a little uncomfortable for a bit… but the rewards are on the other side, and they’re worth it.

12. Start a new hobby
2015 is the year to try something new. My neighbour is taking me deep water running. I don’t know if it’s going to be a hobby, but I feel like I was stuck in a rut last year, this year I try new things.

13. Find your jam
What’s your jam? What’s your thing? Mine is giving and making people happy. It’s my jam. Find yours and do it.

14. Follow your gut
Oh dear, I didn’t listen to my gut much last year. I ignored my instincts and it meant that I was annoyed at my decisions a lot. Listen to your gut instinct and follow them. {Not as easy as it sounds, is it?}.

15. Holiday at home
If you only do one thing on this list, make it this one. I live in a holiday area, so I’ll see people come to stay where I live and they’re exploring more than I ever had. In fact I didn’t know a lot of what they’re seeing even existed. I’m going to Google and search and discover where I live a little more, and holiday at home. It’s time.

What will you do?

16 thoughts on “15 ordinary things to do in 2015”

  1. Following my gut and getting creative are going to be big ones for me this year…as are more Saturday afternoons on the beach with my love.

  2. I just checked out Slow Your Home and loved it. I’m always looking for new things to read and inspire so thank you.
    2015 is my year for simplifying everything. We move into a new house this year and the last thing I want is to take all that clutter with us.

  3. I tried the 52 Week Money Challenge last year. Lasted a few months, then stopped. This year, I’ve decided to mix it up a bit & do it in reverse! The first week of January, I transferred $52 into a seperate account. This week it was $51.

  4. Fiji! We are heading there with ms 10month old in 3 days. That’s our holiday this year as I am back to work in feb. My new hobby is sewing. I got my wish of a janome for Christmas! The one thing I’m worried about is finding myself as a full time working mum and finding time for me. That is my challenge this year.

  5. I did the 52 week money challenge last year and it paid for a few days accomadation away with the family at Christmas including meals and spending money. We could not have afforded to do it without the money challenge. I’m doing it again this year and highly recommend it to everyone 🙂

  6. Great list. I am doing a clear out – #hoistthehangers on social media – and it feels REALLY good and a teensy bit hard too. Too much stuff won’t do for me whatever I’ve imagined it will.
    I am also painting and playing with art as part of a desire to be more creative.
    I think mindfulness is super important and for me that requires time and deliberately pondering stuff.
    I’m not on a quest to be “better” – there’s something loaded about that to me.
    I want to be MYSELF.
    Enjoying life, appreciating the days, seeing the good.
    And my jam is in getting others to see it to, ESPECIALLY in themselves.

    Thanks Chantelle xx

  7. We did the 52 to 1 last year and will do it again this year. We worked down from 52 on pay weeks and up from 1 on off pay weeks, kept a spreadsheet to keep track of where we were at.

  8. I am doing the saving thing but seeing as I get paid fortnightly I am combining week 1 and week 52 the first pay then week 2 and week 51 doing it that way

  9. Last year I too did not listen to my gut/heart enough and just recently it all blew up in my face. Love the idea of saving that money. I want a little tin to put all my coins in, sure it’ll add up at the end of the year! x

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