This is what’s in my camera bag. What’s in yours?


By now you may very well know that I’m a bit of a fan of taking photos. You didn’t? Where have you been? Dude, I’m addicted! I get asked a lot what cameras I have, what I use for my photo-a-day photos, and which I like best.

I’m just a girl who likes to take photos. I have nothing amazing in my bag. No expensive lenses or anything crazy. My girlfriend Rowe has amazing gear, as does Danimezza. Those girls are the real deal.


So here’s what’s in my bag {well, in my bookshelf, but same thing only different}:

♥ Canon DSLR 7D: This is my fancy pants camera. Before this I had a 450D which is a more basic model. This one has video functionality which I REALLY need to become acquainted with. I use this camera when I’m organised and know that I’m going to do a shoot, particularly with food etc. With the new baby I do hope to take more photos.

My favourite lens is a cheapy {in comparison to other lenses}. It’s a 50mm 1.8 and costs about $150. I like it because it lets lots of light in and makes photos all blurry, just how I like them!

♥ Fuji Instax: This was a gift from Hubby a while back. I’m addicted to polaroids. I probably have 1000s of photos I’ve taken over the years. Piles and piles of them, boxes filled with them and photo books too. They’re the most fun you can have with a camera. Film is expensive though, so it’s been a while between polaroids of late.

♥ GO PRO: This is a sweet little camera that is easy to take with us, particularly when we’re traveling or heading to the beach. I still haven’t played with it as much as I would like, but it we’ve taken some great underwater photos and Hubby does some great video when he attaches it to his Stand-Up Paddle Board. The underwater case is what we use for underwater, obviously!

♥ iPhone 5: This poor thing has been dropped a gazillion times, and takes photos daily. It’s much-loved and over-used. I love it. It’s what I use for all my photo-a-day photos.

♥ Macro & fish-eye lenses: These are my newest addition to my camera family. I bought them cheaply on eBay, but they’re so much fun so far. I think I spent $11 including postage, and they’ve been worth those dollars so far.

What sort of camera do you use most often? Do you have one that you’re lusting after at the moment?


35 thoughts on “This is what’s in my camera bag. What’s in yours?”

  1. We’ve got a Nikon D60 and have just recently got a new lens for it 55-300 in addition to the standard 18-55 so I’m trying to use that more for photos although my iphone is so convenient. My olloclip gives some fun effects with my phone too. I really really want a Jo Totes camera bag though, I don’t mind what’s in it, it’s all about the bag for me just now đŸ™‚

  2. I occansionally use my Nikon Coolpix L120, which has so many photo settings i also use my phone (samsung galaxy s2) almost daily

  3. Visually we see the world in 50mm. Its a great lens. Brassai, who I think is one of the greatest photographers, shot with 50mm. You definitely don’t need a million fancy lenses.

  4. I will use whatever I have to hand at the time..I love my Canon but also have my phone which I have used so much on this holiday and my ipad. Love your blog, very refreshing.

  5. I just got absurdly excited when I saw you had the cannon7d as I have just invested in one and really want to learn how to use it PROPERLY! I am getting some pretty good results just mucking around with it, but it would be nice to be able to point and shoot it at things with some authority! Agree photography is a pretty addictive past time.

    • My girlfriend and I are going to run blogging/photography ecourses once I’ve had the baby, and she’ll cover off how to use it. She explains it in a way that’s easy to understand. I think you’ll love it. x

  6. My camera bag looks similar however, I have just added an 85mm 1.8 :). Loving it so far. I have the same 7D :). Which actual bag do you use?

  7. ok please forget my question re where you got the iphone lenses from – i now see your post previously – but a question … do you attach it directly to phone or on a cover ?

    • If you click that link to eBay that I shared, you can see some photos. But basically you adhere a little ring to your actual phone, and then the lens snaps on to that magnetically.

      And I think that ring just comes off easily. I haven’t tried yet… but it doesn’t look like it would be too ‘stuck’.

  8. I just bought a Canon EOS Rebel and I almost needed a shot of tequila to help with the shock of the price! But I love it, it takes so much better pics for my blog and I absolutely love the customer service at Canon, I won’t by anything else. And my phone is the Samsung Note (can’t remember what # it is) but it just came out and it take AMAZING pics.

  9. My son is saving madly for a GoPro, and while he’s dreaming of outdoor adventures, I’m imagining the book reviews and other cool things I might use his GoPro for while he’s at school!! Today he asked if I might get one for myself as well. The idea of having 2 GoPros was very exciting – for both of us I think!!!!
    In my camera bag at the moment is my Canon DSLR 70D, and an extra lens with a few SD cards. I’d love to play more with the iPad and Instagram, but for now I use the big camera mostly.

  10. What’s in my camera bag is almost identical to yours! How good is the instax? And don’t get me started on the good old 50mm lens for the canon…it’s pretty much the only lens I use!

  11. Lets see, the camera bag is an older style ov Vera bradly backpack, fitted with a rectangular shaped cross body “real” camera bag (with padded inserts and stuff). The “real” bag houses my Nikon d7000, a 18-200 lens, a 50mm/1.8, and a 105 macro. On top of that (I close the lid of the real bag, which makes for a nice study “second” bottom in my back pack) I carry a Pentax k1000 and a yashica mat 124g. The first is a 35mm film camera and the second is a twin lens 120 film camera. In the outside pocket I stuff in as many rolls of film as I can. Then, in one of the side pockets goes my phone, wallet and keys!

  12. Oh my, I’m a bit of a camera addict, I need to have one for every occasion! My main camera is Nikon D7000 with Sigma 18-50 f/2.8 macro lens, I also carry either my 35mm f/1.8 or the 70-300 depending what I’m shooting. I have Lumix LX 5 for gigs and lighter travel, as I can’t usually take my DSLR to gigs without a photo pass. Then there’s a bunch of Lomography cameras (35mm, 120 and 110 films) and my latest purchases are some old film cameras from 1930’s-1950’s and a Polaroid. And with all that, I still use my iPhone most often, as it goes where ever I go đŸ˜€

    Isn’t just the looks of this pretty thing the only right reason to have bought yet another Lomography camera?!

    AND I have the. most. gorgeous. camera bag that I got last year, all thanks to you Chantelle and Margo at 3 Annies, with a little help from my hubby! đŸ™‚

  13. Your camera bag scarily matches mine almost to a T! I just upgraded from a 400D to a 7D and I have the 50mm 1.4 lens – which is so beautiful! I also have the polaroid đŸ™‚ Bought really cute cheap film in Thailand recently – hello disney princesses! & I have the macro lens for my phone too đŸ™‚ I’m just missing the Go Pro so far!

  14. New to the blog and love your photography inspired posts!!
    Me and the hubby share a camera bag at the moment, so the bag is mostly prioritized to fit him đŸ˜‰ It’s a Crumpler backpack…awesome for travelling btw! We have a small Lowepro just for carrying around town; only take the wide angle and 50mm in there.
    Cameras: Nikon D80, Lomography w/ fisheye lens and B&W film, Olympus Tough for our snorkelling and lake adventures (gotta have the floating strap too!)
    Lenses: {Nikon} 50mm f/1.8 (BEST EVER!), 35mm, 10-24mm wide angle (ALSO BEST!), 18-55mm kit; {Sigma} 70-300mm zoom
    Flash: only for certain occasions…but cordless remote is a must!
    Filters: NDGrad, Polarizing…don’t use them as much anymore, but the NDGrad was amazing in Hawaii because you couldn’t always pick the perfect time of day to shoot
    Misc: tons of SD cards, extra battery, iPad or MacBook, transfer devices, phones (BB & Samsung)

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