Work It Girl.

What exercise have you done today?
Me? Oh poo. Nothing. I woke up feeling sick, and I’ve got a cold. I’m not happy. I am going to rest today and dose myself up with vitamin C, echinacea and probiotics. We’re off on date night tonight so I don’t want to speaking with a nasally voice and sniffing. How unromantic is that?

Bill’s Ricotta Hotcakes

Everyday Everybody: Kell.

9 thoughts on “Work It Girl.”

  1. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! Vitamin C, lots of water and a good sleep usually does the trick.

    I've spent about 3 hours walking around Melbourne CBD, exploring. Contemplating either a trip downstairs to the hotel gym or a brisk walk/jog around the lake.

    PS- Nasal voices are hot. Watch the episode of Friends where Phoebe deliberately gets sick, just so she sounds sexy where she sings.


  2. You know I NEVER do anything but can actually report that this very morn I went for a walk with babe in tow for 90 mins down by the harbour. It was GREAT. Get better and enjoy date night – cold or no cold I am jealous 🙂

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