‘ve talked about blog name regret before. There are days when I don’t love the name of my blog, and I often have a list running through my head that I’d like to change it to… but am never brave enough to change it.
So I thought I’d turn the tables. How did you come up with your blog name? Do you love it or loathe it? Or just feel that it suits you and your blog?
ah yes – blog name regret:
I wanted to call my sewing blog pinsandneedles, but that was taken.
For me, it reflected perfectly the angst involved in sewing for me!
So I have an image that keeps the title, but an address that is pingsandneedles – reflecting the nerdy side of blogging and sewing.
I'm actually happy that I couldn't have my original choice.
Oh, I love this post. Coming up with a name for the blog was not easy. My blog is in German and translates to pistachios and cotton candy.
I simply love those two things. The name not only hd to be a good name but it had to sound good to me. I like the name in German, but I'm not a big fan of the sound in english.
I wanted to pick a name that has a positive tone, a name that doesn't have to be explained.
I'm trying to find a name in english for a english blog and that is so so hard.
Greetings from Hamburg, Germany,
it's a funny thing a name!
I'm actually really happy with the name of my blog, it's the name of my little home based business, and also encompasses for me, a feeling of joy and celebration, and being outside, which I love.
It's funny how a name (and a blog) can take on a life of its own. Mine came from what I thought I knew about weight loss (“Jack Sh*t”), but it's grown to take on a whole new meaning.
Good topic!
Well I've talked about it a few times but it wasn't hard – I have 3 daughters and live in the Hills! 🙂
hehe at JSGF!!
When I started my blog, I never in a million years anyone besides family and friends would read it. I picked a name that suited what I was writing about and had meaning for me (one of my favourite Beatle songs). Unfortunately, it's a VERY common name used by a few bloggers, so it's hard to stand out now that a lot of other people are starting to read.
So, yes, I do have blogger's regret and wish I'd been more creative at the start. Oh well, I don't think I'll change it now as it does mean a lot to me.
Choosing the blog name was really hard and I asked lots of people until I had what seemed like the millionth person tell me “gee you're brave” to be going on the trip we had planned – so that was it. Now that we are back home and I am still blogging it doesn't really match but it does remind me I once did something brave.
I love the name of your blog – short and catchy
I started my blog a few months ago when we moved away from a little apartment in Bondi to a house in the suburbs (we wanted a garden and space for miss 2 to run around).
I started writing about my three new passions.. gardening, cooking and sewing, so….
Grow. Cook. Sew. seemed to fit pretty well and it was available (to my surprise)..
Marriage Renovations And….
Well it pretty much sums up my life now. My blog is only a few months old, as if my marriage, and we are in the process of getting renovations started so I knew I would want to blog about that.
As for the 'And' bit… I think that will mean my blog can continue on long into my marriage and after the renovations have finished.
No blog name regret as yet, but ask me again in a year…
I agree, I was damn hard to come up with a name for my blog.
Hi Chantelle…I know you have doubts about the name of your blog but I love it and can't imagine you changing it…ever since reading your post about how other people perceive your blog based on its name, I cant help but thinking of it as “Fat Muslim” now and it makes me giggle each time. Loving your posts as always
I changed my name because I felt that people judge my blog by its name when it was nothing about that.
After changing the name I feel like people come over & stay for longer.
I only just started my blog a few months ago, I'm not much of a writer, although english was by far my favourite subject at school. I am only just learning how to get the creative juices flowing, so my blog name is pretty average I think. I don't think anyone reads my page anyway so at least I am the only one who knows it's a cruddy name 😛
I chose my name as I like to write about the sweet things in life (love, family, friends, food) and the exciting,glamourous parts (fashion,houses,styling). To me it fits 🙂
I chose Forever, because i want to live forever 🙂
I love the question, Chantelle. I must admit, I'd seen the name of your blog ages ago and made assumptions which I've since found to be completely false – apologies! I'm so glad I've now found you ☺. With 3 children under 5, I found myself referring to living on 'Planet Baby' as it really is another world. When I started my blog(only 11 weeks ago), it was the first thing that came to mind and I was flabbergasted to discover that no-one else had already thought of it. I'm pleased with it as I'm trying to create a sense of community about it, inviting people to discover more about it as if you were visiting a different country – it's like an overarching theme. Feel free to visit! J x
The Miss Ruby was dropped into my mind one day when I was thinking about a new blog.
I needed a fresh start, a place where I could focus on the positive [and yes I will admit that sometimes it's not always positive but cest la vie] and look to the future but I had no idea what to name it.
Then Miss Ruby popped into my head – I still can't tell you where it/she came from but she was perfect. Ruby is who I used to be, she's who I aspire to get back to, she's the future me and whenever I click on that blog, it always makes me smile, so she's doing her job!
I too love your name of your blog Telle and I would imagine alot of people can relate to it's title.
I honestly cannot remember how I came up with mine. It's a blur! But I still like it, thankfully.
I came in to leave you a comment about this and then decided to blog the answers to your questions instead 🙂 http://jemikaan.blogspot.com/2010/10/whats-in-name.html
Im a little unsure about mine = Suburban Mum 1986. I chose it because really im a mum living in the suburbs doing the normal mummy stuff and was born in 1986 so yeah, not the most creative name but at the time was the only thing that came to me.
Im not the most creative person so id definitely struggle trying to come up with a more creative unique name haha.
Hi Chantelle – such an interesting quesiton that seems to be contantly on my mind at the moment – had been thinking of this for a while but BYW has made me quesiton the name even more – my blog name came out of quick I want to start something and what can I call it! I was building a house at the time so there is was Mrs A In The Cove – now the house is built and while it is still about me in the Cove it is so much more now and does not reflect the things I blog about (well that is my take on it!). Now I have a new little business I would love to change the name but scared I will lose those followers I do have!! Oh the dilemma's of being a blogger! Hope you are well and are able to make it to our next BYW catch up. Leanne x
Mine was a no brainer. But I love yours. Cute, catchy and a little bit cool.
I used to read blogs before I had a blogger/bloglovin account and I for some reason never saved the links so I was constantly thinking to myself when I wanted to read a particular blog “what was that address again” and having to trawl through my history or foum threadds to find the blog. And hence my name was born
Great topic! When I first visited your blog I really loved the name. Very catchy and reminded me of that rapper, Fat Boy Slim. Don't change it (even after you lose your post baby weight)! It's one that I remember. Unlike mine which is very common and was created on a whim and very, very similar to millions of other names! Just the other day I was thinking of something a little more creative than A Day In The Life Of Us… so after four years of blogging under than name, should I leave it?
I chose my blog title, Where's My Glow? because it suited how I was feeling about my pregnancy, the subject of my blog. Now that I've had the baby I actually still like it though… because I'm still not glowing!!!
I love the title of your blog but at the same time I'm all for change if you feel it has run it's course. Change can be good… to be cliche, as good as a holiday.
Oh I hear you. My main blog is so uncreative – just my name. And then my second blog (yet to be launched), well.. I like the name. But I'm not sure of my pseudonym. Ugh!
I started my blog on a whim and just named it “some things about megan.” It worked for a while, then I realized that not too many people want to hear so many things about Megan!
I just changed it this summer to “Freckled Italian,” because that's exactly what I am!
I loved my blog name: Bubby Makes Three… til I had my second child!! Um, is it too late to change the 'three' to a 'four'??
My first blog was called 'The Life & Times of DaniV' and I wrote it as a way to record my life thus far, but once I got it all out, I had nothing left to write about. Then I got really into this healthy eating & exercising routine and decided to write about that so my new blog “Health & Fitness Mum” might not be original but it sums up what I am and what I write about!
I put a bit of thought into mine and the fact that it was a line from one of my favourite songs made it even better.
It sums me up.
Well mine is a crafty business blog & i don't name my children so happy with the title, as my business is all about craft & family anyway. I can think of really cool names though, but i'm happy, it's a blog title, content is far more important. Love Posie
You're name is great, unique and clever! It was probably what caught my interest and led me to this beautiful blog!
As for me, I have loved my blog name since the day I spontaneously thought of it! Fortunately I have a fitting last name!
I wish I'd chosen a separate blog name instead of just my name, but I'm in the same boat! Not really brave enough to change it lol Oh well 🙂
I literally need photos to remember so when 'a photographic memory' was available I was surprised and happy! So, I adore my blog's name. 🙂
Yeah I love my blog's name Mommy Has A Headache ….it is just all about me and my headaches and trying to laugh my way out of trouble!
I decided to start a blog to vent about my inlaws and my life with them in it.
So I decided to call it The good family, the bad family and ugly things! I wanted to call it The good family, the bad family and the ugly things they do! but it wouldn't fit. So it kinda rounds up my life with the good family (my family) the bad family (my inlaws) and the ugly things that happen.
I like it since I tend to really vent on it.
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I used to work a lot overseas, starting from my early 20's and I was nicknamed Babyroo, Roo or just plain Roogirl. I originally had katweb as a name, but when changing domains, Roogirl.com just fit and still does since I'm Aussie and female!
I still travel and I work for a US-based company here in Sydney and now it has become me 🙂
Danimezza is my nickname. Dani is for Danielle and Mezza is my husbands nickname as our last name is really long, when we got engaged I merged them together.
I didn't want a descriptive blog name, I wanted something that was original and adaptive to any content I decided to write about as mine varies greatly. Danimezza has become my brand and it's even the name of my new business. It's also pretty google-rific too.
I kinda regret not thinking about search engines because I get a lot of traffic from people wanting to see pictures of mockingbirds!
I like peoples blog names – you find some very interesting ones. Mine well it started off with my shop really but I think I have brought all sorts to it and go off on all sorts of tangents 🙂
It's sad to read about people who have blog name regret. That they're not completely in love with everything about their blog.
Chantelle, I read a blog that used to be called “Cluttercut” because the author was in a period of transition in her life where she'd moved from a unit in Melbourne to a farm in New Zealand, and was trying to simplify her life. After 3 or 4 years she changed the name of her blog to “Hazeltree Farm” because the transition was over and she was now choosing to focus on her farm itself and the new life her family had created. She simply advertised the change on Cluttercut before she changed the name on the front page, and then didn't change the URL name 'til weeks later, so people could still find her.
I say, if you want to change the name of your blog because you're at a new stage in your life and you feel the name no longer represents you or your blog – do it! No use not being in love with your blog.
As for the question itself, I don't have blog name regret. My blog is called the stockport hotel and I wrote about the name in a post here: http://thestockporthotel.blogspot.com/p/what-is-stockport-hotel.html. I tried not to choose a name that represented anything specific about my life (single/partnered/childless/whatever) because things may change! Good luck. 🙂
Sometimes I wish I'd started blogging under my own name. The reason I started writing pseudonymously is kind of moot now since my brother showed my mum my blog anyway.
I get asked a lot about my blog name, especially when I use it as a username on a forum. I chose Bad Mummy as a way of cutting to the chase. Most of us have been told we're doing it wrong when it comes to parenthood so I'm just getting there first.
Yep, I also cut to the chase. I was building a house, just me, I was project management….! so I called mine 'The House That A-M Built'. I feel that my blog grew into it's name, and even though now I have moved out of the house and am not building one at present, I wouldn't dream of changing the name. It has become me… all on it's own, regardless of the content. I even have my suppliers calling me A-M now… and my hubby! A-M xx
No! I am not crazy about my blog name at all. At the time I just whipped it out, but now, everyone knows me by that. I am not brave enough to change either!
My blog name comes from my facebook profile i had 'learn. love. laugh. live' written in the box under my profile pic for ages. Im not sure where i got them from. I had originally wanted the call my blog 'the little things' or 'did you see me to?' but after much thought i choose these words and created 'Learn. Love. Laugh. Life.' I love my blog name but its still early days.
I love your blog name! my first blog was called 'knitter and new mum', oh so original and after almost a year of blogging it came to me one night – retro mummy! and that was that I changed blogs and became retro mummy and still love it!
My blog name came after many days, weeks, months of thought. Kalanicut is a knickname my aunt gave me as a kid. Kalanicut Connecticut. That was clearly too long, but when I cut it down to just Kalanicut it suddenly represented a “cut” of me (kalani).
I thought that lent itself well to cover so many of my creative adventures, big cuts & little cuts (actions & creations) in my life. And so a blog name was born. Now that some time has passed, I still like it.
I too have regret. I invented it in about 3 seconds and it I could do it again would have invested more time but I feel it's just too late now.
I mis-spelt Sugar when I was entering it into the blogger thing. I actually thought Sugar was spelt with an E. Sigh. Go me.
By the time I realised I loved the name and decided not to change it (and the other options weren't available).
For me, it kinda sums up, not to expect good spelling on my blog! Ha.
I actually have two blogs. I started my first one almost a year ago. My blogs are both nail polish/beauty blogs, by the way. Anyway, my first one was called “Lissa’s Polish Addiction” and I recently started my new one because I wasn’t happy with “Lissa’s Polish Addiction” as my name.. Lol. I felt embarrassed to tell my friends, like they’d think I actually had a ‘problem’ hahaah. So my new blog is called “Ten Little Nubs” and I like it a lot more. I think the name is cuter, and much more unique. 🙂 It was a hard decision to change but I figured better to do it now rather than in another year or something, haha.