Brought to you by Cadbury.
Let’s have a little fun, shall we? Remember those quizzes that we used to do in magazines when we were teens and totally hip and happening {read: also totally angst-y and annoying}? I loved those quizzes so I’m bringing a bit of that fun here today. Let’s figure out what flavour you really are.
Please note: This quiz is totally serious and should be taken while wearing an extremely serious face. No fun allowed. Also, best taken while wearing shoes.
Question 1: Let’s jump right in and get deep and meaningful: What type of underpants are you wearing right now?
a. Underpants that my grandma would totally be proud of.
b. I only ever wear a Y-string, thanks for asking.
c. Bonds hipsters. Always.
If you answered a, your flavour is MILK CHOCOLATE. Everybody loves, you love everybody. Let’s just all hold hands and sing kumbuya for a moment, shall we? You’ve got 765 friends on Facebook, you know all of their birthdays and respond to text messages/emails/phonecalls immediately {if not sooner} after receiving them. You send thank you cards after events, and you take your mum out to breakfast once a week. You’re just a very good egg.
If you answered b, your flavour is TURKISH DELIGHT. Girl, you out there. AND if you’re a guy wearing a Y-string you’re EVEN more out there {and slightly brave!}. You’re a little bit exotic, a whole lot of adventurous and you don’t mind standing out in a crowd. Just like the flavour Turkish Delight, you can divide people. They either love you, or they don’t. {And that’s their problem, isn’t it?}.
If you answered c, your flavour is CARAMELLO. You might have an almost hard exterior but inside you’ve got a gooey heart. You’re just a big softy deep down, aren’t you? You cry while watching cute baby animal videos on You Tube and you like to read romance novels. You keep a journal, and you could never ever say no when someone asks for help.
Question 2: Your idea of a good time is…
a. Hanging out with friends, laughing, and maybe watching Sex & the City re-runs.
b. Jumping out of an airplane WITHOUT a parachute.
c. I don’t know. I can’t decide. Like, whatever.
If you answered a, you’re HAZELNUT. There’s no pretending, you ARE fancy. You’re the type of person who never gets caught out in the rain without an umbrella, you have ties to the royals and you know which wine goes with which foods and you drink {sip!} them accordingly. You soooo fancy!
If you answered b, you’re SNACK. And you’re one crazy kid. People never know what they’re going to get with you. One minute you’re all chilled out like a caramello and then the next you’re deciding to do something KERAZY like jumping out of an airplane. The upside is you’re always entertaining and fun, but the downside is sometimes you’re a little bit too out there.
If you answered c, you’re TOP DECK. You know what you want, and you know how to get it. You want the best of both worlds, and you make sure you get it. Want to go to Paris AND New York on a beer budget? You make it happen. You’re decisive, and clever, and kinda like two people in one.
Question 3: You’re home alone with the TV to yourself on a rare night to yourself. You’re set up in your comfiest PJs, with the remote in hand. What do you watch?
a. Every single episode of Real Housewives of Melbourne that you’ve taped for viewing when no one else is watching.
b. Offspring.
c. A highly-cultural documentary on SBS.
If you answered a, you’re FRUIT & NUT. You like to pretend that you’re all sophisticated and stuff, but as soon as no one is looking you can be as trashy as the trashiest of them all. You love a good rant and rave, you’re totally Team Gina and your PJs totally have little kittens all over them. But if anyone asks, you only wear organic nighties, you’d NEVER watch reality TV and you never rant. Ever.
If you answered b, you’re CRUNCHIE. You know those little dogs that jump about with boundless energy? You’re just like them. In a nice way. You couldn’t be paid to sit down and relax, because that’s B-O-R-I-N-G. You were the kid that used to ask a million and one times, “Are we there yet?” You’ve always got something to say, and somewhere to be.
If you answered c, you’re BLACK FOREST. You’re smooth, and a go-with-the-flow kinda person. You’re always up for a good time, yet just as happy chilling out with your people. Yes, that’s right you have your own people. You’re a loyal friend, and someone everyone needs in their life.
Question 4: Your partner does something really annoying in public, how do you react?
a. You scream and shout and make a spectacle of yourself.
b. You gently pinch that soft underskin of their upper arm and whisper, “You know we’re totally going to talk about this when we get home, don’t you?”
c. Laugh it off. Life’s too short for dramarama.
If you answered a, you’re ROCKY ROAD. And yep, you like things rocky. You thrive off drama and attention, and you’ll take what you can get. You only have one volume level and that’s loud. You’re busy, and your life is stuck in full speed. We all know that deep down underneath all that noise and busy, there’s a really sweet, lovable person.
If you answered b, you’re PEPPERMINT. On the surface you’re a picture of calm perfection, but underneath you’re all emotions and high energy. You’re passionate, but only when it’s appropriate. You’re professional, but you know how to let your hair down and have a good time {remember last year’s Christmas Party?}.
If you answered c, you’re ROAST ALMOND. If you looked up zen in the dictionary you’d find a picture of you. You’re all cool, calm and totally collected. You don’t let the little things bother, and you most definitely don’t sweat the small stuff. You like to walk on the beach, play with your dog and get your fortune read.
Join the flavour conversation on the Cadbury Facebook page here.
You decisive thing, you.
Fruit and nut and real housewives of Melbourne!
Love RHOMelbourne!
Any! Other than the creamy filled ones as my sensitive teeth can’t take it & then I can’t give it the attention it deserves!
Same! I’m hazelnut all the way.
MARBLE!!! Why o why did they stop making it 🙁 That was the best by far!
I forgot about Marble. I didn’t like the filling. Can’t remember for the life of me what it’s called – hazelnut something?
Omg this quiz is totally accurate – like sooky!
I loved the limited edition Pineapple flavour they had, but Peppermint is awesome too!
I wish they hadn’t stopped making Duo – dark chocolate base with milk chocolate top… Now THAT was the best of both worlds!
Mmmm I’m milk and hazelnut and peppermint – delectable, just like me!
can’t I just have a bit of them all ?
Yes! Wouldn’t that be awesome, a multi-block! That’s what they should invent. I’d try that.
OMG you totally nailed my favourite flavours! Seriously! What a talent.
Love this, nailed it!! Especially as Caramello & Hazelnut are my two favourite flavours!
Love this!
Lol love it! Plain, hazelnut, crunchie & almond. I’m a granny who’s fancy with boundless energy but very zen!
Love it! Spot on but I don’t have any chocolate in the cupboard!
That was fun x
Ok, I’m a little jealous that I’ve only seen three of these (milk chocolate, fruit & nut, and caramello) where I live in the USA. I love the three we do have though. 😀
Caramello!!! but romance novels? who’s got time?!! 😉
Milk and Dark chocolate
We don’t even have some of these in Canada, I know we have Milk Chocolate and Crunchie, may have a few of the others, but there are also others we have that aren’t on this list (cookie dough, caramel popcorn, etc).
I also find some of the answers aren’t even me so some of them don’t work, but the first one sure did!
oh and we have fruit & nut
Ha, they’re meant to be funny. 🙂
Caramello is just about my favourite. And Crunchie. And Turkish Delight. In fact, all chocolate is my favourite. I never really tasted a kind I didn’t like. However, I think Caramello says the most about me, completely together on the outside, and soft and gooey on the inside. And just for the record, Top Deck makes really good fudge. I’m just saying…
I Love those with nuts in – I don’t really like plain chocolate, maybe a bit like life, I need a bit of rockiness otherwise it’s a big boring!
This quiz is hilarious! I love Cadbury chocolate and if i could have it every day without consequences I probably would!