22 thoughts on “The day I said yes to a balloon up the nose.”

  1. “Been there, done that, got the blog post to prove it” – you need to make that into a tshirt!! Did it help with the headaches Telle? As I sit here with a headache that feels like it’s in my neck and in my cheeks and temples I can understand why this might help. I have never heard of it before! Intriguing (if painful).

    • Strangely a been there ,done that moment. That my mum & I both did when we were kids was shove a crayon up our noses….both ended in trips to the hospital & we’ve yet decided never to tell my 3 kids. As no doubt , one of them would try it.

  2. I’ve never heard of it either, sounds bizarre, but anything that gets rid of headaches is good in my books!

  3. i have NEVER heard of that either – though i am freaked out at the thought i must say i am intrigued!

    • Mine was to release the tension in my face, to stop headaches {as part of a bigger problem – you know tension throughout neck/back/face}. But my brother in law was wondering the same so I’ll ask Scott tomorrow. I do have to say that my nose ran constantly that day afterwards, and the breathing out of that nostril was like it was brand new.

      My brother had that thing where they grind up in your sinuses to help with breathing and Scott said it was similar to having that done. I’ll get back to you {either here or on FB msg}. x

  4. Okay … so like in all my 57 years I’ve never heard of anything like this especially involving a chiropractor. It must be an Aussie thing Chantelle. Ha! *wink*

  5. I have the perverse desire to now have the nasal balloon treatment. It sounds like it would be that good sort of pain, which results in relief you didn’t realise you needed..

  6. There is an Australian Story episode with snow boarder Torah Bright where they show her having this done after some head injuries. It looked horrible, but apparently it worked wonders. You are a brave woman!

  7. Wait…what…6 Holes?????? In each nostril or 3 either side?? That’s just crazy!

  8. Oh boy! Never ever heard of that one with a Chiro….mind you hubby has had some interesting things done with his Chiro!! Not sure that he would like me to share it though 🙂
    At least the balloon gave you relief – it did work didn’t it??

  9. Well that’s 2 things I have learnt today- 6 holes in the nose!? Who knew an the fact balloons are placed up a nose on purpose is yet another revelation! I hope your headaches get better!

  10. Chantelle,

    I read this the other day & just about snorted milo through my OWN nose!

    Pregnancy huh? It’s a glamorous path we trek 😉

    P.S I squealed when you said yes to the DTLL newsletter x

  11. Chiropractic and therapy are two very different things. A balloon up ones nose has nothing to do with chiropractic, and if offered by a chiropractor you should tell him where to stick the balloon, and run , not walk to the nearest exit.
    Go see a real, legitimate chiro.

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