Well May has been and gone and now June is here! It’s a big month for me. I’ll be in The Great Barrier Reef for a week, we’re moving house, I’ll be celebrating a birthday and more! I hope that means good photos.
May was a rollercoaster month for me. Looking back on the photos I can remember each day and how I felt, or what I was going through. It makes me realise that this is just like keeping a journal. We’re capturing snapshots of each day, and they trigger memories … well for me they do anyway.
Over 1 million photos were shared on Instagram for #photoadaymay. Isn’t that mind-blowing? I wonder if we added up ALL of the photos on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram {plus those using the incorrect hashtag}, blogs etc if we’d get close to 2 million? It’s mind-blowing stuff!
So, a big thank you to everyone for sharing their lives through their photos. It’s impossible to see them all, but I try and take time every day to see as many as I can. This stuff will never get old for me. The sharing, the photos, the community – I really love it. So, thank you.
There’s no time for snoozing, June kicks off today – and here is the list again:

1. Morning
Take a photo of anything from your morning; you in bed, breakfast, commuting to work, anything!
2. Empty
Take a photo of anything empty; an empty room, glass, bottle, sky, beach, anything!
3. On your plate
What’s on your plate? That could mean – what’s on your to-do list today? Or literally what’s on your breakfast/lunch/dinner plate?
4. Close-up
Take a photo of something close-up; your eye, the grass, a toy … absolutely anything!
5. Sign
Take a photo of a street sign, a shop sign, someone doing sign language, any sign!
6. Hat
Take a photo of you wearing a hat, someone else wearing a hat, a hat in a shop – and yes those in cooler months – beanies count!
7. Drink
Take a photo of a drink, a beverage etc
8. 6 o’clock
Take a photo of what you’re doing at either 6am or 6pm. Or take a photo of the clock at that time.
9. Your view today
What’s your view today? What can you see? Snap it. Share it!
10. Best bit of your weekend
What was the best bit about your weekend? Take a photo of it.
11. Door
Take a photo of a door, big or small.
12. From a low angle
Get down low and shoot.
13. Art
Take a photo of a piece of art you have displayed in your home, you’ve created or you see while out. Any art will do!
14. Time
Take a photo of time; a clock, a watch, before and after – anything that symbolises time!
15. Yellow
Take a photo of anything yellow – the sun, or something you see!
16. Out and about
Get out and about today and take a photo of what you do.
17. In your bag
What’s in your bag? Share it.
18. Something we don’t know about you
Can you twist your tongue? Did you get a diploma in something? Do you love Justin Bieber bad? Share something that we might not know about you
19. Imperfect
Share something imperfect. Is it you? A broken glass? An irregular shape. Something!
20. Fave photo you’ve ever taken
Re-share a favourite photo that you’ve taken over time or shoot a new favourite!
21. Where you slept
Where did you sleep last night? Take a photo and share it.
22. From a high angle
Shoot your photo from a high angle looking down.
23. Movement
Take a photo of movement; a car flying by, a person dancing, someone jumping – anything!
24. On your mind
What are you thinking about? The news? Your family? Yourself? Share what’s on your mind.
25. Something cute
Did you spot something cute? An animal? A person? A thing?
26. Where you shop
Do you shop online? Or in a store? Share where you shop.
27. Bathroom
Share a bathroom – yours, a public one, a friends – can even just be the door.
28. On the shelf
Shoot a shelf and what’s on it.
29. Soft
What’s soft? Is it your hair, a toy, a sofa, or something else?
30. A friend
Take a snap of a friend and share it.

I'll certainly be sharing via Instagram! This sounds like fun and will be my first time participating!(http://instaprof.appspot.com/profile/irockitnapptural)
I'm sharing on facebook via instagram and my blog
i am sharing on my blog, http://christinad-christinascorner.blogspot.se/. It's my first time and it will me realy fun!!!
Ok – I'm on it. This will be my first time. Sounds like fun 🙂
Will share on fb and my blog.
My daughter has been sharing on Instagram…and I think it looks like fun. So I'll be sharing on my blog. http://www.spunbyme.blogspot.com
I'll be sharing on my blog too this time, as well as Instagram and Facebook. Maybe I'll throw Twitter in there as well!! 🙂
I'll be doing it twitter: @itsaharleyylife instagram: itsaharleyyylife
I can't believe I've made to June with you! I am sharing on my blog http://jellybeanjam.blogspot.com.au/
Thanks for the inspiration! ~ Christine xx
Hey Chantelle, just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to come up with these lists every month! June will be my third month doing your photo-a-day challenge, and it has been so much fun 🙂
Yay, I'll be sharing on Instagram x
What a great list. I've started this month. My first photo is on google + https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/117665465809051396646/albums/5748857795153862609/5748857798781487778
I looked at May when I saw a friend doing this. Looked like fun, but I never remembered my camera. This time…
Can't wait to get started on June. I've done the last two months so I'm looking forward to this one.
Thanks love!
I am going to share on my blog:
Thank you for stopping by and your lovely comments.
This is my first time, I'm planning on using my iphone so I'll be attempting to share on Twitter @restisnot and Facebook
I love this idea. I found it near the end of May, so I was hoping there would be a June one to start from the start.. I will be doing it hopefully over twitter and facebook while I travel in the States! @M_Weatherall if you would like to see 🙂
I have been looking for a way to get myself motivated to get back to my blog and this is PERFECT! Thank you! I will be posting to http://www.inspirationlocation.com and to my facebook page.
Hey, I'm new and I'm in! Love it! I'm smithshack71 at instagram.
Thank you so much for doing this! 😀 i'll be sharing mostly on instagram: nikitasikawah and twitter: _nosugaradded_
thanks for another great list! 🙂
I'll be sharing on Instagram and Twitter too.
Nickname on both as @AiSakuraHaruka
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Will be sharing on Instagram, Facebook, twitter @rachkln and blog http://www.mummymuddles.com xx
I've been waiting for this since mid mayish when i discovered the last one! WOOT. I'll be sharing on instagram, facebook, twitter @singledoubt1 and my blog!
I enjoyed following my friends on their Photoaday quest in May and this month I will join them – on Instagram. Such a wonderful and motivating idea!!
Fahmiya :)))
I'm sharing on Facebook via Instagram and on my blog as well
http://Courtneygordon.blogspot.com. Come check it out!
haa haa!! That Anonymous was me!! Lets see if I can work it out this time….. ;))
I'm playing along over at my blog http://www.kateside.org ! x
Such a fun idea! I've been waiting since a few weeks ago when I saw the idea on The Idea Room so I'm glad it's June now! (Er..tomorrow) I'll be sharing on Instagram (jessiw_pf) and on my blog (http://practicallyfunctional.net/)
I'll be sharing on my blog: http://jolizie.blogspot.com/
You can find my pics on Pinterest.
So fun! I did May and I'm excited to keep going in June. @tamarynnb (Instagram) @SewDangCute (Twitter) Blog: sewdangcutecrafts.com
Thanks for putting all of this together!
What a fun idea! I'm throwing a cross stitch twist on this and will be sharing on my blog:
Great idea. I will share on my blog http://sueannm66.wordpress.com/
I needed an incentive to take more photos
I'll be sharing on instagram slb1908
Instagram lizzybobo
I'll be sharing via Twitter & Instagram (@MissRBit)and my blog – http://legally-alien.blogspot.com/
I try this one. And I share photos on Instagram.
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And I,m Hompsa
my photos will be far from perfect, but well thats life.
I'll try to do my best —- FIRST TIME!!!! Yeiiiii!!! Follow in instagram PerlaLjungberg
Great idea.I will give it a try this month. My first time and I will try to do my best. I'm sharing on my blog http://www.diamadaki.blogspot.com
I'm going to participate this month! It's my first time and I'm pretty excited about it. I'll post my pics on my blog and fb page if anyone wants to check them out 🙂
Oh gosh i am so excited! I love photography and i have been out of the game for ..about 4 years now because i now have two little boys, i do take alot of them but i dont go got shooting like u use to! I am so glad i came upon ur blog i am looking forward to “morning” so i can get started!!!:)
I'm at http://weizjourney.blogspot.com, for the first time 🙂
I'll be sharing on my facebook, instagram, twitter and my blog at the end of the month. Thanks Chantelle, great list
I'll be sharing on Instagram @FlwrBomb86 🙂
Looking forward to it I'll post my on facebook
Will use instagram
great idea!
I started in mid april here:
but from may and in the future i will be here:
thank you for starting this most excellent chanllenge
po x
Cool idea! I'll post on Twitter @ceciliamagn and my blog (weekly/daily… haven't decided yet…) http://ceciliasdiary.com
I'm sharing mine on my blog ( http://julie-mumof4.blogspot.com.au/ ) thanks heaps 🙂
I'll be posting on my blog (http://www.mummyalarm.co.uk), my FB page and on Twitter @caro_mad – really looking forward to this creative challenge x
I will share mine on my facebook page daily http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Strong-Coffee/149536325177132?ref=tn_tnmn
and a round up on my blog http://astrongcoffee.blogspot.co.uk/
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i”ll be doing this! my first time!
@subathrad on twitter, instagram and pinterest!
I can't believe it is June already! Full of birthdays for me but look forward to the challenge was again! I faded towards the end of May! Oops! Maybe this time!
I'm in! Last time in Feb this was so much fun, so I just have to take part in this again!
You can find my photos in my blog (http://boccabuona.blogspot.com) and Twitter (@pamaus).
Going to attempt to get past day 3 this time round!!
I'll be on Instagram Kirstyb72 and on my blog homelifeloves.wordpress.com 🙂
my photos will be far from perfect from my phone most of the time.
I'm also on Instagram @weizjourney.
hi, i'm sharing my photo on my blog, it's my first time, your idea is realy realy good and fun, thanks 😉
Instagram @lululollylegs
I'll be sharing it on my tumblr and my blog.
Is there a service which will email me at the beginning of each day with the photo to take that day?
sharing on facebook via instagram and on my blog: http://www.kbeades.blogspot.com.au
\(^o^)/ I'm in.
Sharing on instagram @luckylain and Twitter @itspia
Sharing on my blog: http://julam.nu/?p=4418
I'm sharing it on Instagram & Twitter and every 10 days on my blog.
Instagram: @Psychbabbler
Twitter: @psychbabbler
Blog: http://www.overacuppacoffee.com
yay! i loved this last month so shall be joining in with the fun this month 🙂 xxx
I will be putting mine on twitter. @Monica_Mocha
I have created a group for friends and myself on Facebook to share our Photo a day June. 🙂
I've been reading about this over at Sarah's Beach Cottage. I'll be starting a day late….and will share via instagram (awelshgirl) which links to my Facebook page.
Hope you have a better month in June…and enjoy your trip to Queensland 🙂
Oh…and sharing on blog http://www.yorkes-girl.blogspot.com and instagram @yorkesgirl.
i will be sharing on my instagram @2dezhoezimastar this will be my first time 🙂 Enjoy your June
I'll be pinning my photos on pinterest
This is the first month I'm gonna join the challenge, so I'm very exited to make photos! 🙂
This has been on my '33 before 33' list for months now! I'm so excited that June is finally the month I'll be playing along… I'll be sharing on instagram @jacquie99 and on my blog http://www.beautyzest.blogspot.com
Can't wait to see others captured moments!
Always so much fun. Thanks for creating the list every month. I look forward to them. It's getting me back to what I once enjoyed doing so much, taking pictures.
I will be sharing on Instagram and my blog, if I get to it, at http://www.thewif10105.blogspot.com
On Instagram as deltadawn8
My first time!
Will be joining this month…I'm a newbie! Photos up on Instagram @sincerely_leslie and my blog http://www.sincerely_leslie.blogspot.com
Ill be sharing on Instagram for the first time! @oneprettypoodle!
I LOVED participating in May! So much fun! PUMPED to start in on June today!! 🙂
I'll be sharing on my blog
and on Twitter @allycecripe
let the partayyy begin!
I'm joining!!! So excited!!! But I missed today's photo challenge as I just discovered this now and it's 10:28pm already. I hope that's ok… 🙁 Anyway, I'll be sharing on Instagram @xtin and blog http://christhingsss.blogspot.com/
I will be sharing on my blog – http://www.landmwilliam.blogspot.com
on Twitter @oneandonlylisa
Yay for June 1!!!
Great list this month, thanks. I'm @kebabster on instagram
Great list for June. This is just what I need to get my creative juices flowing. 🙂 I will be sharing on Twitter @Cocktail_Erika on Pinterest @Erikab and on my blog – http://www.erikabeckwith.blogspot.com
What a fun idea! I've seen others do this in previous months, but I think I'll go for it in June! My instagram username is keegz and I'll be sharing on my blog as well –papercranelibrary.blogspot.com
Going to give this a try for June!! 🙂
My instagram name is oliverlife.
Will also blog about it at theoliverlife.blogspot.com
Sounds like fun! First time particpating! 🙂
Elisa @orangelion75
Here we GO!… 🙂
Thanks 4 the list!
May was a great month and i am so happy to keep up with the challenge!
You can find all Greek participants listed here:
Thanks for the inspiration!
Yay! It's my first time to play!
I'll be sharing on Instagram – @emilytravels
I've always wanted to participate in one of these! Instagram profile: thoughtsfromher.
I'll also share on Twitter: @thoughtsfromher and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amanda.her.9#!/amanda.her.9. Friend me! 😉
I'll be sharing on Flickr, http://www.flickr.com/photos/40684160@N05/ . Don't expect anything great, but this looks like fun, and really thought-provoking.
I'll be posting my photos at http://simplysara.me/ Stop by :):)
yes i will join in, doing it on instagram, twitter and facebook
I have gotten so many people asking my about the photo a day “thing.” I keep sending them your way! Thanks for putting in all the hard work! I could never think of all of these. And this months tips and rules was a great help! Thanks!!
I will be sharing via instagram. @jcummings01
I have it on my blog and it automatically gets posted on my facebook page.
So much fun!
So excited for this month's photos! I started half way through may and really enjoyed it.
Check it out, leave a comment – I'd love to hear from you
Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with this month.
I feel the way you do about the photos being like a journal. June will be my 5th month participating in your challenge – I love it and thank you!
I share my photos on Instagram (catherinel618) and on my blog's Facebook page:
Woohoo! I'm excited about this. I'll be sharing on my daily blog, http://crazynovelpeople1.blogspot.com, along with my usual early morning stream-of-consciousness blather, and in Pinterest, http://pinterest.com/bookie1510/photo-a-day-june-2012/. Can't wait to see everyone's photos.
This is my first time doing this and I'm excited to give it a try! I'll be sharing on instagram and possibly my blog. Marilowder and just-me-and-t.blogspot.com
This is my first time participating! I'll be participating in the Flickr group (I'm LizNoVeggieGirl) and on Twitter (https://twitter.com/liznoveggiegirl)
How fun is this?! I will definitely be joining in all the fun starting tomorrow 🙂 most likely on Twitter @Vegvacious & Instagram Great idea!!!
Newest follower! Can't wait to do this! 🙂
so fab! loads of fun! instagram @masquedinlace
New follower. I saw you at Misfit Librarian's blog. I will be playing along at: http://www.everydayisyourrunwayownit.blogspot.com and my facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Every-Day-is-Your-Runway-by-Jana-Groenewold/
I am definitely going to do this!!! Ill be posting on instagram @mmlarose and on my blog http://scribble-n-dash.blogspot.com/
So excited!!
<3 Melissa
I'm in!
My first blog post about it: http://audrasally.blogspot.com/2012/06/friday.html
my first time sharing! i'll be on instagram!: @dolmedo
Joined you at the end of May, it's a great thing you're doing. Will try to keep up and will share on twitter @ClareCollis
I did all of May except 2 days, hope I dont miss any of June! Instagram & twitter- abubblylife
Blog- http://www.abubblylife.com
Thank you, so much fun!
First time doing this! I'll be sharing on Twitter and Instagram 🙂
Follow! >
Instagram: @graceloretta
Twitter: @Gracemarie
thank you so much for all your hard work in organizing this. You are amazing.
Blog: scatteringsunshine.blogspot.com
It's my first time joining in. I'll be sharing via instagram and twitter “MimiBakerMN” for both
This is my first time participating in the challenge, super excited!
I`m participating since April, it`s a great challenge, I`m loving it!! But it`s sad that now I`m so busy with Uni that I`m very late on this…
Well, I`m sharing on my Flickr : alinelsilva
and on my blog: http://pergaminhoamarelo.blogspot.com.br
This is my first month to participate! I have a couple friends who have been doing it and since I just got a new camera, I decided I'm in.
I'll be sharing on Facebook every day:
and will likely turn some of the pics into posts on the blog, Lessons from the Carpool Line:
I haven't managed a whole month since March, but am going to try really hard to get all the way through June!
Will be sharing on my blog:
First time for me, too.
I'm so excited and hope, everything works well.
You find the photos on my blog:
Thanks for this great Idea!
Greetings, Nicole
First time 😉
love this project!
So, let's have a try again in June! Planning to share the pictures on Flickr and on my blog higgledy-piggledy Wonderland!
I just started this and cannot wait to join along! What a great way to look for fun parts of each day 🙂
Althoigh i've gotten busy and missed the first day I'm going to be sharing via instagram. UniquelyInkD…..everyone follow me, i follow back!
hopefully, I'd be able to complete this #photoadayjune.. sharing them in instagram. add me up NINVINCIBLE ^___^
here's a compilation of my #photoadaymay by the way (i missed 3 though :<) http://ninacarmina.com/blog/2012/06/02/photo-a-day-may/
Hi, there, I love your blog, and here is my #photoadayjune links Instagram: wantinghispeace, Twitter: wantingHISpeace,
and http://soulfullymusing.blogspot.com/p/photo-challenge.html
It'll be fun! 😀
First time as well. I love this month's prompts. I feel that this might be a possibility.
oh oh, i'm going to try this out. ^_^
posting them on blogger. http://anaray-at-18.blogspot.com/
Going to attempt this for the first time this month.
I'll be posting in instagram and twitter @stephfoxphoto
i'm playing … http://www.thebrewersblog.blogspot.com
@nikbrewer on twitter and instagram
First time…will be sharing on instagram.
Will be sharing on Instagram…a fun challenge.
Sharing on Instagram (@ash_ad), Twitter (Addison1Ashley)and blogging!!! I think this is going to be fun, and I hope I can keep up with it.
Hello there. Here is my link:
This is my first time, so I am excited to see how I do.
On my blog, there is a menu on top linking to my posts.
Sharing on my blog: http://pickleybananas.blogspot.ca/ and also Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pickleybananas/sets/72157629999518546/
Love your blog!
I'm going to try this for the first time too – I want to have a visual journal for my month, even though I am certainly no photographer! I'll be sharing on instagram and twitter and facebook as @MyHomeTruths and hoping to do a wrap up post at the end of the month on my blog – http://www.myhometruths.com
First time too. Great inspiration! Sharing on my special needs parenting blog at http://ourradjourney.blogspot.com
Playing and sharing for the first time via http://aniemazing.blogspot.com/! Let's do this! 😉
Hi Chantelle,
I have been taking these challenges for 3 months now on my blog and just want to thank you for these. My thank you post for you.
January was my Iphone and Instagram so this month I am tackling your list with my trusty camera and posting to http://www.beyondthedogdish.com Looking forward to being inspired by everyone else's photos!
The celebrity Pink is doing this on Instagram – you've hit the big time FMS!!!
Newbie giving it a go (already a day late – oops!) Sharing on facebook http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2188853937916.60890.1744112055&type=3&l=d841eebed8
Hi all World historical events,Android apps tamil news,World news on android Breaking news for iphone
Sharing life from Finland this June 🙂
What a super fun idea! I'm going to try this for the first time with Instagram, and do a wrap-up of the month on my blog knittingneedlesrunningshoes.com. Thanks!!
Oh my gosh I am so up for this challange Android just got instagram and ive been wanting to do a photo-a-day-for-a-month challange (I already do 365 of my son, now in second year) so thank you.. at the moment i am sharing on fb :: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150824951718204.388432.533808203&type=3#!/media/set/?set=a.10150824951718204.388432.533808203&type=3
bless xx
I did a couple of months back at the beginning of the year, and will take it up again for June. All efforts will be posted on my blog – I love photo a day!
Oh, should've mentioned – I'm @oysterpots on instagram
i love doing the photo a day challenge. i am @seamh on twitter and instagram.
I did May's and had so much fun that I couldn't pass up June's. I share on my blog:
Christy's Chaos
Even though I'm probably the last person in the world to not have instagram, I still want to do it! I will be sharing on my blog, http://www.craftingupmyworld.blogspot.com & flickr. My username on flickr is emilycx317
i'll be sharing on Twitter, blevy88!
I just found this so will play
Instagram becca_58_11
Here's my Pinterest board for June!
going to give it a try – so far photos are on my blog…
Great idea.
I've followed a few people taking part in your photo challenges over the last couple of months and thought it would be fun to join in!
Blogged about it:
Pinned it:
Scattermom's Photo A Day June
Loved doing it! 😀
Great list again Chantelle.
I'll be playing along again over at being gawee
And on Instagram: @gawee
Hi Chantelle, just want to say this is really fun! I love the serendipity of it~ I woke up on June 1st and looked into the mirrored screen of my new iphone :} and took a sleepy-eye'd photo (as I'm trying to work on my photography) in the light of the window, then I checked the photoadayjune list and it was Morning.
I have just checked the list for June 3 (which is now for you but I get to sleep before then) and it's On your plate~ well, we're planning to go out for dinner to a place that make the largest cakes and serve the most gigantic individual slices I have ever seen! Photo op!
Don't let anyone dull your shine today!
Sharing on Instagram & Twitter @grays2you
Also sharing on WordPress – http://heartrenovation.com
Joining this month again! 😀 My first post http://mariekhan.com/morning-photo-a-day/
I love this…I started last month but I up'd the game by using it as a challenge to all my FB friends. I am an American living in China and my FB contacts are from all over the globe. This is a great way for us to share a little of what we see each day…so entertaining and interesting on what how the list is interpreted by our international community. Thanks for the inspiration.
First time participating. Just saw this on a Blog and funny thing I took a photo of my breakfast this morning and the day before yesterday a pic of the morning sky. I think it means I should do this lol
I will put on instagram and blog and sometimes facebook via instagram.
Blog http://www.mbennetts.blogspot.com.au/
instagram dollybees
I’m scarlett_heartt on instagram
This is my first month doing the challenge too.
Here's another 'newbie'! I'll be sharing on Instagram (akseona) and on flickr (awaardenburg)
This is my first month! I'll be sharing on instagram as mybelovedadoria
Newbie here!
Sharing on tumblr.
Been meaning to do this for a few months! Finally!
I'm theurbanwhisk on instagram
Joining now 🙂 @pedroteof on instagram.
I want to thank you so much for setting up these challenges. I played along in May for the first time, and had so much fun, I'm continuing into June! I've been out of work for a few months, trying to make some life decisions, and this has really helped give me something else to focus on that's positive. Thank you!
I am sharing my photos on my blog, http://cherisidlechatter.blogspot.com/, and (when I remember), on your Facebook page.
Thanks again.
Hi, I'm particpating and sharing in my blog:
This should be fun!
This is the first time I am doing photo-a-day and I am already addicted to it. Thank you for this. I am doing it on my blog, my FB page, twitter and pinterest. Hope you like my photos.
Nutty Cook
I will be sharing at http://artzestphotography.blogspot.com/
I hope to visit everyone else's sites too.
Happy June everyone!
Newbie here. I will be sharing at http://iamheretosayaloha.blogspot.com/ and also my facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=585286277. Thank you for creating such a good theme for everyday. Love your blog. =)
first time I'm doing a photo challenge! I'm posting to Twitter @GoBruins466 and instagram: halfcrazy13one
Sounds like lots of fun! Thanks!!
I'll be playing along this month and sharing at my blog at http://www.susannesemchuk.ca
Thanks for the great prompts!!
I will be starting on June 4th. My blog link is http://www.Nulaanne.wordpress.com
🙂 Thats funny! 🙂 I'll be sharing on Facebook and on my photoblog http://petragaal.blogspot.com/
I started this but had No idea where it was from since i saw my friend post the list lol. It's been fun so far 🙂
I'm sharing via instagram @ Tiffanytrinh88. And twitter.@ lululala1234.
Wow, it's June already? Just finished putting together my may photos – http://itchierfeet.wordpress.com/2012/06/04/photo-a-day-may/
A great list for June, keep it up.
Cheers, Erin.
I'll be posting on Facebook..
Enjoying my first photo challenge 🙂
Cheers- Babes & Tots Designs
So exciting and glad I didn't miss too much! I'll be joining in and sharing on Instagram @craftyfinds and on Twitter @craftyfinds
I am with you this month again… on my blog: http://www.ceppwithaview.blogspot.de/
Looking forward to fun pictures!
I will be trying this challenge for the first time. I will be sharing on my blog http://www.forthelovepinterest.blogspot.com
Thank you for the great ideas!
I love this, I am slow to start and have trouble with commitment but will try to join through flikr and maybe my blog.
Sharing on http://www.robertajosephine.com. I'll also tweet from @RJospehinesLens with the hash tag #PHOTOADAYJUNE to @FATMUMSLIM.
I'll join! I'll also share my photos through Instagram and Twitter. 🙂
Sharing on http://tbatebeauty.blogspot.co.uk/ xx
so fun! this is my first photo challenge so i'm excited to try it out! Posting pics on my blog >> housewifed.blogspot.com & twitter @housewifedin07
can't wait to see everyone's pics! ♥
I´m in! Sharing my photos on http://kreativgegga.blogspot.se/
This is my first photo challenge as well! I'll be blogging my photos at milescityliving.com
Joined late!!!
I'll be sharing on my blog:
Just started today, looking forward to the rest of the month!
I'll be sharing at my blog. My friend Lisa helped talk me into this! :o)
Love this – I've attempted a 30 day photo challenge before but sans themes. It makes every day count! Will be sharing snaps this June via Twitter and Instagram – @ranreadwrote.
Hi, I'm sharing on my Instagram, and also at my blog.
Thanks for the inspiration!
You can find me on Instagram @bandarji and my blog at kadorto.blogspot.com Thank you so much for putting this together, it has been a lot of fun!
Thanks for this!!! I am posting on my blog….
Hey there! After a few month hiatus i'm back and ready for action! I'll be participating via my blog at:
I have followed a few others doing this but it's the first time I've had a go, bit excited! I will add my photos to my blog's facebook page http://www.facebook.com/talesfrommountpleasant and then do a round up at the end of the month on my blog.
I'm sharing on Facebook and Instagram. First month ever – so happy I saw this! This started out as a way to celebrate the month of my birthday, but I really like this means of expression. I'd love to see pictures other folks take! :o)
I'm sharing on instagram but also on my blog. Check out my May photos here: http://asoutherngirlblogs.blogspot.com/2012/06/i-tried.html
Love the challenges! Sharing mine on my blog at http://litinggrace.blogspot.com , on Instagram @gracecharity and Twitter @graciecharity
Sharing on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151156275208238.544638.800983237&type=3&l=1c1e6dcaff
Hi Chantelle! Great idea!
Well, i will be sharing my photos on my blog:
Greetings from shiny and beautiful Greece.
I'm sharing on my blog http://www.theicingonmycupcake.blogspot.com.au this is the first time I've played, but I'm really enjoying it!
I'm sharing on my blog http://www.theicingonmycupcake.blogspot.com.au this is the first time I've played, but I'm really enjoying it!
I'm sharing on Instagram @ nicmonc. Thanks for sharing!
Sharing my photos on my blog… http://1219sibmtt.blogspot.com/2012/06/june-first-photos.html
I'll be sharing photos from the week each Wednesday!
Sharin on Instagram, BrownSugar901
I'm sharing on my blog( mamashearth.blogspot.com ) and on twitter ( @mamashearth ):)
Thanks for the challenge 🙂
I'm sharing mine on my blog…check it out! You're awesome!!
i took the challenge and i'm posting on tumblr! check it out!
Hi! Participating on this photo challenge for the first time and will be sharing on my Flickr and on Twitter (@strangedesigns)
It's been fun so far and given me quite a creative boost! Thanks 🙂
stefanimeyer on instagram
I'm sharing publicly on my Flickr account. 🙂
Thank you for the challenge! It has inspired me to not only take more photos but has encouraged me to blog more regularly.
You can find my contributions here: http://adesigna.net/tag/photoadayjune/ Thank you very much for starting this projekt!
I am sharing on Instagram and Twitter as babybirdies. Also I will publish all pictures on my blog http://www.babybirds.de at the end of the month.
I'm sharing on Instagram (lynnebee)- first time I've tried a photo a day. It's been fun so far to see how this affects my day, how I look at things – thank you for that! 🙂
Joining in. Blog is found at
I'm sharing my photos on Instagram as haleydog123
OK I have finally joined the smart phone revolution. I am sharing on instagram at karen_notley. I have a really dumb question. How do I share instagram photos in a blog post (blogger)? I have had a look around but am somewhat technologically challenged and can't find a neat solution.
Hi, I'm sharing on my facebook.
wonderful idea!!!!
I'm sharing on Instagram (if internet connection permits) and on my blog! 🙂
I love your photos a day challenge! Unfortunately, I've tried the last two months to stay consistent with it but I can't ever complete a month…here's to June!!
I am sharing via twitter @nicjasp
Hi. I am late. A whole lot late but I thought to myself better late then never. So I started with Time! How apt. Let's hope I stick to this. Will backtrack through the list and play catchup.
Thanks for this project. It's just what I need 🙂
hello and sorry for the late comment! i've been doing every challenge since January, very excited for summer and more picture taking!
Love your ideas, so much fun – thank you x
I'm sharing on Twitter & Instagtam – @BritMumInNZ & weekly updates on my blog http://www.catchingthemagic.com
Hey Chantelle, I share my photos here:
and at the end of the month on my blog: http://www.mykikabu.blogspot.de
Thank you so much for this great challenge,
xoxo viola
great idea, I'll join in 🙂
I'm playing along… so far, so good!
What a great idea! I love it! Here's the link to my blog post about #photoadayjune http://thecraftyexpat.wordpress.com/2012/06/18/photoadayjune/
This is the first month where I participate in this challenge! What a grat idea! Here's the link to my blog post about #photoadayjune http://thecraftyexpat.wordpress.com/2012/06/18/photoadayjune/
Week four of my photo a day!
I Share on instagram (roxtheworld07) and a recap of my June Photos are here: https://fatmumslim.com.au/photo-a-day-june-its-time/
i’ll sign in..
Elizabeth Saxe Coburg-Gotha is an evil woman, why do we slave away at work our whole lives for money with her face on
Hi! Thanks for the time you’ve put into these! They’re very entertaining and make me stop & notice the small, simple things in life! 🙂 BTW, how did u put all your pics together like above???? Thanks.
This blog was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I’ve found something which helped me. Cheers!