Enjoy yourself.

Imagine you’re on a healthy eating plan (fancy schmancy wording for diet).

Imagine it’s going really well.

Imagine you’re proud of how you’ve been going along so far.

Then, imagine you stumble across your ultimate food heaven in your own neighbourhood. Imagine that.

Imagine it turns up in exactly the same week that you decide to make some pretty serious life changes.

What’s the chances? I ask you? I ask you, Max?

I love Max Brenner. Not the man himself. Well, actually I kinda do. He’s a chocolate genius, and I love chocolate. I love the place itself more though. It’s a chocoholics heaven and I’m a self-confessed chocoholic.

Sheesh. I just realised it’s been however many days since I’ve had chocolate. I used to have chocolate in some form, in some size, almost daily since I was pregnant, I think. That’s big. Huge.

Anyway back on topic.

I stumbled across Max Brenner Chocolate Bar today in our local shopping centre. I knew it’s arrival was imminent, but not this imminent.

I had one of the kids (from work) with me, so we popped in. He had a treat. And I was so good. I had three strawberries. I even declined the chocolate dipping pot. And I felt okay about it.

I feel like I might have already lost a bit of weight. I don’t know if it’s all in my head, but I feel like there is a little bit less of me.
I’ve organised that I will visit Max though. It will be a while from now though, but I look forward to it. Until then – everyone else – Eat More Chocolate. Max said so.

1 thought on “Enjoy yourself.”

  1. Oh dear, that is just so unfair!!! You poor thing. I am inspired by your perspective though, I guess it is a constant reminder of the journey you are on and a goal to work towards.
    Still Max you are very cruel.

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