46 thoughts on “For Bloggers: The Social Media Health Check you need to have.”
Thanks so much for this checklist Chantelle. I’ve printed it out so I can go through and check all of my sites.
Great tips – thank you so much!
Thanks for that post, Chantelle. Always great:) My social media button has stopped showing it’s photo. I’ve fiddled and fiddled with it to try to fix it. Then I leave it for another day. It’s now been a week. Not a good look. Must get onto it. Same too with my page buttons. They are boring and need a lot of revamping. Your blog is looking great x
That’s frustrating. When I have those things that need fixing and I can’t figure out how to do it – I just get Liz and her Hubby to look at it. It’s not too expensive {but having my own business I can claim it as an expense} and it stops driving me batty!
Thanks for the reminder. Even if I have to face my ageing portraits!
Thanks for this! I have been putting off an “update” .. must do now!
oh my goodness yes! That link is in comments thing, sheesh that pushes me over the edge. I don’t care how many more people you’re reaching, if I have to open your status to then maybe click on the link, I’m not doing it. I know you’re trying to manipulate me and the system and it’s not a fun feeling.
Worse though is the out of date profile photo. It happens in real estate too with out of date agent photos and people are like, errr who are you again? Haha. Update them people!
A great GREAT list. Great post.
Great tips Chantelle – any advice with regard to the upcoming closure of Google Reader?
that is so good! can I just say I could never do the link in the comments because I never ever click on it when I read someone else’s update so if I don’t do it then I figure other people don’t either!!! great tips
Thanks for this post! All my social media sites needed a good cleanup along with new pictures and revisions 🙂
Your link to the post for how to make a great facebook cover photo isn’t working and I had to search to find your search box :/
I’ve noticed a few posts along these lines, thinking it may be due to the recent business screw ups on social media.
Nope. Just realised I needed to do a ‘health check’ myself. Haven’t seen any other health check posts or noticed any major screw-ups
One of my blogger friends had one up about a bakery telling people on facebook that they didn’t need their business and calling them bitches.
Eeek. That’s not cool.
Fantastic tips! …and AMEN to your point about FB page updates and links in the comments. You’re so right! It has to be something REALLY good for me to go through all the trouble of clicking back through comments to click that link.
Another totally awesome post! I love all your top tips. Hubby is my Technical Director and so I will have to wait for him to bestow his technical expertise on the blog, which I can now see needs an extreme makeover! Instagram is my favourite thing and probably gets my most attention. It may direct the most traffic to the blog, but it is certainly the most fun!
The link to the post about updating cover photos doesn’t work. Would be interested to read that as mine needs doing. Haven’t changed it in ages.
Oh, it should do. I checked it earlier today and again just now.
Great advice. I am the biggest guilty-ist blogger on this. I updated my pic recently and a “friend” said thank god for filters! I still like her but her voodoo doll is not looking so pretty.
some great tips. I have noticed the link in the comments section recently on business posts and i saw an article about it the other day. The way in which facebook promotes the post to followers is actually increased when there is no link in the status. I tested it out and the reach was much higher when no link was attached the the main status… guess this is why it’s happening a lot now.
Great tips Chantelle! It’s on my “to do” list 😉
Great tips, thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I can’t find anything about giveaways on the OLGR site. All I can find is information about people paying to enter and that’s a raffle, not a giveaway. Could you please provide a more specific link?
Thanks for these tips Chantelle. I really think I need to update my photo 🙂 It was back from when I was looking fabulous – not so much anymore 😉
Hi Chantelle, thanks for the checklist to beat all checklists..have just emailed it to myself and will print it out. Thanks so much for sharing.
Such a great post! Thanks for all the tips!
They are really great ideas! I was wondering if you could fill me in on why people put their blog post link in the comments? As you say, lots of people are doing it lately. Is there a reason? Is it meant to increase your stats on fb if someone clicks into your comments section? I agree that it doesn’t make the status update as shareable, but I thought there must a reason people are doing it. Thanks x
My understanding is that Facebook ranks status updates quite highly {meaning they’ll appear in newsfeeds more than a straight link would} so people were finding that if they did a status update with the link in the comments it would be likely to be seen by more people. 🙂
thanks for the reminder to keep on top of all the bits and bobs
Thank you for touching on that “link in the comments” thing – I am not a blogger, but a blog reader and it just bothers me. Right up there with “500th liker gets a prize, share this” (um, what about the 1-499 people who already care about you?) and statuses complaining that nobody is seeing their posts – which happens from all Facebook pages, not just bloggers. Focus on making content that people miss from their news feeds, I say.
Very well said. x
Great tips!! these have really given me some food for thought. I need to get busy!! Thanks Chantelle xx
Loved this! I really like how you asked about the why behind every social media site. So help ful!
Thanks Taylor. x
chantelle — when you post on facebook about your blog posts, do you use a special service that posts for you or do you do status updates? i love how your blog posts show up as a box, with not only a picture from the post, but also with the blog post title and the first sentence or so of the post. i can’t seem to get mine to do that! and i would love to know what you use or how you get yours to do that. thanks! vic
Hello. I do it myself. When I share a link like that, I just paste the link, wait for it to load, and then delete the link – and write whatever I want about the post.
The information it’s capturing is usually the automatic metadata {the same information that Google captures for it’s searches}. What platform is your blog on?
Link me to your blog so I can see if it works for me if I attempt to share a post {I won’t share it – but I’ll see what it does if you like?} x
thanks for your help! my blog is icecreamandsunshine.blogspot.com — it’s still a work in progress, but any help is much appreciated!
So it loads for me, but the words don’t come across like they do with mine. So paste the link, let it load and you’ll see the data pop up.
You can then click on the title, and the description and add your own copy. For the header I’d use the title of the post, and for the description perhaps the first two sentences from the post?
And make sure you delete the link you’ve pasted, and then write something compelling to get people to click across.
I’ve put a screenshot up of what I see. Hope that helps. x
awesome! thanks for your help; i really appreciate it! i will definitely try this out next time i have to post something.
Thanks so much for this checklist Chantelle. I’ve printed it out so I can go through and check all of my sites.
Great tips – thank you so much!
Thanks for that post, Chantelle. Always great:) My social media button has stopped showing it’s photo. I’ve fiddled and fiddled with it to try to fix it. Then I leave it for another day. It’s now been a week. Not a good look. Must get onto it. Same too with my page buttons. They are boring and need a lot of revamping. Your blog is looking great x
That’s frustrating. When I have those things that need fixing and I can’t figure out how to do it – I just get Liz and her Hubby to look at it. It’s not too expensive {but having my own business I can claim it as an expense} and it stops driving me batty!
Great advice. Thanks.
Great list. Thanks!
Thanks for the reminder. Even if I have to face my ageing portraits!
Thanks for this! I have been putting off an “update” .. must do now!
oh my goodness yes! That link is in comments thing, sheesh that pushes me over the edge. I don’t care how many more people you’re reaching, if I have to open your status to then maybe click on the link, I’m not doing it. I know you’re trying to manipulate me and the system and it’s not a fun feeling.
Worse though is the out of date profile photo. It happens in real estate too with out of date agent photos and people are like, errr who are you again? Haha. Update them people!
A great GREAT list. Great post.
Great tips Chantelle – any advice with regard to the upcoming closure of Google Reader?
I am without any knowledge when it comes to RSS feeds, but I enlisted the help of Liz from the Virtual Assistant and she sorted me out on Feedblitz. Nikki {from Styling You} shared this last week, perhaps that might help? http://inside.flipboard.com/2013/03/14/weve-got-your-rss-covered-save-your-google-reader-feeds-now/
Thank you.
that is so good! can I just say I could never do the link in the comments because I never ever click on it when I read someone else’s update so if I don’t do it then I figure other people don’t either!!! great tips
Thanks for this post! All my social media sites needed a good cleanup along with new pictures and revisions 🙂
Your link to the post for how to make a great facebook cover photo isn’t working and I had to search to find your search box :/
I’ve noticed a few posts along these lines, thinking it may be due to the recent business screw ups on social media.
Nope. Just realised I needed to do a ‘health check’ myself. Haven’t seen any other health check posts or noticed any major screw-ups
One of my blogger friends had one up about a bakery telling people on facebook that they didn’t need their business and calling them bitches.
Eeek. That’s not cool.
Fantastic tips! …and AMEN to your point about FB page updates and links in the comments. You’re so right! It has to be something REALLY good for me to go through all the trouble of clicking back through comments to click that link.
Another totally awesome post! I love all your top tips. Hubby is my Technical Director and so I will have to wait for him to bestow his technical expertise on the blog, which I can now see needs an extreme makeover! Instagram is my favourite thing and probably gets my most attention. It may direct the most traffic to the blog, but it is certainly the most fun!
The link to the post about updating cover photos doesn’t work. Would be interested to read that as mine needs doing. Haven’t changed it in ages.
Oh, it should do. I checked it earlier today and again just now.
Here it is again, just in case: https://fatmumslim.com.au/how-to-make-your-facebook-cover-photo-all-fancy-like/
Great advice. I am the biggest guilty-ist blogger on this. I updated my pic recently and a “friend” said thank god for filters! I still like her but her voodoo doll is not looking so pretty.
some great tips. I have noticed the link in the comments section recently on business posts and i saw an article about it the other day. The way in which facebook promotes the post to followers is actually increased when there is no link in the status. I tested it out and the reach was much higher when no link was attached the the main status… guess this is why it’s happening a lot now.
Great tips Chantelle! It’s on my “to do” list 😉
Great tips, thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I can’t find anything about giveaways on the OLGR site. All I can find is information about people paying to enter and that’s a raffle, not a giveaway. Could you please provide a more specific link?
This post has great info about running a competition in Australia: http://www.crashtestmummy.com.au/crash-test-mummy-for-bloggers/how-to-run-a-giveaway-on-your-blog-in-australia/
Thanks for these tips Chantelle. I really think I need to update my photo 🙂 It was back from when I was looking fabulous – not so much anymore 😉
Hi Chantelle, thanks for the checklist to beat all checklists..have just emailed it to myself and will print it out. Thanks so much for sharing.
Such a great post! Thanks for all the tips!
They are really great ideas! I was wondering if you could fill me in on why people put their blog post link in the comments? As you say, lots of people are doing it lately. Is there a reason? Is it meant to increase your stats on fb if someone clicks into your comments section? I agree that it doesn’t make the status update as shareable, but I thought there must a reason people are doing it. Thanks x
My understanding is that Facebook ranks status updates quite highly {meaning they’ll appear in newsfeeds more than a straight link would} so people were finding that if they did a status update with the link in the comments it would be likely to be seen by more people. 🙂
thanks for the reminder to keep on top of all the bits and bobs
Thank you for touching on that “link in the comments” thing – I am not a blogger, but a blog reader and it just bothers me. Right up there with “500th liker gets a prize, share this” (um, what about the 1-499 people who already care about you?) and statuses complaining that nobody is seeing their posts – which happens from all Facebook pages, not just bloggers. Focus on making content that people miss from their news feeds, I say.
Very well said. x
Great tips!! these have really given me some food for thought. I need to get busy!! Thanks Chantelle xx
Loved this! I really like how you asked about the why behind every social media site. So help ful!
Thanks Taylor. x
chantelle — when you post on facebook about your blog posts, do you use a special service that posts for you or do you do status updates? i love how your blog posts show up as a box, with not only a picture from the post, but also with the blog post title and the first sentence or so of the post. i can’t seem to get mine to do that! and i would love to know what you use or how you get yours to do that. thanks! vic
Hello. I do it myself. When I share a link like that, I just paste the link, wait for it to load, and then delete the link – and write whatever I want about the post.
The information it’s capturing is usually the automatic metadata {the same information that Google captures for it’s searches}. What platform is your blog on?
Link me to your blog so I can see if it works for me if I attempt to share a post {I won’t share it – but I’ll see what it does if you like?} x
thanks for your help! my blog is icecreamandsunshine.blogspot.com — it’s still a work in progress, but any help is much appreciated!
So it loads for me, but the words don’t come across like they do with mine. So paste the link, let it load and you’ll see the data pop up.
You can then click on the title, and the description and add your own copy. For the header I’d use the title of the post, and for the description perhaps the first two sentences from the post?
And make sure you delete the link you’ve pasted, and then write something compelling to get people to click across.
I’ve put a screenshot up of what I see. Hope that helps. x
awesome! thanks for your help; i really appreciate it! i will definitely try this out next time i have to post something.