Why Blog?


his world we live in moves at a pace that I can hardly keep up with. My Blackberry has reached Crackberry status, I respond to that teeny flashing red light like my life depends on it. I have three computers in current use, and over 200 emails arriving in my inbox daily. My thought processes are quite often in 140 characters and less. I run blog posts through my head as I shower or drive through traffic. I lug my heavy camera around with me in my handbag, just in case.

Quite often I’m asked by others, Why did you start blogging?

Quite often I ask myself, Why blog?

Why? Because I love it. Because it’s my creative outlet. Because it’s my me time. Because it’s an expression of myself. Because here I’m not just a mother, or a nanny, or a wife, or a sister, or a daughter. I’m me.
Because I can relate. Because I can communicate. Because I can share. Because I can be inspired. I can learn. I can be filled with hope. I can love. I can be passionate.
I wanted to ask you today {for those that do}, why blog?


28 thoughts on “Why Blog?”

  1. Chantelle, I have to agree with your reasons for blogging, they are mine too. I began writing my blog though, for the benefit of my family who we've moved far away from. I don't want them to miss a moment of our daughter's life. I want them to feel like they know her.

    I lie in bed and subconciously compose a post in my head as I fall asleep…and I am known to scribble things on napkins in cafes if a brilliant line comes to me!


  2. I just began blogging earlier this month. I blog because it IS an outlet. I give so much of myself as a mother, wife, sister and friend but there is an entirely other layer to me that I never really get the chance to share with others. I'm hoping by blogging I will connect, share and support others like myself.

    Thank you always for your blogs.

  3. Because I write for a living I started blogging as a form of warm-up exercise – just as singers have their scales. Now, it's evolved and it's just a beautiful way to connect with some seriously fabulous people. I now dive onto new blog posts like I used to dive on new magazines at the newsagency.

  4. Hi Chantelle!
    I blog for all the same reasons you mention. I started blogging as an outlet for me to develop my writing. I love the opportunity its gives me of meeting and connecting with so many talented and like minded women all over the world. I find I can relate so well to my fellow bloggers.
    To all my fellow bloggers you inspire me daily, thank you xx

  5. I'm relatively new to blogging and began it as a way to write about the things I wanted to write about. I write for a living and spend a lot of time working on stories for other people – this was a way for me to share the little things I saw, felt and heard.

    There have been times when I've questioned what I'm doing – blogging takes huge commitment – but I can honestly say I'm addicted. One reason is the fantastic people I've 'met' through blogging. It's an amazing way to find people on the same wavelength – no matter where they may be!

  6. I posted about this just a few days ago! What's that they say about great minds? I'm not going to re-type the whole thing again, but if you go to http://imjustlinda.blogspot.com/2010/03/what-blogging-has-given-me.html you can see it all…

    That, and I'm having a little giveaway at the moment so if you leave me a comment you'll be in the draw to win a little care package!

    Loving your blog as always, Chantelle… and I am SO pumped about Sweet Art it's just not funny…


  7. Lovely husband and I were only chatting about this the other day. It is my method of being creative without being messy. Scrapbooking and cooking and art projects and sewing (all things I crave to do) are simply too messy, too tempting for little fingers x 3! Blogging gives me the avenue to create and reach out, all at once, without little fingers fiddling……

  8. We intially started blogging just to share our travels and our stories. Now I blog because I love it – albeit never have enough time, to reflect, to remember to share and to laugh. Plus it is my downtime and I love the people and blogs I meet.

  9. I blog because I finally found my passion. Writing fills me with joy; I would be lying if I said I didnt want people to read; but I would write regardless.

  10. I blog for similar reasons to those you suggested – it is my 'me' time. I first started back when I had my daughter and I wanted some way to use my brain for something other than baby related activties, something where I could think creatively. After years of being a 'blog reader' I became a 'blog writer' too. Blogging has introduced me to so many like-minded, kindred spirits whose comments on my blog are always so encouraging and whose own blogs provide me with immeasurable inspiration every day… yours included Chantelle 🙂

  11. i ask myself that a LOT – it's so time consuming and I barely earn anything from it… and yet i must enjoy it because i'd much prefer to just blog than work!!! because mine isn't just writing and posting all the time, a lot of the time it's creating projects or setting up a shot, photographing it, editing it, learning and creating… if i could turn all that into a job to do in my own time and somehow earn a fortune from it, that'd be nice! but until then, i enjoy it because it forces me to practice, practice, pratice and connects me with people who actually have similar interests – so many of my friends don't, so it's nice to be able to talk about interests and know you're not going to bore the listener!!! i like to share and if it miraculously inspires, all the better. i know the kick of joy i get out of seeing other bloggers work, so it's nice to know sometimes you're the one giving someone else a little kick of joy!

  12. I first started blogging to track our adventures OS – my direction has changed slightly since then but I do it because I love it. I know my posts have been a bit lax lately but I know they will pick up again. It's one of the only creative outlets I have.

  13. people always want to know this…
    and i dont know the answer.
    ive always loved the internet i could spend all day at my computer not really doing anything.
    i have myspace, msn, facebook, youtube.
    i love being involved with evolving technology.
    it intrigues me and im good at it… i am… i am good with technology!

    and then blogging lets me connect, lets me say what i want when i want, and i can read about other peoples lives and connect with people all over the world…

    i love it…

    so i guess i do know why i do it haha because i can!


  14. Thanks for blogging chantelle. I love reading blogs and being inspired by others and motivated to hear others lives and experiences. I just need to build the courage to do something myself. for now i am happy to read your blogs and others. thankyou

  15. I'm like you. I have days where I wonder why I do it, and I've even considered just stopping.

    But I love it. I didn't realise until fairly recently that I've always enjoyed writing. That's not to say I consider myself a “writer”, but I just like doing it – whether it's considered by others to be good or not.

    Up until last year, I spend 7.5 years just doing everything for the kids. They still come first – absolutely – but blogging is something for me. It's like a hobby. A past time. Whatever – I enjoy it.

    Your blog is great. I'd hate to think you'd stop!!!

    Good for you. Continue to enjoy. Continue to write. I'll continue to read.

  16. Because I'm trying to find my place in the big wide world and blogging is kinda like my own private yet public corner of it.

    And I say that whilst still trying to find my place in that miniture big wide world of bloggerville….and wondering whether I'm just a backpacker in it 🙂

  17. Blogging is really quite wonderful isn't it?!? I love the opportunity to connect with people who love to create… Thank you for sharing I love your posts…

  18. Most of my real-life-friends don't blog. It's hard to explain to them what blogging means to me.

    It's an outlet, a space for yourself, but also a community out there.

    P.S. Found you through some blog hopping today! Come and say Hi if you want 🙂

  19. It’s simply a space to create a community that possesses that same ability to write and have an outlet to express that creativity. I love blogging, and blogging loves me. ‘

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