Brought to you by Nurofen Zavance.
Up until about 6 weeks ago I was getting headaches ALL THE TIME. I was convinced I was dying because they were so bad. You just have to ask Dr Google what daily headaches mean and you’ll give yourself the following, “Write your will. Fulfill your bucket-list. Your days are numbered, my friend.”
I went to the doctor, and she held my neck in one spot and told me that it was all in my neck and that I should see an Osteo. Anyway hearing about people’s ailments is about as exciting as hearing about people’s dreams i.e. NOT EXCITING AT ALL. PLEASE NEVER TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DREAMS BECAUSE I JUST DON’T CARE. EVER.
But just quickly, because I know you love a fairytale happy ending. I saw an Osteo. Best thing I ever did. I told them I loved them. It was like they lifted off my head and put it back on, very gently while singing lullabies {if you’ve ever seen an Osteo you’ll know what I mean because, how are they doing so much without really doing anything at all? Seriously?}. Headaches = gone.
Have you got a headache now? No. After reading this list you might. So read on…
When you open a tin using that meant-to-be-easy ring pull, and it falls right off. Yes, NO TINNED SOUP FOR YOU.
☓ When you’re standing in line and the person behind you thinks it will make the line move faster by standing right on top of you, BREATHING DOWN YOUR NECK.
☓ When someone puts the milk back in the fridge with not enough to even make a cup of tea, so you’re all like ‘we don’t need milk, there’s a carton in there’ and when you go to pour some on your cereal… nothing. Empty. *head explodes*
☓ When you do a really nice thing, like letting someone into traffic or give someone the $20 that fell out of their pocket, or you find someone’s lost kid and hand them back… and you get nothing in return. No thank you. No wave. Nothing.
☓ When people on planes recline their chair while you’re juggling a baby on your lap and working with a VERY limited amount of space.
☓ When people use the wrong your/you’re. Double *head explode*
☓ When that person you’re friends with on Facebook post a vague update that is just screaming for attention. Yeah, you know who they are.
Has your head exploded yet? Mine did at the ring pull one because that happened to me on the weekend and I still haven’t quite recovered.
On a more serious note, Nurofen Zavance knows that headaches are not really caused by ringpulls or a lack of milk, but more from muscle pain. Everything in your body is connected {remember that song? Your tailbone’s connected to your something-something}, and headaches are often caused by muscle pain particularly in the neck. Nurfoen Zavance targets headaches at the source of the pain quickly, so while you’re waiting for the magic Osteo {or whoever you go to to get healed} then Zavance will do it. Get more information here.
Until then, buy milk and a can opener and don’t help lost kids {kidding}.
What gives you a headache?
♥ ♥ ♥
Important stuff you probably should know
Always read the label. Use only as directed. Incorrect use could be harmful. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. For the temporary relief of pain and/or inflammation
·Nurofen Zavance is absorbed up to twice as fast as standard Nurofen
·Bendtsen 2011, Curr Pain Headache Rep, Pgs 451, 451, 456; Headache Classif’n Committee of IHS , Cephalgia 2013, Pg 659; Bendtsen 2009, pg 527; Fernandez-de-las-Penas C et al Cephalgia 2007, pgs 383, 386, 387; Schachtel B, Furey S and Thoden W. Non prescription iburpfoen and acetaminophen in the treatment of tension-type headache, J clin pharmacol 1996; 36: 1120-1125
I get really bad migraines and usually the only thing that helps is darkness, hot towel on my forehead and hot waterbottel under my neck. But I also get a lot of tension headaches and I think they do come from my neck and shoulders. I really should go to an osteo. I might try and use Zavance. Thank you for posting
xx Dandy I
I love my Osteo. It’s amazing that so little can make such a difference.
Do you know what your migraines are triggered by?
Oh, I want my Osteo to be my best friend. She’s super wonderful and gentle without being at all flaky. I was also getting headaches from neck tension and sleeping funny on one shoulder. Awful. Glad you found someone to help!
Things that make my head explode are arseholes in traffic (especially ones who don’t understand the roadrules regarding bikes but also those guys that weave in and out of traffic to get just that one spot further ahead after endangering everyone in their wake); my Lovely Husband insisting on coming grocery shopping even though he hates it; folks who regularly post instagram or facebook photos of massive piles of presents for kids birthdays and Christmas and then spend the rest of the year bitching about how broke they are or can’t pay their bills or go on a nice holidays.
Number one head exploder – smokers… but especially smokers who smoke right in front of no-smoking signs, or who smoke right under the air intake for our building so our offices smell like stale smoke, or who smoke right next to my child, or who smoke while walking on a crowded street, leaving a wake of smoke behind them that I have no choice but to walk through. Besides the fact that cigarette smoke gives me a headache, it gives me the shits when people take away my choice not to cop a lungful whatever poison they’re inhaling.
Oh man. I HATE SMOKING. I hear ya. At the hospital, there’s CLEAR no smoking signs and people just stand out the front of the doors puffing away. People are dying, people are struggling with their health… and they make it more uncomfortable with the smoke. Gah. Rant over.
This came through on the morning that I’m off to my osteo at 9am for my maintenance visit haha. I always feel so much better after the visits and have just started to get my headaches back after 6 weeks.
The ring pull break has happened to me and I’ve just used a can opener instead. It is annoying – agreed!
Oh enjoy your appointment. I’m jealous. I’m going back once school goes back. I need it! x
Thanks Chantelle. It’s great ‘me time’ and I always take my time going home after too 🙂
Silly ring pull thingies and people who don’t get the concept of personal space, oh and people who change lanes while turning at an intersection.
Yes, particularly to that last one. How do people even do that? And why?
There must ALWAYS be a packet of Nurofen Zavance (the caplets, please) in my house at all times. I’m a chronic headache sufferer due to my scoliosis and everything being out of whack. It’s the only thing that works for me.
As for the things that make your head explode, I nearly gave myself whiplash I was nodding along to your list so furiously. I was going to single one out as the worst culprit, but nup – they all make me crazy in equally infuriating fashion!
I would also like to add people who scrape their teeth on their fork while they eat to that list. *shudder*
Ouchy, I didn’t know you had scoliosis. I hope it doesn’t cause you too much pain.
Can we add knife-lickers to your list though?
Oh I think you have opened a can of works with this one Chantelle! Here are a few that really tick me off to headache land.
* when you lock up your house, your arms are full of stuff. You head out to your car and realise your keys are still sitting on the kitchen bench.
* sticky label residue.
* when you say “hello, how are you” to someone and they never give your a response.
* when the checkout person packs your milk on top of your loaf of bread.
* self serve check out procedures. “please place your item in the bagging area” “please place your item in the bagging area” (when of course you already have and waiting to scan the next item.
I am totally with you on the sticky label residue! It does my freakin head in. Its not like you CANT buy labels that are easy peel!!!!
Ha ha ha. Yes to all of the above. I also dislike when I reply ‘Good’ to someone who hasn’t actually asked how I am. Dingbat!
*I hate it when feral men walk around the supermarket (near fresh produce) without a shirt or shoes on, with short hanging down past their arse-crack. Ugh! Dude put your nipples and hairy butt cleavage away… one wants to see that shit :o/
*I get annoyed when all the family does the bolt on me and leaves me lugging all the shopping from the car to the house.
*Bad service in shops. You only get one chance with me. If the service is rude I will never enter your premises again. I don’t care how difficult that makes my life, Im avoiding you on principal.
*When I get a haircut and the hairdresser makes my hair all boofy. I hate boofy helmet hair.
*Evaporative air-conditioning. What is the point? Its just plain crappy.
I have never had the feral man supermarket experience. Where on earth are you shopping? 😛
I once had the boofy hair. I asked them to take it down a notch. And then when I got to the car I had to bring it back down a whole heap more. Big hair, I DO care!
Smokers.. I left the hospital with my new born son, I waited on the seat at the entrance while my husband went to get the car. Someone connected to an IV came and sat beside me and started smoking. I turned around and said “in no Australian hospital is ok to smoke on the grounds and my son and I don’t smoke, butt out or move” he moved with a look of shock on his face
Good on you for standing up for you and your family. xxx
My head EXPLODES when someone mumbles something to me, and I didn’t hear it, but when I ask them to repeat what they have said they say “Oh doesn’t matter” or “never mind” or “don’t worry” UGHHH *HEAD EXPLODING* just thinking about it!
What did you say? 😛
Yep, the your/you’re really makes my head explode, along with all the other common grammatical errors that people just don’t seem to care about! Smoking is high on my list as well – uuughhh!
I love my Osteo. I go once a month. Life saver! She is so amazing, and make my back and neck feel soooo good.
Spelling mistakes can often do my head in, depends on my frame of mind to begin with.
People whinging about having no money, and then packing off on a holiday, or extending their house, or buying a new car. That makes my head explode!
And basically everything on your list!!
*deep breaths*
YES! Especially if you’ve helped out that ‘poor’ person and they failed to mention the holiday.
What the what?
Oh I hear ya, my osteo has fingers that contain fairy dust….I’ve been seeing her for a few years now for migraines. I went from having a migraine every fortnight to now having one every 6 months. Totally worth every dollar!
Okay, my head explodes when
+ I smile at a stranger and they just stare back at me, how hard is it to smile back at someone
+ Pretty much everything about smokers, especially since my dad died from lung cancer a year ago, but especially because they always hang out at the entrance to shopping malls, hospitals wherever really, I have to hold my breathe as I walk past. I shouldn’t have to. I understand the argument that they have the right to pollute their lungs if they choose to, but in doing that they take away mine and my daughters right to choose not to.
+ the grown man who wolf whistled at my 13 yo daughter the other day
+ when I walk into another room to do something and then forget what I wanted when I get there (twice)
Osteo are amazing. I will confess that I’ve tried to feel if I could feel anything they do, and I just don’t know how they do it.
And that wolf whistle guy makes me want to vomit. Wrong on all levels.
the idiots who sit in the right hand lane and not over take…can you say…. shot gun…oh and then the idiots who are under speed on single lane highway and then speed once at overtaking lane appears…seriously if I had a mack truck id run them off the road….makes me want to scream…can’t you tell I have just spent this week traveling Sydney to Byron…arrggghhhh ,move over idiots it’s not hard?
I know your pain. Have done that drive more times than I can count. Doing it again this year too! Gah.
– The cat meowing outside the baby’s door and waking her up. ARGH!!
– people who sit on the end of the seat on public transport so you have to climb over them if you want to sit down
– poosplosions/poonamis/number threes. Whatever you call them they do your head in
– slow walkers
That was quite therapeutic. Thanks Chantelle! 🙂
I am weird, and I think it’s because Lulu used to poo only once a week, but poo-namis used to excite me because I’d know she was going to be happier once it was all done.
My sister used to think I was so weird, because sometimes I’d even send her a photo letting her know it had arrived.
Oh gosh. I’ve said too much.
Oh we had the opposite problem, pretty much every nappy had poo in it! I remember one night our daughter was in the rocker while we were eating dinner. I looked down to see poo spreading up the front of her onesie. It is still a mystery to me how that happened…
When I need to make a phone call, generally I text, so phone call making is huge for me and it usually involves a wait time, selecting the right option, and waiting some more, you know the ones! So the kids are briefed, fed, entertained, happy, until I get an actual person on the line and then all hell breaks loose. Every. Single. Time.