Eat. Ate.

I love this new piece in the Sunday Life magazine so I am going to play along too. Here is what I did food wise over the weekend.

I ate … at home. Hubby ventured to our favourite butcher and bought wagyu steaks which he cooked on the BBQ. It’s pretty darn cold here at the moment, so that’s a big effort. It was worth it.

I cooked … cous cous for the first time. I mixed it with a little garlic, butter, tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. It tasted a little like old shoes. Hubby liked it. I didn’t.

I bought … fresh strawberries, baby dutch potatoes, canapes and free range bacon from the Farmer’s Markets. I could go crazy and buy so much more. Lucky I went super early so hardly any of the stalls were open.

What did your weekend involved food wise?

5 thoughts on “Eat. Ate.”

  1. Oh, no! You've got the couscous pegged all wrong! DO promise you'll try it again…

    To make it up, you combine equal measurements of dry couscous and chicken stock. 1 cup dry couscous to 1 cup chicken stock will make HEAPS for the three of you. Make sure the stock is hot hot hot, and whatever you do, DO NOT STIR when you've put the water into the couscous, or it goes all claggy!

    I usually serve it to my husband with capsicum, onion, tomatoes, and zucchini that I've cut into chunks and sprinkled with a little cumin, olive oil and garlic before roasting.

    It's great to take to work for lunchtime leftovers too!

  2. I like chicken stock with anything… so that could make a huge improvement. I promise to try it again your way. I'll call it Cous Cous La Linda. 😉

  3. Cous cous definitely needs lots of flavour added! I use chicken stock as well, toasted flaked almonds are nice in it, and moroccan seasoning.

  4. Hey Telle, I even reckon just couscous with a generous helping of salt and butter is yummm… especially when you use it as a side dish served with something “casserole-y”.. it soaks up the casserole juices

    Yummmm.. and so easy, don't even have to “cook” it.. just add hot water to cover it, put a lid on and wait 5 mins 🙂

  5. Ok. Ok. I promise to give Cous Cous another chance.

    I think I'm going to wean myself onto it… first the casserole method.

    It's got to be healthier than mash potato too, right?

    Thanks guys for the cooking tips. x

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