
When I was seven it came time for the rite of passage that many Australia girls would go through, the buying of the Cabbage Patch Kid. It was the ‘in’ thing. Everyone had one, and at the ripe old age of seven it was finally my time.

We strolled through Venture and my little eyes caught a glimpse of the big green tinged boxes of dolls. I was in Cabbage Patch Kids heaven. Big Sis and I looked those dolls over. We moved boxes to find our perfect match.

She chose a dark skinned boy, and I chose a red headed girl. A boy? A red head? We weren’t the classic toy buying kids. Big Sis did question my choice {whilst I didn’t dare question hers, she was cool… and I adored anything she did}, “A red-head? Do you really want a red-head?”

I remember Ma and Big Sis telling me that I’d probably regret my choice, and that I should perhaps get the blonde doll, with hair like mine. Although usually placid, and non-defiant, I stood my ground. I wanted the red-head. And I took her home.

I can remember that day really clearly. I smirk when I think of it, and how I came about to marry my perfect match… my red-headed prince charming. And we have our own little doll, a strawberry-haired Lacey Mae.

I’ve loved reading about all the toys that everyone loved as kids {for the Doll House comp, which ends tonight}. I don’t have any of my toys as they were ruined in storage, but I seem to have had most of the toys that you all did too {Rainbow Bright, Care Bears…}.

My Cabbage Patch Kids was named Adriana Laura & Big Sis has Leigh Broderick. Did you have a Cabbage Patch Kid? What was it’s name?

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Beauty Therapy.

Ahoy There.

6 thoughts on “Red-head.”

  1. HAHA! Great post Chantelle! I also had a cabbage patch kid from Venture. It was a boy with brown hair called Basil Martin. I re-named him John!

    I also had a My-child. Do you remember those?

    – Hayley

  2. Of COURSE I had a cabbage patch… who is now loved all over again by Daisy. Ian Joshua. Yep…IAN. I had a doll named…Ian. Still have his birth certificate too!

    Great post!

  3. I had a red head exactly the same! Ellanora Annalisie and a blonde one called Ester Babette. And by the way I love the memories you brought back for me by mentioning “Venture”….what a classic.

    PS. What is it with people bad mouthing red heads. I just gave birth to my 2nd baby a little boy who has the most gorgeous full head of strawberry blonde hair. One of my work collegues sad to me “Ooo you had a ranggggeeerrr” WTF? I just looked at her and said he is 4 weeks old and your calling him names, who do you think you are!

  4. Ha! I to had a little red haired blue eyed (no dimples ) Cabbage Patch Kid…
    My story begins with watching the news reports from the US about them & instantly thinking “I MUST GET ONE OF THOSE!”
    I think this was around the time our Video remote control was connected to the telly with a thin cord … and we had not long purchased a microwave… that mum and dad STILL have & it STILL works a treat!
    Anyway the time came & mum had pre ordered through our local toy store & even pulled me out of school at lunch to go and choose my new baby … she felt the same need obviously ha!
    We got to the toy store & I had the choice out of three dolls ( what were they thinking only ordering THREE!!) so I picked Sissy Vicki.
    I was a bit unsure of her & mum actually took me to Venture in the evening… there seemed to be hundreds of Cabbage Patch kids there… straight up … but none were are gorgeous as my Sissy Vicki, No way could I take her back … she was mine & I loved her.
    I still have her.
    I too have had a son with amazing strawberry hair.
    And in fact when he was born he gave his Big sister a little Cabbage patch of her own to adore.
    Thank you for the memory poke xx

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