Letter To Lacey: Twenty Four Months.

I knew I loved you before I met you, and when you were born I loved you more than I could have imagined.

You’ve shown me true joy. You’ve shown me pure happiness. You’ve shown me love like I’ve never known.

I can’t believe you’re now two. Really? Two? I know it’s true, but I am still in disbelief. The past two years have been the most difficult in my life, but difficult in a good way. All the hard work it takes to raise a sweet little girl… it’s worth every ounce of energy I’ve mustered over the past 24 months.

You’ve grown a lot in the past month. You’re speaking in sentences, you’re singing, demanding, throwing tantrums and being delightful in between.

I love you so much. We all love you so much. I knew I loved you before I met you, and I know I’ll love you forever, and ever. xx

26 thoughts on “Letter To Lacey: Twenty Four Months.”

  1. Happy birthday Lacey!! What a beautiful collection of photos Chantelle – you have captured some precious moments with your precious little cherub x

  2. Happy Happy Birthday to Lacey and
    Happy Birth-Day to you and Shane.
    Another beautiful letter to Lacey and along with the clip I've got the tissues out yet again.

  3. What a delight your little girl is and she is so darn lucky to be as surrounded by love as she is. Happy Birthday gorgeous girl! xo

  4. What a beautiful video Chantelle!! You are doing such a special thing for Lacey by writing these letters and putting together these videos. She will truly treasure these when she is older.

  5. Madam 4 had a lovely time looking at the pictures with me, she wants to know if she can come over and play with lacey. bless.

    happy birthday lacey!

  6. Oh wow. You can feel your love for her in those photographs.

    What a gorgeous little girl she has grown into, I am sure you are deservedly proud.

    Happy birthday Lacey, have a ball xo

  7. happy birthday sweet lacey – hip hip hooray!

    how gorgeous is her little face in that first photo… love her to bits and cant wait to see her on the weekend! lets do a little birthday celebration when we meet up. rowe x

    p.s. i need you to show me how to make a slideshow like that… it will save me all the effort of putting together albums that must include every photo ever taken (which is of course thousands!).

  8. *tears* & *smiles*
    what a gorgeous little darling. She totally rocks sunglasses doesn't she!! And she definitely has hair 🙂
    You're a beautiful mama, Chantelle.

  9. Happy Birthday Lacey and congratulations to you Chantelle. You have made it through 2 beautiful years and you are doing a cracking job xxx

  10. She is just so beautiful Chantelle. I can't believe how fast those two years have gone! I had warm fuzzies throughout the whole slideshow, and a big smile on my face! Not half as big as yours, I bet! Happy Birthday Beautiful Lacey. xxx

  11. just beautiful!!! what a lucky girl to be able to look back on all this when she has grown!!!
    i love that song just divine- do you happen to know the title and artist??

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