

It’s Movember again, but I never quite get used to seeing all the moustaches popping up on faces everywhere. All I see is 70s pornstar moes {not that I’ve watched 70s porn, but you know what I mean}.

IMG_8999Two. I don’t think I know how not to be early. Yesterday I was an hour early to a meeting in Sydney, so I sat at Darling Harbour people watching at 6:30am. There were lots of people running. A few seagulls. And a couple who were drunk. The guy was clearly trying to get a pash from the girl but he was doing it all so wrong.

Three. I also spent my first night away from baby Luella. She didn’t miss me one bit. Well, she didn’t ask for me. All that worry for nothing.

IMG_9001Four. I shared on Facebook, but I’ll share here too. Flying Business Class has been on my bucketlist for-like-ever. If you’ve flown before, you might know that you get sent an email sometimes to ask if you want to bid for an upgrade, so I thought I’d bid and see what happened. I won. I’ve always walked past those people sitting up front and thought they were so smug {and LUCKY}. It was only an hour of my life, but it was bliss. And there was someone famous in business with me. Oh la la. Going to be so hard to go back to normal next time.


Five. I stayed at my sister’s house this week, and I had a moment when I realised WE’RE ADULTS. We’ve grown up and got houses and kids {and mortgages!}. Do you ever do that? Realise suddenly that you’ve actually grown up?


Six. I found this photo on my computer. I can’t believe how teeny and cute she was.

Seven. I spoke on a panel yesterday. I actually quite like speaking on panels. I’m getting less nervous, thank goodness.

Eight. I’m not sure I’ll ever stop being a klutz. Before the panel I spilled frittata down my top, while sitting at a table with important people. I’m such a klutz.

Nine. I remember people saying that parenting older kids is harder than newborns and I didn’t believe them. How? Why? But I get it now. It’s less exhausting, but I can see as kids grow it gets more complicated.

Ten. I’m going to be an Aunt again in a month. I can not wait.

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Eleven. Do you ever take the time to really talk to someone? I like getting to know taxi drivers {cos they’ve kinda traveled the world from within their cars with all the people they meet}. People love talking about themselves, and in 15 minutes I can get to know so much. Anwan is from Java and has 6 kids. We talked about all sorts of things before we arrived at the airport, when he left me with one piece of advice, “A simple life is a happy life. Why buy the Mercedes when you can get when you need with a Ford?” He wasn’t talking about cars, but about life. Go without. Live with less. Spend less. Choose simple. Be happy.

11 thoughts on “Random”

  1. I love random. Huzzah for business class! I’m refusing to grow up, it’s a trap, but just kind of playing along with the adult thing (your sister ahs nice cushions btw.) I always spill food on my clothes, so I’ve taken to wearing my napkin like a bib, totally not cool but totally clean. And Anwan is right, I was only thinking this morning that it’s more important to collect moments not things.

    • I do the napkin like a bib thing too. My brothers always pick on me because I am always spilling things on myself.

      Lynda x

  2. If you think it is hard to be a parent to your children, just wait until they are adults. It is so hard to be a good parent to adult children, and there aren’t any books for us! Don’t you know people that don’t get along with their parents at all, or don’t like them? Can you imagine how it feels as the parent when your children don’t like you when they grow up. I’m not in that situation, but I tell my adult children frequently “If I’m doing something that makes you angry, I hope you tell me, because I want to to have a relationship with you!”

  3. Oh my, business class is on my bucket list too! I’ve never received an email to bid for it though- darn it! And being away from babies for the first time is tough! For us. They’re fine ha ha. In saying that though I still haven’t been away overnight. Crossing fingers that time comes in January!! What a wise man Anwan is. Wonderful words as always x

  4. That is fantastic advise from Anwan from Java… we all need to step back take stock of our lives sometimes.
    Love the mow xx

  5. I’m a shocker for being early too … It’s a curse!
    OMG!! How good it Business class!! In Aug last year and when I went to get my airfares I had enought points for a FREE business class flight both ways … It was HEAVEN!
    I love Anwan’s advice! I made a pact with myself a couple of months ago to stop spending on unnecessary ‘stuff’

  6. Haha similarly to you realising at weird times that you’re a grown up, I do this when I look at my son. Like really look at him. Then I say, OMG I have a kid. There’s a kid in this house. With his own personality and he just walks freely about and eats my food and says weird things. WHOA.

  7. Oh, I want to be like you and get to places early. I am always late for everything. It is soooooo embarrassing and quite pathetic. I am working on it though.

    Lynda x

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