After taking over 600 photos in a year I started to think about what I could do with them. A quick search and I found that there were a handful of fun options and now I’m sharing them with you. All of them were easy to use, you just log-in to your Instagram account via their site and all your photos appear for you to choose from. Here are some more details:

Make a beautiful iPhone case using the photos you’ve taken on Instagram. You can design it in a collage like the one I did {and choose where you place photos} or even polka dots. There are also loads of other designs and background colours.
Cost: $34.95 and free shipping worldwide
Quality: I’m impressed by the quality of my Casetagram, it’s sturdy and the colours of the photos are beautiful and true.
Website: Castegram.com

Create an album with your Instagram photos with pre-made page templates that your photos easily assemble themselves into. You can name your album, select which photos you want to include and choose the album cover design too.
Cost: Albums start at $29.95
Quality: This is Lacey’s favourite of all the products we had. The quality is great, even after a lot of use from little hands.
Website: Keepsy.com

I wasn’t expecting to love this one as much as I did, as I’m not a big canvas fan. This is about 30cm by 30cm and the quality of the print is pretty spot on. I love on the back of each canvas is a little sticker that says ‘Lovingly made by ____’. Mine was made by Anthony. Thanks mate!
Cost: Starting at $39.95 {but they don’t ship Internationally. I had to send to a mail forwarding service and then sent on, which was pricey}.
Quality: Crisp and lovely.
Website: CanvasPop.com

Simple and clean is the layout for Blurb’s Instagram books, which I love. It let’s the photos be the star of the book. It’s smaller than the Keepsy album {so 18cm by 18cm}, but not too small. I plan on making a Blurb Instagram book when I finish the photo a day challenge at the end of this year, with all of my favourite photos {the page limit is 240}.
Cost: Prices start at $12.95
Quality: Absolutely brilliant.
Website: Blurb.com

{Inside the Blurb book}

Cost: Starts at $22
Quality: Spot on
Website: Hatchcraft.com

Turn your Instagram pics into magnets using Stickygram and your favourite photos. These have already taken pride of place on our fridge among the bills and recipes I want to try.
Cost: $14.99 with free shipping worldwide
Quality: They’re soft magnetic paper so don’t expect hard, plastic or fancy magnets.
Website: Stickygram.com

Is this tiny book the cutest thing you ever did see? I love teeny things and this one won my heart. Design your own tiny book, each containing 24 photos and share with the kids. Prinstagram also does photos printed like polaroids {in the very top picture}, bigger books and lets you make a huge collage of your photos that you can print yourself.
Cost: $10 for 3 tiny books
Quality: Brilliant. The pages are made of card and it’s not flimsy at all.
Website: Prinstagram
Other Instagram products:
- Instagram chunky bangle from BuyMyCrap on Etsy
- Imagesnap ceramic tiles
- Instagram poser from Firebox
- Instagram coasters from craftedlove on Etsy
- Photo pillows from Stitchtagram
Would you turn your Instagram photos into something you could display or use? Which tickles your fancy?
Please note: I was sent all of these products for editorial review. I did cover the cost of international postage for the CanvasPop canvas. You can read my disclosure policy for more details. All reviews are truthful and my own opinion.
These are all so cool! I'm thinking mothers day gifts!
Ooo!! I have the sticky grams but I found the damage quite easily and aren't very “magnetic”. I love the tiny books though!
I've got several batches of the stickygram magnets. They're ace! I also got some little polaroid like snaps delivered a few weeks ago (can't remember where from). Oh and if you use Hipstamatic they do lovely little prints too. I love iphone photo apps, clearly 🙂
I think maybe the snaps were from Prinstagram. x
Loving the look of Instagram, but don't have an iphone. Hmmmm. Was going to get an Android phone but might have to re-think. Is it wrong to reconsider only because of Instagram??? 😉
Instagram is available for Android now. Go hard!
wow great ideas, thanks for sharing! been wondering about what to do with my photos, now i've got several options, yay 😀
dude, i'm so into this!! they are GREAT gift ideas for the grampies.
xo em
Aren't they ever?
photos are all wonderful : )
blog : http://www.christianyuen.blogspot.com/
Awesome! Great post! Thank you Chantelle. I have been thinking about all my Instagram shots lately & wondering how I could do more with them {except just download to my computer!} I will definitely be checking out a few of these ideas! They're all FAB though…..so this could be hard for me to just buy a few LOL!
Thanks so much for posting this! I have a zillion photos I don't know what to do with but now I do!
Ohhhh…… must. keep. credit. card. away.
I think Stickygrams will make awesome Mother's Day pressies this year!
Oh, lovely! Perfect timing – I have been wondering how to maximize my Instagramming! Thank you!
I want them all……you are a bad girl!
dammit Telle I want them all!!! far out! my photo a day piccies will make great albums…. thanks for the tips
You're a legend Chantelle, I hadn't heard of any of these at all. And now am about to getvclosely acquainted. Thank you!
Chantelle, I can't even work out how to make photo collage things for my blog posts…. any recommendation of a program would be much appreciated! (There must be some way of posting them together. You and others make them look so beautiful. AND you add words. I think I'm technologically incompetent!)
Deb try Printsagram – you can make posters and they are downloadable in PDF format – so you can print them or use them online.
Otherwise I love Picnik – but it closes next week. You could get in now and make a beautiful collage before the site shuts down.
Both of those are free. x
What a wonderful collection of ideas! Thanks so much for putting them all in one place.
instagram is wonderfully addictive so a big THANK-YOU for sharing the many wonderful things we can do with the photos, another reason to take MORE of them than i already do. thank you!
These are all really cute! Thanks for sharing some NEW things to do with the pictures…I haven't heard of any of these except for the Stickygrams.
That frame and the canvas pop are calling my name. Great finds!
I've been gagging for this post and just KNEW it'd come from you!! Thankyou! I want one of those keepsys for sure. Project for 2012 is printing up my thousands of photos into photobooks, so this will do just nicely xx
Thank you! x
I think I will have to order one of the books after I finish the entire year! The phone case is great also!
Wow! Fantastic. I'll be looking into some of these. Thanks Chantelle xx
This is really cool – I will definitely be doing some of this stuff!
Hey soooo cool ideas!!! I LOVE my instagram App…
If you like, please have a look to my blog. I have refered to your great “photo a day challenge” to my German (and international) readers… Of course there is an English translation 😉
Thanks for all your inspiration and your wonderful photochallenge every day!
Greets from Germany
Thanks Jules. I popped over and left a comment. x
Yes, you made my morning ;-)))
Thanks so much! Photo for Day 4 will follow soon… 😉
Happy Wednesday,
I feel like saying, “Gosh, what will they think of next?”
Phonecase and magnets very cool!
i just got my order of stickygrams and they are seriously amazing. I can't get enough of them!
Thanks for this collection! I think I'm going to have to order one of those books at the end of 2012 too!
These are wonderful ideas. Instagram rocks!!! Thanks for sharing!!! 🙂
Great advice. Thanks 🙂
Love all of these! Looking forward to decorating my first apartment 🙂
These are great! Thank you for sharing!
That mini book is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I'm going to buy a few and send to each of the grandparents with photos of the kids 🙂
Such a beautiful post.
P.S Do you know if there is a site that makes Samsung Galaxy cases?
love the blurb books and the mini books from prinstagram!
Oh wow finally instagram in available for android. I am going to be all over this now
I love the books! Think I might have to do one with my photo a day pictures too. One site that you didn't mention is Printsgram.com where you can make PDF files of various sizes as well as stickers and photo cubes and print them yourself or take them to a print shop. I used them last year to make an A3 size poster and got it printed at Officeworks. Total cost $19 for the printing.
These are all so gorgeous, they make so many cute things to support my favourite app!
A while back I diyed my one version of the Polaroid magnets, you can see them here if you like 🙂
These are AWESOME!! What a great post! I am totally addicted to instagram, great to know you can make the photos into something! Now I'll definitely be hooked!
What awesome products. I have an Android phone & can't get Instagram atm 🙁 One day…
Is it not a smart phone? Instagram released the app for android this week. x
Wow, these are all such great ideas I don't know which to try first!
Love them all! I recently sent a post-agram (Instagram photo turned in to a postcard – http://postagramapp.com/ ) which was fun (and less than a dollar to send)!
Do you know how excited I am to be able to try these things?!?
I have an android phone, so waking up this morning to discover I could now use Instagram was the most exciting thing EVER!!
Wasn't that great news?
ceramic tiles! excellent! will be getting a few of these to use as coasters i think!
I love them all!! Like, love love them. I think I need a few of these albums. I built a cushion but then just couldn't bring myself to buy it. Thinking I might have to surprise myself at some point. They'll look great on my couch.
Oh my, you are so great! Because of you I´ve found out today (via facebook), that now my samsung mobile can have instagram too and I´ve downloaded the app immediately (so thank you!!!!) – and of course I am in love now with instagram!
And now so many new features…oh what a great day 🙂
have a happy day today. geisslein
I have been looking for an instagram book printer that will include my captions. Have you see. Any such thing?
I'm pretty sure that Blurb does captions. Pretty sure!
You are so great!!! I have been trying to research ways to print photos from instagram and you have all the answers, woohoo! Thanks so much for all the great tips. Cheers!
How do I obtain the “photo a day challenge” for April?
Hey Sam. It's here: https://fatmumslim.com.au/2012/03/april-photo-day-challenge-list.html x
Love, love! And I've really been enjoying your photo-a-day challenges!
I did a Blurb Intagram book last year and I love it! It sits out and we flip through it all the time! I'm sure you're aware, but you can change the layouts to include nine (or more maybe?) pictures per page. I didn't do more than nine. Some layouts also give you the option to type captions. Of course you can customize the cover as well. Thanks for all the inspiration!
cool!!! Thank u so much for this post, it is such an ispiration to me 🙂
Fantastic ideas, Chantelle! Thanks – I'm always looking for fun new ways to use all my IG photos! Happy weekend from the US!
I just tried to order the Keepsy album and it won't take the coupon code, rats. 🙁
WOW never realised that so much could be done with photos! Love it 🙂 especially the tiny book!
Brilliant! Thanks for this. I love your blog 😉
Lov them all, and I've used blurb before and love the quality now I just need to take more instagram pics xx
Paper Coterie has an Instagram line. They're great products and super cute!!
This is awesome. I've been thinking of ideas for my Instagram images and these are great.
Love your blog by the way!
Just got my tiny books this week. You're right! They are the cutest ever and I didn't know they would be magnetic so the sit on the fridge.
Very interesting information!Perfect just what I was looking for!
Hi, I just stopped in to visit your site and thought I’d say thanks for having me.