Meet Bronte.

29 thoughts on “Best free fonts: my current favourites”

  1. Don’t forget to check the license terms under which these fonts are made available. Many of them cannot be used on any public facing document (eg material presented on a web site) without permission of the designer of the font, or in some cases, buying the full license.

  2. Ok I’m still learning my way around my Mac so please help me find the font’s folder and do I need to minimise this page to drag it?

    • So what you need to do is download the fonts first. So decide which font you like best, click it’s name at the bottom of the post and download it there.

      Then once it’s downloaded onto your desktop, double click to unzip it. Then go to your applications folder (the one with the A on it) and open the font folder. Go back to the font file that has now been unzipped, open it. Find the font file (it’ll be white with the font on it) and drag that into the font file.

      Hope that makes sense. x

    • Hi Louise,
      On your Mac you don’t need to find the Fonts folder. You can double-click on the font file and it will offer you the chance to install it.
      When you click on the button to download the font, it should go into your Downloads folder. Find the folder with the font in it and double-click to open it, eg for “Airplane” there should be a folder in your Downloads folder that’s named “Airplane”. Double-click to open it and inside you’ll see two files, one of which is called “Airplane.ttf”. Double-click on it and a window will open, showing you what the font looks like. At the bottom right-hand corner of the screen there’s a button that says “Install Font”. Click once on that button and your Mac will open the “Font Book” application and install the font automatically. You can quit Font Book if you want but you might want to leave it open as it’s going to open every time you install a font.
      I hope that I haven’t confused you with my rambling instructions. Feel free to email me at if you need more help.

    • Are you on a Mac or a PC? If you want you can email me offline (ie not in the comments here) and I’ll see if I can simplify it for you.

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