9 thoughts on “Not Ever Ready”

  1. My little girl is starting kindy and I can relate 100% to how you are feeling. I want her to grow up but at the same time I want to hold her like a baby. She will always be my baby and I am teary just thinking of it now.

  2. I feel this, with every inch of my being. My first and currently only baby will start this year. not for a couple of months yet but I already feel a mix of dread and excitement (for her) What will i do with myself?!?

  3. Oh my goodness the other day my daughter asked me for permission for her to please grow up, and for me not to be sad every day about it. Turns out she takes it seriously when I say, I’m devastated that my baby is growing up. Oopsie Daisy. I granted her permission by the way. haha

    • Oh gosh, that’s the cutest, but I reckon I’m just like and probably say it far more than I realise. I find this really hard. I’m yearning for another baby hard this week. I’m just not good at this growing up stuff. ?

      • I understand that. A couple of weeks ago we were talking about it. And 3 nights of no sleep in a row were potent enough to cure me. xo

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