How to create one big idea

Hello Bloggers!

Today I’m speaking at ProBlogger on the topic of growing your blog. Now usually when you hear that topic, you might expect to see graphs and stats and strategy.

But, that’s not how my mind works. In fact, just typing strategy makes me want to run away and rock in a corner. I want to show you a different way of doing things.

So today I spoke about doing really cool stuff online, and making a difference in people’s lives. I also talked about how, as bloggers, we have this great opportunity to just try ideas and see how they might pan out. Yep, they might flop… but they might also take off.

Today I wanted to share how to come up with one big idea that your community will love. First, I want you to zip through this worksheet, and then I want to talk you through it below.

How to create one big idea

I think quite often with blogging we think about how to get to the end result, and what we need to do and don’t really think about our audience. This time it’s going to be all about the audience.

Let me answer those questions in the worksheet, as if I was planning for Photo A Day.

Who is your target audience?
I don’t like to narrow down who reads my blog, but I’d have to say like-minded mums are my target audience.

Where does my audience hang out most online?
Facebook and Instagram.

Choose one.

What matters to your audience?
Feeling happy. Enjoying life. Being grateful.

Pick one thing.
Enjoying life.

How can I make their lives better, easier or more fun?
I can facilitate a challenge that will get them to stop each day and take a photo and share it.

See how that worked? When it came to picking a platform, I chose Facebook because it’s where I originally started Photo A Day, and Instagram was a quick afterthought. You don’t have to think HUGE and complicated. Think simple and easy.

Let’s explore other niches/ideas:
Food blogging: You could encourage your audience to try a new recipe each week, or do a recipe swap, or cook on a budget.

Fashion blogging: You could host a huge online clothes swap on your Facebook page where everyone cleans out their wardrobe and swaps 3 pieces each, or start a weekly style challenge, or challenge them to wear something new from their wardrobe for a month.

I hope this helps in creating a big, community idea. Have fun with it. You never know what might happen. It might take off!

Off and away…

14 thoughts on “How to create one big idea”

  1. You really inspired and surprised me. As a childless middle-aged travel blogger I didn’t expect to be soooo inspired by a young mummy! Thank you so much for sharing so much!

  2. Chantelle you gained another raving fan today 🙂 I am new to your blog, but I was blown away at the love in the room today. Thank you for sharing everything with us and I can’t wait to take part in photo a day!! Xx

  3. So bummed I didn’t get to hear you @ #pbEvent – I was in a diff sesh but will def be heading to problogger site to listen to your talk. Love all these points – thanks for the inspiration.

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