All Over It.

A while back we went and visited some friends of ours. We were talking about everything that we normally talk about and the topic of sleep arose.

Him: Are you getting any sleep at night?

Me: Ummm. Not much at all really. She wakes a fair bit.

Him: Really? I thought that with you being a Nanny you’d be all over it?

As a Nanny I have been known as a miracle worker when it comes to babies and their sleeping routines. My older employer used to go on and on about it, calling me the Baby Whisperer and telling the world of my talents.

I remember meeting with a mother who was at her wits end. She couldn’t get her baby to sleep, and especially not in the cot. I came in and sorted it all out. The mother was amazed. As she should have been. She’d just encountered the Baby Whisperer. (Cue laughter).

So cut to now. I’m hopeless. It’s such a contrast. I couldn’t be less All Over It.

I’ve been feeling so melancholy all week waiting for tonight to roll around. The longest I’ve been away from Lacey has been when we went to the City for our date. It was five hours. I was with Hubby. And even then through the Comedy Act I wanted to cry because I loved her so much and missed her.

I’m coming across quite pathetic now, aren’t I?

I’ve been hoping for a miracle so that I wouldn’t have to leave her. A miracle didn’t happen. I hope it all works this weekend.

I know people who have left their babies for nights before to go partying or have romantic weekends away… so it has been done before. Lacey will be okay. I will be back with her once the sun comes up.

I probably won’t be blogging again until Monday. I will be staying at Ma’s during the night and she lives in the dark ages (not really) and doesn’t have Foxtel/Cable or Internet. Lucky all I need to do is sleep. And during the day I am just going to snuggle with my wee little one.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. xx

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13 thoughts on “All Over It.”

  1. I understand your concern. But rest assured (and I DO mean rest) your sweet little one will be in good hands and you will both be better for having gotten through this weekend. Rest well, my friend!

  2. It will all be worth it once you are on the other side of the weekend. Sending you lots of strong vibes.

    I honestly find being away from my bub makes me just love her more and really really appreciate all the snuggles so much more!


  3. good luck with it all telle. you will be fine and so too will lacey, i just hope it works for you all.

    oliver was pretty pathetic at sleeping and still could be a bit better but like you, i would miss him too much and I am not as sleep deprived as you.

    PS My mobile number is no longer, I will let you know when I have an aussie one

  4. I’m right there with you. When I have to leave my kids I feel like I’m going to have a panic attack. I think about all the terrible things that could happen to them while I’m away. Then I think about things like…I might get into a car wreck, die and leave my kids without parents. I’m flipping out the entire time I’m gone. I think it’s fairly normal. No worries. I don’t think it ever goes away, but it does get less. Best of luck to you. Hoping you get some much needed sleep. Shoot me too for that matter!!

  5. Aww honey. I used to Nanny, and was also good with getting the babes to sleep — but I have it on good authority that it’s different with your own. Don’t be hard on yourself *hugs*

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