23 thoughts on “Top 5: The things I’d really like for Mother’s Day {& they’re practically free!}”

  1. Oh how I hear you about pregnancy insomnia – what’s with that? My daughter woke up at 11.30pm last night, and I didn’t get back to sleep until around 3.30am…. then she woke up at 5.30am. Not sure how much longer I can survive on bits of 2 and 3 hour broken sleeps!! My wish list would definitely have a beautiful 6 hour solid sleep, a cup of tea made for me, a deliciously soothing candle, a day off washing / vacuuming / dishes / etc and a yummy breakfast đŸ™‚ A x x

    • I’m going to make a donation too. You’re my inspiration Donna. You inspire me to appreciate life, soak up as much life as I can and love my family. Thank you for being such a beautiful gift in my life. x

  2. My list is pretty close to your list. Sleep… more than four hours in a row. Massage…same reasons as you. One day of not having to feed the family, that includes them not asking what is there to eat and what should I cook? Someone other than me to do the night time pick up of all of the toys. One whole day free from stress…this is harder to give/achieve when I am a combination of a stressy person and OCD. If they want to buy me something I would love tea from T2 or some more herbs for the garden

  3. My kids seem to believe cushions belongon the floor. They walk up to both couches and push them all off… It drives me NUTS!! Maybe for Mother’s Day I should ask for all cushions to remain on couches for a full day. Ah, what a dream!!

  4. Just want to let you know i am a total cushion OCD person and my husband is exactly the same..cushions rule! x

  5. This year we will be on our last day of our first family vacation so I dont expect much more than that…. however I absolutely love the first two items on your list. My perfect day would be sleeping in until I wanted to wake up and than sometime later in the day go get a professional 1 hour or longer swedish massage. I am sure anything after that would be bliss .

  6. Tea and Vegemite toast in bed AND ten minutes peace to enjoy it. Alone. đŸ™‚

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