9 thoughts on “Top 5: Apps to help you be a total Christmas whizz”
Love these! Thanks Chantelle.. Who doesn’t like to listen to the sweet sultry tones of my one Michael Buble !!
Yes, I certainly would like to be unwrapping Michael Bubble this Christmas! 😉
Michael Bublé’s Christmas album is a must have for Christmas time in my house too. I’ve been secretly listening to him for weeks already =)
Have to check out your app recs.
Christmas is THE BEST time of the year. Actually, the family I grew up in treasured Christmas Eve most. We always had all kinds of good finger food and ate buffet style. We’d go to the midnight service at church. The whole day and evening was spent just being together and feeling the anticipation of Christmas day. We would read The Night Before Christmas and listen to hymns and usually open just one present.
Now that I am married and both families are in the same town, we spend Christmas Eve with my side of the family and open gifts with them after supper. We do Christmas Morning at home as a nuclear family and then go to my in-laws for dinner and gifts and afternoon/evening on Christmas Day.
I try very hard to be organized. Both my side and my husband’s side have always used lists to help shop for everyone. Everyone is expected to have their wish lists prepared by Thanksgiving and distributed. I keep everyone’s wish lists in my Dropbox account so I can access them via my phone. I also have an excel spreadsheet I made as a shopping list to keep track of what I have bought everyone. That is also in my Dropbox.
But, this year, I also downloaded two apps to keep track of spending because they work easier for tracking actual spending. I never pay for apps so these were free. Gift List Planner I use for actual gifts. But, I also am using Free Christmas List to keep track of stocking stuffers because our kids still get their stockings stuffed and my husband and I stuff stockings for each other, plus both our Scotties get stockings. I wanted that separate because I always have a hard time remembering what little things I bought for stockings and I can enter it right away on my phone with this app a lot easier than pulling up my excel spreadsheet on my phone.
Ok, after saying I never pay for apps I do have to tell about one of the two apps I have paid for. It’s called Elf Adventure and it’s an Advent Calendar App that has little fun activities for each day from December 1 to Christmas to help you countdown to Christmas Day. I bought it last year, but it refreshes each year. It’s fun.
As for music, my favorite Christmas music is Trans-Siberian Orchestra and I have all their albums on my iPod and on my phone. I am next going to look for a Christmas Card list app. Something I can keep updated all year so when it comes time to address cards I don’t have to rush around and get updated addresses from people who have moved since last Christmas.
Now if there were just an app that would wrap all my presents oh and do my baking for me as that stresses me because I don’t have time to do it until I get off work for Winter Break. This year my break doesn’t start until 3:45 on Dec. 21st. Which means I’ll have just a weekend to bake and that Saturday is my Mother-in-Law’s Birthday, so I’m sure we’ll be with them for a while on that day.
To end on an up note, I am excited because I only have 13 days of work left until I am off work for a week and a half!!!!! Hmmmm, need to find a countdown app to help me countdown to school breaks, too. Ok, off to my Google Play store. 🙂
thinking Rod Stewarts new album will be on my list…
I’m currently loving the Santa Tracker 2011 App – you can add your little darlings names onto the naughty or nice list. My 6yo is obsessed with checking it and making sure he stays on the nice list. And when the 2yo (who has spent a LOT of time on the naughty list) does something wrong I hear big brother saying “that’ll get you on the naughty list” – self policing got to love that!
I’m also loving Any.Do for my to do lists. Simple, clean, easy. Thanks for the tips
Are these available on android or only iphone??
I lovage your app recommendations 😉 I have Teux Deux but haven’t done anything with it – it all looked like it would take more than the 3 seconds I had between ‘muuuuum’ was shouted out…. so in this quiet evening I’m hoping to have in the next few days I’m cracking it open and going for it
Thanks for the tips. I’ve just been freaking out that I haven’t even started shopping yet! Had a spare hour, so I’ve downloaded the list app, written my list, got my budget in order and I’m ready to shop in my lunch breaks now and do a little every day next week. Thanks xx
Love these! Thanks Chantelle.. Who doesn’t like to listen to the sweet sultry tones of my one Michael Buble !!
Yes, I certainly would like to be unwrapping Michael Bubble this Christmas! 😉
Michael Bublé’s Christmas album is a must have for Christmas time in my house too. I’ve been secretly listening to him for weeks already =)
Have to check out your app recs.
Christmas is THE BEST time of the year. Actually, the family I grew up in treasured Christmas Eve most. We always had all kinds of good finger food and ate buffet style. We’d go to the midnight service at church. The whole day and evening was spent just being together and feeling the anticipation of Christmas day. We would read The Night Before Christmas and listen to hymns and usually open just one present.
Now that I am married and both families are in the same town, we spend Christmas Eve with my side of the family and open gifts with them after supper. We do Christmas Morning at home as a nuclear family and then go to my in-laws for dinner and gifts and afternoon/evening on Christmas Day.
I try very hard to be organized. Both my side and my husband’s side have always used lists to help shop for everyone. Everyone is expected to have their wish lists prepared by Thanksgiving and distributed. I keep everyone’s wish lists in my Dropbox account so I can access them via my phone. I also have an excel spreadsheet I made as a shopping list to keep track of what I have bought everyone. That is also in my Dropbox.
But, this year, I also downloaded two apps to keep track of spending because they work easier for tracking actual spending. I never pay for apps so these were free. Gift List Planner I use for actual gifts. But, I also am using Free Christmas List to keep track of stocking stuffers because our kids still get their stockings stuffed and my husband and I stuff stockings for each other, plus both our Scotties get stockings. I wanted that separate because I always have a hard time remembering what little things I bought for stockings and I can enter it right away on my phone with this app a lot easier than pulling up my excel spreadsheet on my phone.
Ok, after saying I never pay for apps I do have to tell about one of the two apps I have paid for. It’s called Elf Adventure and it’s an Advent Calendar App that has little fun activities for each day from December 1 to Christmas to help you countdown to Christmas Day. I bought it last year, but it refreshes each year. It’s fun.
As for music, my favorite Christmas music is Trans-Siberian Orchestra and I have all their albums on my iPod and on my phone. I am next going to look for a Christmas Card list app. Something I can keep updated all year so when it comes time to address cards I don’t have to rush around and get updated addresses from people who have moved since last Christmas.
Now if there were just an app that would wrap all my presents oh and do my baking for me as that stresses me because I don’t have time to do it until I get off work for Winter Break. This year my break doesn’t start until 3:45 on Dec. 21st. Which means I’ll have just a weekend to bake and that Saturday is my Mother-in-Law’s Birthday, so I’m sure we’ll be with them for a while on that day.
To end on an up note, I am excited because I only have 13 days of work left until I am off work for a week and a half!!!!! Hmmmm, need to find a countdown app to help me countdown to school breaks, too. Ok, off to my Google Play store. 🙂
thinking Rod Stewarts new album will be on my list…
I’m currently loving the Santa Tracker 2011 App – you can add your little darlings names onto the naughty or nice list. My 6yo is obsessed with checking it and making sure he stays on the nice list. And when the 2yo (who has spent a LOT of time on the naughty list) does something wrong I hear big brother saying “that’ll get you on the naughty list” – self policing got to love that!
I’m also loving Any.Do for my to do lists. Simple, clean, easy. Thanks for the tips
Are these available on android or only iphone??
I lovage your app recommendations 😉 I have Teux Deux but haven’t done anything with it – it all looked like it would take more than the 3 seconds I had between ‘muuuuum’ was shouted out…. so in this quiet evening I’m hoping to have in the next few days I’m cracking it open and going for it
Thanks for the tips. I’ve just been freaking out that I haven’t even started shopping yet! Had a spare hour, so I’ve downloaded the list app, written my list, got my budget in order and I’m ready to shop in my lunch breaks now and do a little every day next week. Thanks xx