Let’s Get Grateful!

Sing it. Go on. Sing it to the tune of Let’s Get Physical.

Let’s get grateful. Grateful. Let’s get grateful. Let me see your grateful posts.

Do it once a week. Do it once a month. Do it whenever you feel the love. Let’s all get involved in 365 Days of Grateful.

Just post something you’re grateful for on your blog, with a picture of what it is, the essence of what it is or something similar.

Post in my comments if you’re going to be involved (especially if you’re not in my blog roll!). I’d love too see what everyone loves in their lives, what makes your soul sing and what puts a smile on your dial.

Go ahead. Make me smile. xx

5 thoughts on “Let’s Get Grateful!”

  1. okay i will give it a try may be erratic but will do a grateful post ever 4th post!!! I have lots to be grateful for…love your blog by the way just found it and am going to do the weight thing on the side bar too…Maybe we can help each other!!! lol

  2. I will definitely give it a try 🙂

    I often try to do it just in my mind so it will be nice to make it “official” by writing it down..

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