I was reading an old (I assume) Reader’s Digest at the Doctors yesterday. It had a sweet little article about a book on love boiled down to just six words. There were some really funny examples, some bitter, some lovely. The one above is what I came up with for the loves in my life.
What is your love story in six words?
gotta love the laughter he brings ♥
Not so much a love story but I remember reading Hemingway writing a 6 word story once and it was BRILLIANT as it said so much in so few words!
For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.
Let me work on something by me, however I fear it won't be anywhere as good.
i feel safe in your arms
I just love that Hemmingway post – the power in those little words. Mine not so, but here they are..
One day he kissed me. Forever.
I just love the stories. So short, yet they say so much.
The Hemingway story though… just pains me. Such sorrow. x
slightly borrowed…
To the moon and back again xx
Okay, mine is three words – make of them what you will!
I have seen these done for all differnt topics, so cool! Mine's not very romantic…
Love.The Little Things. Like Killing Bugs
And KerrieSackville, you made me laugh out loud…I know exactly what you mean!
strength in love. learning. choosing. me.