An Invitation.

I love being part of the Healthy You Challenge. It’s a great ongoing challenge. I love the checking-in process most, as well as being inspired by others.

I thought I would start a little challenge for myself, and you, if you feel like joining in. It’s only going to be a relatively short one. It will run for just 12 weeks and finish up the day after Valentines Day. How perfect. We can celebrate with a lot of self-love. Group hugs all round.

I’ve been taking advantage of the brilliant resources over at the Measure Up website. So for the Challenge I plan on printing out the 12 week planner and using that for the whole 12 weeks. It’s a great way of being accountable and monitoring my patterns (i.e. searching for chocolate at 3pm). Even if you don’t like to keep a food diary definitely think about using the checklist at the end of each week to see how you went.

So as Heidi Klum says – Are you in, or are you out?

We’ll check in every Sunday night (Australian time) and see how we go.

So plug in that printer, starting setting some short-term and long-term goals and get cracking.

Welcome to the Measure Up Challenge. xx

4 thoughts on “An Invitation.”

  1. Good on you girls. So to start, print out the information, set your goals and work out a food plan.

    Next Sunday we’ll check in and see how we’ve gone. You can measure your success on the scales, with a tape measure, by looking at your food diary or just by how you feel. It’s up to the individual and what they like to do.

    I am looking forward to sharing this journey with everyone. x

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