Brought to you by Wonder White.
A week or so ago I asked on Facebook for people to take a walk down memory lane and share their favourite sandwich as a kid. What was the one lunch they hoped to open their lunchbox to find? I’m not gonna lie, some of the answers made me vomit a little {Twistie sandwiches, I’m looking at you!}.
The reason behind me asking was this here post. Wonder White asked me to take that walk down memory lane, and if they asked me what sandwiches I hoped for in my lunchbox at school, it would have been rissoles and sauce, or chicken and lettuce. Those were the fancy days. They were also very rare. It was pretty much always vegemite {Aussie people, I’m not alone… am I?}.
I consider myself a bread connoisseur. I love that stuff. I’ll take it anyway you want to give it to me; baguette, sour dough, fancy grains, rye, brioche, chia, any which way. Obviously that one time I tried the no-carbs diet I was pretty darn miserable. But even with all those fancy breads I love, there’s nothing more satisfying that the softness of a slice of white bread with butter. Is there?
And if you’ve got kids, and you’ve ever tried to smuggle them a piece of grainy bread… you might know that lots of kids love white stuff too. It’s hard to find that happy place where kids love what they eat and get the nutrients they need too. I’m lucky, my girls will eat any type of bread because I’ve introduced them to so many over time {perks of being a child of a bread connoisseur!}. But I’ve been a nanny to over 12 kids, and I know this is a battle families have. Wonder White have done the research too, with over 85% of parents struggling to get their kids to eat better foods. It happens.
Wonder White bread has all the fibre of a brown bread, masked in a white bread so that the fussy kids can still get some of their nutrients. Wonder White has insoluble fibre {good for keeping them regular, yep POOP!}, soluble fibre {helps slows down digestion, keeping them fuller for longer} and resistant starch {helps aid healthy bacteria in the digestive system}.
And now for the top 5 sandwiches you loved as a kid. It was one of the most popular discussions I’ve ever had on Facebook, and was super funny to read.
Yes, my favourite had to make an appearance.
Can not handle. What were your mums thinking?
I will never ever EVER eat a devon sandwich again in my life, but my Ma and Hubby pretty much fought over that one.
Yep. Aussie staple. We’ve all eaten one, right?
I don’t really get the mixing of two spreads, but apparently you guys were fans!
Peanut Butter and Jellly
I just don’t think I could ever go there. Ever. Is it really that good?
Yes! It is that good. I used to think it sounded awful but its actually kind of amazing
Yes it is that good….I’m an Aussie and like peanut butter and raspberry jam
My favorite was cheese with lettuce and tomato, but I also love peanut butter and mustard! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone else who ate that combination, but I still love it today!
Cheese and jam, for realz? And pardon my Britishness, but what is Devon? I think my favourite was Cheese and Branston Pickle, but to be honest, it was so long ago I can barely remember and I don’t think I’ve ever had a sandwich I didn’t like 🙂 (but that may change if I try the cheese and jam!)
In my parents of the world, Devon is called colony. Hope that helps
Why you do this to me, autocorrect? I meant to say polony
Sam – it’s just super processed round meat that at some point in the 90s they figured out how to process smiley faces into the meat. Eek.
I didn’t know it had other names around the world or country, but it appears it did. You’ll see it at Coles/Woolies for cheap. Some families liked to serve it at parties with mashed potato inside, rolled up.
haha Fi… or baloney?
Wow they are some flavour combos! I have no idea what Devon is! x
I don’t think you want to know! But processed meat. I don’t even know which animal it’s mostly made up of. Vomit.
When mum was on canteen I loved egg, lettuce and mayo! Later in my kid years I went through a stage of cheese and honey, which I still enjoy [it’s the sweet and salt together!]
I still love an egg and lettuce sandwich, especially when mum makes it…. but do you remember the stench when you opened your lunch box with one of those babies inside? Who farted?
Devon is NSW for Stras/Strasbourg sausage the lunch meat
Ah thank you! What animal is the meat from oh-wise-one? Please don’t say all of them! 😛
I think it’s mostly pork. In South Australia we call it fritz.
When we first came to Qld they called it luncheon, I think it’s Devon now though and cocktail frankfurts are Cheerios here 🙂
I’m in Vic and have always known it as ‘stras’ too, I always thought Devon was something different
I’m in Vic as well and Stras and Devon are definitely different. Devon and Luncheon are the same thing though – that really smooth meat – never a fan. Stras looks like an uncured slice of salami. I used to have stras (only Don’s too!) and tomato sauce sandwiches and even now, if I have a soft white roll I will have stras and sauce! Deliciousness of childhood memories!
Jam and cheese? I have never heard of that one, wow! And, ick! I had lettuce and cheese. xx
That would have a nice freshness to it. I rate that. Add tomato and you’re onto something.
Keep in mind I come from an Eastern European family… Salami, cheese and gherkin.
(PS: these days, as an adult, white bread is such a treat. I must admit I go a little nuts at Christmas time, devouring slices of fresh white bread with lashings of butter and leg ham…yummmm!)
I had a lot of cheese, gherkin and ham on sour dough, also have Eastern European heritage 🙂
You guys be FANCY!
And Sonia, leg ham with butter and white bread = SO GOOD. Two years ago I discovered cooked, warm ham on white bread. Oh yeah. That’s the business.
Cheese with tomato sauce! Haha strangely satisfying combo
My brother used to do that then microwave it!
Oh I just prayed for white bread. My mum tried so hard to get me eating multi grain. So hard.
Did she ever do the tiger sandwich to meet you half way? One slice of white, one slice of multigrain?
In Perth, devon is called polony. I don’t understand jam and cheese either! I think I lived on half a vegemite roll (couldn’t eat a whole one!) and a choc milk for lunch for about 3 years in primary school!
Did you get given half a roll, or did you only eat half a full one? Aren’t we funny with our quirks? That sounds like the perfect lunch, by the way. Chocolate milk for the win!
Cheese, vegemite and lettuce!
That was my favourite too 🙂
Really? Really! I don’t know how you even come up with that combo. It’s the like the people who do vegemite and avocado. Or vegemite and scrambled eggs. I just can’t.
Come on… lashings of butter, the vegemite for bite, the cheese for the creaminess and the lettuce for crunch. Plus, hello? Lettuce… it’s a vegetable. You could practically write that sucker off under the salad column and skip admitting to carbs and fats. 🙂
I could live on cheese and Vegemite on a desert island not sure about adding lettuce! I love all of Bakers’ Delight bread but the cheesy mite scroll is top of the list. And I think it is the high salt content of Vegemite which makes it perfect with any type of cooked egg!
Jam and cheese is the best. Starwberry or apricot jam. Either on fresh white bread or as a toasted sandwich. Now I’m hungry….
Liz, if we were sitting together at school, I’m afraid I’d have to go and sit somewhere else because you just seriously grossed me out. Ha!
I am also a HUGE fan of bread especially white bread. We have Albany in SA who also does a brown hidden in white best of both bread. Marmite is my best probably similar to vegamite although I can’t say for sure having never eaten vegamite. I eat marmite on toast with cheese or banana or boiled eggs. Crazy yes. No carb diets and I don’t get along at all. Why… Because I love bread so much
Vegemite and marmite aren’t the same thing. Trust me, my mum tried… and they’re so not! Ha!
Definitely NOT the same… but I’m a Marmite kiwi gal, always have been! I still like a Peanut Butter & Jam sammie when there’s nothing better on offer. My 3.5yr old is a fan of PB & Honey and PB & Jam. He asked for Marmite & Honey once and I obliged, but he hasn’t asked for it again! I never buy white bread (just doesn’t fill me up) so my son knows it will always be multigrain in his lunchbox 🙂
I ate all of these plus vegemite and salt and vinegar chips!
Together? Eek!
I was a crazy kid with high brow taste: roast beef, jarlsberg cheese, red onion and fruit chutney. You can keep your vegemite 😛
You so fancy!
I am pretty sure I got jam EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Needless to say, can’t stand it now! 🙂
You’d have it on a scone though, right?
Jam & cheese?? *horrified* :-O
We can be equally horrified together.
My mum liked Jam & Cheese – she always said it was like Jam & Cream but I never got it.
Not many foods better than fresh white bread with butter, love it.
I had some delicious sandwiches as a kid… Roast mutton and hot English mustard would be my favourite, but also enjoyed curried egg and lettuce, Promite and lettuce, peanut butter and celery, roast chicken and lettuce, or if I was really lucky I’d get bacon and egg with BBQ sauce, thanks Mum! 🙂
I love curried egg and lettuce, but you can keep your peanut butter and celery.
Is Devon straz? Had plenty of straz and sauce sandwiches as a kid. I still love to have a potato chip sandwich with my dad, but it has to be on fresh white bread with lots of butter and chips and then you have to squash it down to make it like a flat pancake! Yummo!
I second the yummy chip sandwich. Yum! I’m not sure if straz and devon are the same thing. If it’s weird, processed meat… then yes.
There were a lot of cheese and mustard pickles sandwiches in our house.
I don’t know what mustard pickles are, and I don’t think I want to. Do you like them still?
My mum was the queen of the weird sandwich. She used to do: peanut butter and sultana, peanut butter and banana, sultana and lettuce, banana, banana and lettuce. You get the idea. All disgusting. I’m such a fussy sandwich eater now, I blame her! I’m jealous of your chicken and lettuce, it’s my favourite! x
Whhhhhhhhhhhy? What was she trying to do torture you? I want to come over and make you a chicken sandwich to make up for your childhood.
We got peanut butter & sultanas too…vomit!
My best friend in primary school had grape sandwiches, carefully sliced in half and arranged on brown bread with marg. They were surprisingly delicious!!!! But my favourite with white bread has to fairy bread, you know with hundreds and thousands. I don’t go to nearly enough toddler parties anymore…
I’ve never tried fairy bread. That’s a crime, surely?
We used to get apricot jam and cheese – loved it as a kid. The one sandwhich combo a friend used to get was jam and condensed milk. Now that was gross!
When I was pregnant it was peanut butter and cheese all the way. Seriously, slap anything in between two pieces of fresh white bread with a crunchy crust and I’ll give it a go. Well, not seafood of any kind, that makes me sick, but I’d try anything else! I’ve had such monstrosities as banana and brown sugar (toast it, it caramelises), hot chips, chicken flavoured chips, pirate bread (chocolate jimmies instead of 100s and 1000s) and goodness knows what else. If you can get an awesome tasting tomato that doesn’t leak juice everywhere (you can buy sandwich tomatoes these days, yay!) on white bread with butter, salt and pepper then I’m there!
We used to get marmite and lettuce. Blergh! Or marmite with chicken chips. And in NZ I think Devon is called belgium
Vegemite, cheese and tomato. Best. Sandwich. Ever. Still eat it in my 30s. Will also happily substitute promite into the mix. Yum.
As an American I have to say that nothing beats a good PB&J. I also like peanut butter and honey. And…don’t knock it…peanut butter and honey and banana.
And it is probably unpatriotic but I just say no to fluffernutter sandwiches…peanut butter and Marshmallow Fluff.
Leftover roast lamb and tomato sauce sandwich was the best! Still love it! Current fave is cheese and pineapple (tin pineapple) – and it had to be the plastic wrapped cheese slices – Ah-mazing!
Oh heck yes! Roast lamb and tomato sauce was the BEST. I forgot about those. I want one now.
Motherdownunder, I loved fluffernutter but discovered early on I am Celiac You’d take any sandwich on decent bread. Thankfully now I have decent bread to choose from and love a good grilled cheese with lots of butter on the outside of the bread. PB&J is still my fave though!
At first I thought YUCK when I read jam and cheese but now I’m thinking it could be YUM! I’m thinking a long the lines of Quince Paste with a cheese platter……
I remember my grandfather telling me they ate jam and cheese sandwiches in the war. They had the choice of jam OR cheese as fillings, or jam AND cheese together. So they chose the combo. I still think it’s an unusual combination.
My favourite is Vegemite and twisties mmmm, give it a go, you’ll love it! my Dad loved cheese and thin slices of green apple
Crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly (NOT jam – too sweet). My favorite sandwich of all time. I don’t eat many sandwiches anymore, but when I do, this is what I want.
And it sounds like Devon is what we call bologna here in the states. I actually still like it, but don’t eat it often. Down south you can get fried bologna which is ah-maze-ing.
can’t say I’ve ever heard of putting cheese and Jam together on a sandwich…not sure if I’d like it. It sounds really weird, but in school my best friend’s nan would put chicken loaf and tomato sauce together in a sandwich, it was surprisingly tasty lol
My mom used to love giving me cheese and mayonaise sandwhiches.
To this day I actually love it.
When I was a kid I took herrings in tomato sauce sandwiches to school! No one liked sitting next to me on the herring day! I still love it and one of my children loves it too! (she would NEVER take it to school though – it is her ‘home food’!) Another fave when I was a kids was banana sandwiches (no sugar please!)
Cheese and tomato with salt and pepper my all time favorite followed closely by egg and lettuce. Yum!!! Silver side with Branson pickles was delicious too!
Did anyone else get the meat paste sandwiches? My Dad loved those! My adult favorite sandwich is smoked chicken, philladelphia cheese and cranberry sauce!
I love egg, Mayo and lettuce sandwiches. Still my favourite to this day and my girls enjoy them as well. 🙂
Everyday as a kid my mother gave me peanut butter and honey or peanut butter and jelly (known as jam down under). It was the only thing I would eat!