Last year at some point I found someone {or she found me, I don’t know which} named Melyssa. She’s creative, and inspiring, and I really just love everything that she does. We’ve worked together on lots of things. She’s created a design pack for the Little Moments App, she’s designed loads of things for my blog, and we’re working on a few other projects together too.
It only made sense to beg her to create a Photo A Day list too, you know… you make it a well-rounded experience. Ha! So she did. It’s clean, and simple but still screams fun!
How to play on Instagram
+ check out the photo a day list for the daily prompt
+ use your phone or camera to take a photo using the prompt as inspiration
+ upload the photo to Instagram, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption}, add the hashtag #FMSphotoaday and then publish.
+ check out the #fmsphotoaday hashtag to see all the other photos. Like them. Comment on them. Be part of the community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared on Instagram for the challenge. It’s four photos that have captured my attention from each prompt. Check my feed {@fatmumslim} to see the photos.
How to play on Facebook
+ check out the photo a day list for the daily prompt
+ use your phone or camera to take a photo using the prompt as inspiration
+ upload the photo to Facebook – you can either share on your personal page, on your business page {if you have one} or in our Facebook Photo A Day group {you’ll be added within 12 hours of requesting}, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption} and then publish.
+ check out the photos shared in the group, or among your friends. Comment, like and be part of the photo-taking community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared in our Facebook group for the challenge by our lovely admin team. It’s four {or more} photos that have captured my attention from each prompt. The photos are made into a collage, shared and pinned to the top of the group.
How to remember what the prompts are
+ If you’re a lucky iPhone or iPad owner, you can use the Little Moments App to remind you of what the prompts are, as well as make your photos a bit fancy. You can grab the App here.
+ For all devices and PC, we upload the prompts which you can download automatically into your phone or PC calendar. For Smartphones & Mac Calendar, click here. For HTML for web viewing, click here.
+ You can also print out the list, save it as your screensaver or save it to your camera roll.
A little more about the prompts:
Monday 27: In my bedroom
Share a snap of part of your bedroom. Your bedside table. Where you sleep. Where you keep your favourite things…
Tuesday 28: Prepare
Share a photo of something being prepared, or something being made. Or getting ready for something.
Wednesday 29: I walked here
Show us where you went today. Choose one spot and share it.
Thursday 30: Need
What do you NEED in your life? Coffee? Love? Air? A roof over your head?
Friday 1: Want
What do you WANT in your life? Happiness? Riches? Quiet?
Saturday 2: Faceless self-portrait
Share a photo of you, but it shouldn’t show your face. Can you get creative and do it?
Sunday: A cup of…
What’s in your cup today? Think outside the box {or cup!} and get creative.
Have fun my friend!
I’ve been putting off joining this and telling myself that I’m far too busy, but I think that next week I’ll finally accept the challenge!