Can I steal a moment of your time? {Psst. There’s a $100 Etsy voucher up for grabs}.

Can I steal a moment of your time?

I’ve felt a bit of a shift of late. I’ve been changing my priorities, putting myself at the top of the list, and just simplifying things. I kinda like it.

It’s never easy, particularly for mamas who have people they want to nurture and care for, and other interests {Businesses! Work! Health! Lovers!} they need to tend to. Are you picking up what I’m putting down?

Work is a big one for me. This hobby of mine turned into a business and this year has been a bit more of a juggle, with working out priorities and direction. I feel like next year is going to be the year of fun for me. I plan on simplifying more and only doing the things that make me SUPER happy. I’m excited about that. I’ve been dreaming BIG these last few weeks. My head feels like it might explode.

I’ve been working on a new blog design, and a new logo, and it’s looking so fun at the moment. It’s still a few months away before it’s ready, but I’m so keen to share it with you guys. I’m even having a photo shoot this Friday {scarier to me than sky-diving!} so I have up-to-date photos of me for my blog. I’ll try and share some on Instagram. Maybe!

With any planning and dreaming, I want to be able to reflect on what’s worked well, what hasn’t, and what I want to keep doing more of. That’s where you come in. I’d love if I could steal a moment of your time {about 5 minutes} and ask you to fill in this survey. It’s created by the agency that looks after the business side of my blog, specifically about me and this blog, Fat Mum Slim. It will help give feedback to clients that I’ve worked with, like Olympus and Nissan {and others}, so that hopefully they’ll want to keep doing cool stuff with me in the future.

So pour a cup of tea, grab a biscuit or two and take a moment to fill in this survey. I know your time is precious so I really appreciate you giving it up for me. There’s a $100 Etsy voucher up for grabs for filling it in.

Thanks in advance. I am very grateful. x

The Sydney Workshop

I get it, dad

14 thoughts on “Can I steal a moment of your time? {Psst. There’s a $100 Etsy voucher up for grabs}.”

  1. Of course I can! I bet you will get an amazing response. You have created and nurtured such a loyal gaggle of followers đŸ˜‰

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