471 thoughts on “Here it is! Photo a day August challenge list”

  1. Love this list! Some items are going to be challenging, but that is what it’s all about! Can’t wait!! x

  2. Love a challenging challenge! As I do every alternate month, I’ll be taking my pics on a manual camera (not iPhone!) and will be sharing these just on FB this month. Thanks again. You are awesome.

  3. Interesting list! I’ve been tempted to do this for a while now but wasn’t sure if I’d be able to stick with it. I’m going to bite the bullet this month though and give it a shot! How exciting 🙂

    • claire i have the list stuck to my cupboard near my front door, i look at it each morning and plan what i might take a pic of:)

  4. Filed under photos – photoadayaug. Really enjoying this along with friends who aren’t ‘official’. Some have commented that they look forward to the photos each day even though they’re not involved! Thanks for the fun.

  5. Joined your blog for July and now Iam hooked so here we go brig on August
    And I want to thank you for making me do something different and thinking outside my usual 9 to 5 24/7

  6. I am going to do this on my website/Facebook page (www.coffsforkids.com) but with a “Coffs Harbour” and/or kids twist (where possible) to each daily theme. Should be fun!!

  7. Ive been admiring some participants for months & now im going to give it a go myself! Im already secretly obsessed with Instagram so now my photos will have purpose (or MORE purpose) Cant wait! My user name on instagram is channy_j

  8. I can’t wait for August, my 4th month of the challenge. I love it, and can’t believe I’ve just read the instructions for the first time! Thankyou Chantelle for inspiring me (and so many others). I love seeing everyone’s interpretation of the day’s theme.

  9. I started doing these in June and have enjoyed trying to be creative. I share mine on instagram, Facebook, and twitter (@missindyjones). This month will be a challenge for sure!

  10. This will be my 7th month (and only one photo missed!!)! I love it, it’s helped me so much this year in getting through a rough time…just by having something creative to focus my attention on, thanks again. I share my photos on Instagram at @yorkesgirl and at the end of the month on my blog. Am looking forward to the new month’s list…it looks great! Thanks for creating this and sharing your ideas…am posting on my blog this week some things I have created with my IG photos 🙂

  11. A friend had started a facebook event to serve as a reminder each day, and there are many people from several countries participating now. I love it, I have been doing it for several months now, I post them on instagram (@garyharding), and on the event wall (https://www.facebook.com/events/361556670580140/). I also love your blog! My favorite entry there, the story of meeting your husband, awesome!

  12. I’ll be playing this upcoming month. I couldn’t play last month because I had to order two replacement phones in the mail so I was SOL. I’m up an running now though!!!

  13. I am having so much fun with the Photo A Day challenge. 🙂 I have several friends who participate as well, and it’s a lot of fun to see how everyone interprets the prompt. I will be posting on my facebook wall in a specific photo album just for the August challenge. Christy Burns

  14. After wishing I could join in but knowing I’d never grab the camera and actually post a pic on facebook or the blog every single day II finally got an iphone last week and promptly joined up with Instagram. Now it’s going to be super easy so I’m finally joining in and I’ll be sharing my pics on Instagram. I’m 1onthesunnyside.

  15. Hi Chantelle, thanks for another great list, I’ve been going since January and the repeats have never bothered me. I just thought they were an extra challenge. But that’s very lovely of you to accommodate the requests for new prompts and the list looks fun. I’m a little like you, I don’t normally see things through, so I’m a little baffled how I have kept going every day. I suspect sharing on, and being slightly addicted to, instagram helps! Thanks again Sandra x (@s_gale)

  16. I’ve had so much fun with this. I started in January. I’ve taken March and July off because of vacations without internet connections. But I’ll be starting back again in August. I have a huge calendar above my desk that I write EVERYTHING on. So I pencil in the day’s photo so I can see it at a glance all day and remember to take my pictures. Thanks so much for doing this. It’s really inspired me to get back into photography.

  17. I have not been able to complete a month yet. So my resolve is to complete Aug. I will be sharing my photos on Instagram and Facebook. Thanks for doing this. I may not keep up but I love it and I love it when my friends get involved.

  18. I have been looking for a photo a day challenge! I will be doing this one! Other don’t really give much direction but this one looks fun! I will be sharing my my blog, instagram, FB and anywhere else!

  19. Love love love photoaday. I get excited for the lists each month. I share on Twitter, instagram @aubreyzaruba Facebook and my blog aubreyzaruba.blogspot.com

  20. I’m going to try and start this month! Missed out the first few days last month and so then just didn’t start… hopefully will be sharing on facebook and instagram (ekdavey14) if i figure out how to use it!

  21. Starting my 3rd Photo a Day in August, having so much fun! Sharing on Facebook and Instagram, lots of friends have joined in. Thanx for the inspiration Chantelle!

  22. I do try to keep up! But sometimes life just gets in the way! I have a new dslr withe an eyefi card in it which send directly to my phone, this will make it easier for moi! I also have for the past couple of months had the list as my lock screen, so every time I unlock my phone I get a reminder, rather than having to go to the saved photo to check what the prompt is! Does anyone else do that?

  23. Awesome list! I’ve been playing since march, I found your website in the middle of february.
    I’ve been sharing my photos on instagram & pinterest (feel free to follow me: @glennygs

    Thanks for coming up with this idea and the lists for each month.

  24. Whoohoo! Mine will be on Instagram, Twitter, and Flickr all under the username of cinnabubbles. Feel free to follow along!!

  25. Great list! I started playing mid-June and love it. I started a blog because I wanted to share more about the photos I took. I also have a public album on Facebook.

    Thank you so much for doing this!

  26. I will be doing this for the first time, I have been keeping track of two girlfriends doing this for awhile and joining in, will be posting on Instagram @heatherk73, can’t wait!

  27. I will be posting on Instagram @heatherk73 can’t wait to start, I have been following two girlfriends and I love to see what they post daily

  28. I’ll be playing on instagram! I totally missed out on this month due to a busy schedule but will do August

  29. I sore this on a friends Facebook page…so I’m new to this but I’m going to give it ago for August. Thanks this will be lots of fun to do….cant wait. 🙂

  30. Going to play along again, I’ve missed a month or two but this will be my 3rd time playing along..,..posting on Facebook and my poor neglected blog…
    Thanks for the great list! 🙂

  31. Love the new list. I started back on the 1st Feb and plan to do the whole year. As a stay at home mum it really helps explore my creative side and look into my everyday life. Some days it really helps when everything else isn’t going to plan. A few of my friends have started too! Thank you for starting this up Chantelle and all the work that goes into it every month. You can follow me on Instgram & pinterest as Paulamikegracie

  32. This is so fun!! Im in!!
    I’ll be sharing on Instagram, username; frumk
    Thanks for inspiring me to take pictures, and have
    a little fun every day:)

  33. I like this challenge! I’m playing since July and I love it! I always make soms time free to make the photo of the day, it’s really a moment for myself AND it’s getting me more and more creative :-)) So thanks for this new list!

  34. Love the challenge. Been following since beginning of June and have a great time finding things to take my photos of. Thanks
    I post on instragram. Username is Shazkeay

  35. Hello 🙂
    This will be my first photo a day challenge month!
    I’m excited 🙂 I’ll share the photos on Facebook and Flickr.
    See you around on the world wide web! 😉
    Have a nice day!

  36. I just found the photo a day challage this month but I am already hooked and I will definitely take on the August list. I added a little twist by adding the prompt into the frame of the photo. I have not yet figured out how to knot the August photos together. I am sharing in Instagram, @egoannaj.

  37. This was my first month doing any kind of photo a day challenge. It has been fun sharing on Instagram (timecrafted) & seeing how others interpret the themes. I’ve also do catch up posts with the photo a day pics. Looking forward to seeing what everyone is snapping next month too! :>

  38. July has been my first month of joining in, but I’ve kind of lost my mojo!! Going to try again though 🙂 I’ll be at _mammajoy_ on instagram. This Aug list looks awesome 🙂

  39. Not to sound like a broken record, but thanks for making this list of challenges once again! July was my first month of actively participating in the challenge and I can’t wait to continue for August! I love being reminded to think outside the box and get creative at least once every day. 🙂

    I share my photo-a-day challenges on Instagram (@apey83) & Twitter (@april_denise83) simultaneously, and Pinterest. Then what I do is make a collage of all of the photos I took (broken up throughout the month, like the first 10 days, then the rest of the month), with the day and prompt written on each individual photo and share that on my personal blog/Tumblr/Facebook.

  40. I have tried a few times to do this – I really enjoy it even though I am not a good photographer. I seem to recall you tweeted something that allowed you to put the prompts into an iPhone calendar? Are you able to supply that link again, if I didn’t imagine it that is 🙂 Thanks

  41. I definitely will be doing this! It’s my first time doing a Photo A Day Challenge, so I really want this to be a creative project for me!

    Instagram @jazzyisabel

    • Been telling myself to do this January but I was afraid I might be bad and fail at it. Here’s to being hopeful, that this month is only just the beginning! 🙂

  42. I am going to try this, I have tried doing this a couple months ago and failed, mostly because I didn’t have the list at hand. But I will do it this next month. 😀

  43. I have been doing “photoaday” since April, and am hooked – my kids are great at thinking of ideas too – which brings out the creativity in all of us!! Definitely great for taking time out of the day to day routines of life, and to share on Instagram and FB is wonderful. Also love that celebs are on board such as Pink! I have managed to recruit a few friends each ,onth and plan on marketing through a noticebaord at work as well.
    Thanks so much Chantelle #fatmumslim
    <3 #laraelliott2

  44. This will be my first month playing, not sure that my pics will be as good as others, but I’ll give it a go! They will be shared on fb

  45. Love these! How do you make the challenge list? In photoshop or do you have an app for that? Thanks!!

  46. This is great thanks for sharing it with us hope to do better this coming month.. i put mine on @Skylawest instagram and on facebook

  47. I’m going to play now that I’m back from my holliday. I post at Instagram under dammand. Love the list.

  48. August will be month 4 for me.
    I love how the challenge has ignited my photography
    bug again!

    I post on Instagram @krbeegee and on Facebook.
    Follow me and see what you have inspired!

  49. This past month I started this challenge. I missed a bunch of days but I’m gonna try again for August. I post the photos to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

    You can find me on Instagram and Twitter @Samanthat4d

  50. Wow, that’s pretty cool, I’ve been taking a picture every day for the last couple of years, it might be fun to try and follow a list. I think I’ll give it a try for August.

  51. I discoveredthis throught a friend on twitter and I LOVE it! Last year I took a picture a day and posted them on FB, and it was a so much fun I decided to do it again. However it was a little boring so I stopped. But this is fantastic, having a topic to think about all day, how you’re going to represent it, is so much fun. I’ll be sharing on twitter and FB. Thanks for doing this!!

  52. Im gona try to make it through the whole month this time, this one looks fun. Follow me on instagram @liankeeng

  53. Hey there! I’ll be playing along on instagram: @livinsydney and sharing on facey: Liv Christina Coyne! Looking forward to my first photoaday challenge! August, here I come! 🙂 🙂

  54. This will the forth month already that I’ll be participating. I sometimes miss of forget to upload for a few days, but I do catch up on them most of the time, because I do really love the challenge 😀
    You can find me @damaniacarola on both Instagram and Twitter.

  55. Chantelle, as you know, July was my first month of doing this, and I am hooked! I have loved the creativity and waking each day to see what the next prompt is! Looking forward to Aug now x

  56. I’m looking forward to starting this project tomorrow… I love taking photos, so I’m glad that there are themes available to challenge my creativity!

  57. I’ll be doing it on Facebook. I take hundreds of photos a day anyway (mostly of my kids though) – this will force me to be more creative! : )

  58. yep I’m up for the August photo a day challenge…thank you so much for hosting this….I’ve done 2 months previously (well almost every day), and have totally enjoyed it! It’s a challenge in itself to post every day, and to have a photo to go with it….great fun!
    I will be posting on my blog and also on Facebook (when I remember to)

  59. My 1st time participating I am looking forward to the whole being creative with pictures should be fun. Will be sharing mine via facebook 🙂

  60. Hi Chantelle, I’ll be doing the August Challenge with you. I’ve done the last three months and enjoyed it very much. I share on Face Book and my other blog, Barbs Random Things.

  61. This is the first month I have participated and I will be uploading my photos via Instagram 🙂 Looking forward to the challenge!

  62. Thank you so much for doing this!!! July was the first month I participated, and I had an absolute blast.
    My photos are under @pinkpostcard. I enjoyed it so much I am sharing your blog and the August challenge on my blog today 🙂 Thanks for keeping us connected and creative!

  63. This looks like a ton of fun! I found this via another blog and I think it’d be fun to join in! (I’m an instagram addict anyways at least now I’ll have a purpose!) I’ll be following via Instagram and Twitter

    Instagram: @axdancexmommy
    Twitter: @axcowgirl

  64. so much fun and challenging! I have been posting on facebook for July and plan to do the same in August. Makes me look around creatively everywhere I go…and carry my camera. Loving the challenges!

  65. This will be my 4th month of participating. I sometimes forget to upload, but I do catch up on them after a few days. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram @damaniacarola

  66. I share on Instagram (@caseylhenry) each day and on my blog (www.poodleism.com) at the middle and and of the month! Thanks for doing this!

  67. hmmm.. This is just what I need I think to blow away the cobwebs and get a bit of sunshine today.. I don’t really know why we’re do this, but it sounds like fun.. So I’m in and will probably post them on my FB page.

  68. I share at Instagram ylmommyx4.
    I really have fun with these prompts. Sometimes I cheat and use old photos because I forget or just don’t have the opportunity to capture that shot on that day. Thank you!

  69. I played along last month. This will be my first full month of playing along. I just became aware if this website when I did a search for photo a day August. Last month I only posted on instragram. This month I think I will post on twitter, Facebook & instragram. This is a lot of fun!!! Thanks for helping us be creative.

  70. Had fun doing July…am really proud I only missed three days!! Looking forward to August. I will be posting on Facebook and Instagram (urmysunshine02).

  71. After a very lazy July, I will be return to taking and posting pictures for August. My photos will be posted to http://www.michelemaybe.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for creating this lists. I may not take my pictures as consistently as I’d like, but I always make sure to share you lists!!

  72. Thanks to Ali n Son for pointing me here! I have been thinking about doing this, and have decided August is the month. I will be posting to Facebook with possibly a weekly round up on my blog.

  73. I’ve been doing photo a day for two months now, I’m really loving it!
    I’m posting the pictures on my blog and instagram ( happycheerfulthings)
    I can’t wait to do this months list!

  74. Hi Chatelle! 🙂
    Joined the list. Can’t wait to start (and it starts TODAY! hahaha)
    Thanks for the ideas and inspiration.
    xx from Brazil!

  75. I’ve been tempted to try this for a couple months, but haven’t because I just KNOW I won’t be able to keep it up every day. Well, I finally decided I’ll never know for sure if I don’t give it a try, so… I’m giving it a try. I’ll post them over at Twitter: @charleenlynette

  76. I’ll give it a shot. This will be my first Photo-A-Day too. I’ll aim to post on my instagram @erykacherise1, twitter @erykacherise, facebook, and my blog.

  77. Love this concept! I’ve just heard about this today from a friend. I will try my best to keep up! I’ll be sharing my photos on Instagram and Twitter, both @sleenfox. Great opportunity to take time out for a few minutes a day! Have fun snapping everyone!

  78. What a wonderful idea. I’m going to join in the fun! Found this via Make, Do and Spend and glad I did – love your site too! Am going to add you to my reader so I don’t miss your posts 🙂

  79. Did do yesterdays, but thought I’d join yesterdays and todays together and called it “One outside the box”…
    Any ideas where I can show it off?

  80. I’ll be doing this in my twitter and instagram 🙂 @BYEkelly and kellylynnteresa
    Never done one before really excited 🙂

  81. I’m finally going to play for the first time! I always forget until the middle of the month but this time I’m going to do it. Will be posting on FB. and maybe twitter

  82. Looking forward to this. Did the 365 project and was pretty faithful for about 5 months. This is a little different and will be a challenge! Will be posting on fb! 🙂

  83. OMG, I just stumbled across your site and the photo list. I am a few days too late, can I join in. I LOVE this idea and can’t wait to do this.


  84. I’m doing the challenge and it is just awesome come and like my photos on instagram my username is heyNi_ Ni X

  85. hi.. i am a newbies.. will post my photo using instagram n twitter..nickname sependabiru.. hv a nice day..

  86. I’m so happy to join the photo a day challange for the first time.
    Thank you so much for this great list!

    Instagram @titatoni

  87. I’m gonna play! Starting late, but better late than never! Looks fun. I’ll post via Instagram most likely, and also to facebook. nevermouse is the username. 😀

  88. Hi just wanted to pass by and say thanks for hosting this photo challenge. I’m having a lot of fun with it and it’s inspiring me to write differently to usual as well.
    I’m posting on my blog and it also is shared on my twitter account: @thisislemonade 🙂

  89. Just came across your site, love the photo a day and will try very hard to keep up with it. Using Instagram loaded up onto Facebook. Will first appear on my profile page but then I will share on your page. Thank you for the chance to be creative!


  90. Thanks for such a fun game Chantelle. Friends of mine have done June and July and I’m relly excited to start. I’ve hopped on at day 13 ( my son’s 12th b’day..eek!) I’ll be leaving mine on instagram under amandayogaglow and sharing on facebook http://www.facebook.com/amanda.carr – where are yours?
    Warmest regards, Amanda.

  91. I’ve been doing this since March and posting on my blog. I now have a teammate who wants to join and another that is always asking me what the photo prompt is for that day… and making photo suggestions. Who knew it would be such a team building activity. http://jolizie.blogspot.com/

  92. This is my first time doing this – loving it! Makes me think of taking a shot everyday when i’d normally think ‘i’ll take it later’. Thanks to my sister (http://morselsandmusings.blogspot.com/) for suggesting it to me, and to yourself for creating it! I’ve been following some other peoples, and figured I’d put mine up here, see if anyone wants to take a look. On instagram: ‘globallocal’ and flikr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/global_local/sets/72157630859429110/

  93. What do you do with your pictures after the month is over? Do you upload them somewhere and then print them? I am curious to see what others do.

  94. i did this for several months in a row and got burnt out. i’m ready to go again in September!! thank you for doing this. 🙂

  95. This looks like fun. I am at Luvmyfamof5. I will have to have my daughter do this too. she is a great and creative picture taker!

  96. This is really fun. I got into it in July with my son and he gf. Now a dtr in law wants to do it so looking forward to Sept. Thanks.

  97. Hi Cantelle, I am looking for ways to turn my blog more dynamic, but I just noticed that the challenge finished… is there another nice challenge to start soon? hope so… please let me know, thanks, filipa

  98. I’ve done a couple of these challenges without having seen this sight, as I found them on Pinterest! I’ll be on Instagram @Jrosie0816!

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