Once you’ve taken your photo you share it on which ever platform you like: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, Blog, Pinterest … where ever! Make sure you tag it with #photoadayJune if sharing on Twitter or Instagram
Here’s how to share your photo:
INSTAGRAM: Upload your photo to Instagram, add a sweet filter and put #photoadayJune in the caption so others can see your photos {share to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr etc from Instagram if you like}
TWITTER: Upload your photo to Instagram, add some words to describe it and use the hashtag #photoadayJune so others can see your photos
FACEBOOK: Create an album titled something like, Photo a Day June, and make the album public, then upload your photos. It’s a good idea to upload the list too so you can refer to it and others can see what you’re doing. You can also share your photos on my Fat Mum Slim Facebook page. Don’t add them to the comments, but instead upload the photo or share a link on my page. Please.
PINTEREST: Upload your photos to a board, and use the hashtag #photoadayJune so that others can search for them.
BLOGS & TUMBLR: Upload your photos to your blog or Tumblr and share with the world.
FLICKR: Share your photos in the Photo a day group.
As always this kicks off on June 1st. Here’s to another great month of photo sharing! xx
Excited to try this. Fun idea. 🙂
this is an awesome idea if you like this type of challenge why not try it for a whole year at http://www.shuttercal.com it's free!
I'm doing this again as I enjoyed it in May.
Loved one of my friends photos so I have to give it a go. Great idea x x
I'm heading for the fourth month in a row!! Thanks Chantelle…think I'm going to add it to my blog as of this month 🙂
this is totally my desktop background now!! i'm stoked to do this next month 🙂
I started in May and got very nice feedback; I will definitely continue in June!
I'm so going to do this for the month of June! Can't wait!
I had so much fun doing this, can't wait to do it again…
This is always so much fun!
I was wondering when the list would be up! Definitely doing it this time…
I was one of the seekers … so, a big thank you for getting the word out : ) May was a blast!
I love these! Although, I never get done with the entire month on Instagram. I just wanted to ask you (and reply if possible): what website did you use to make this blog? If you want, you can MAYBE reply on my Instagram @bradfordbadgurl05 but that's only of you can. Thanks!! xx
Blogger – see bottom of the page.
I wondwr how do I get it early for each month, if fats or anyone else can help that would b awsome, cuz this is too fun!
Thank you for creating these lists! I've been onboard since early January and absolutely love it!!
This is so cool. Since I missed the May photo a day, I will be joining this June. 🙂
I always start but can never finish ): I'm going to work really hard to get June done.
Hi! I started the one on february but didn't get the idea lol, so this june I´m in 😀
Great list Chantelle , I am working hard to do this every day now.
ok that does it, going to have to figure out Instagram. Is it an app? Easy enough to find out. I think I'd follow through on more photos (besides the ones I already do on my blog) if I could use the phone to take them, whereever I happen to be.
And…it is free! oh happy day.
I found out about this Photo a day challenge when May was almost over. I think I will join in this month. I have seen some people share their photo a day photos on their blogs once a week. I hope that is okay, because that was the way I was thinking of doing it.
Cannot wait! I've loved EVERY month! xx
I've been having such fun with the May challenge, I'm definitely going to try to continue into June. Thanks so much!
I think I am going to join in with June, lovely! 🙂
Im a newbie to! Where will you post?
Hiya, I've been reading your blog for a few days now. Will def try that, it sounds fun.
I'm enjoying the May challenge so much! Off course I'm going to do June too!! Photos are on my blog: http://zjizjipke.blogspot.com
Hi Chantelle,
thank you so much for the new list. I'll try to take a photo every day in June … Best wishes and some hugs from Germany,
i want to give this a go too!!
Im super excited to try this! 🙂 it's my first time btw :))
Thanks for the list! I've had so much fun doing the challenge through April and May, and look forward to more fun in June.
Thanks for the new list!! I only starts this month, but I am so excited to start June, I'm completely hooked!! I've started to get my daughter in to it and now my bestie is too!! Yay!
So nice !! I'm gonna start this, it's a great idea !
What does the “empty” one mean???
This will be my first time participating 🙂 I'm excited!! I will upload my photos to Facebook and Twitter (I don't have Instagram though, hope that's okay).
I'll be participating! Just started with May and it was so much fun
Hey! May I ask what you use to create these pictures? Because I want to create some birthday cards and. Think this would be a really neat idea!
Thank you! I love doing this.
I'm going to try this out for June!! What a fun idea…I tried a year one and had a tough time…I must have unresolved “long time commitment” issues 😀
I was away too much and failed miserably in May – excited to try again in June 🙂
Excellent!!! Loving these challenges so muchx
Hi Chantelle! I was sooo rubbish at this in May, but guess what? I have a lovely week- old iphone! And I've instaled instagram! I'm all set for June and the list looks great!
Ooh! I just got a new camera, and I'm excited to stretch my creative muscles! This will be my first photo-a-day mission! 🙂
awesome! I am going to try my hardest to do every single day in June!! wish me luck 😉
I started last month but forgot to continue! Must remember for June 🙂
Love the great idea!
I started in February and actually surprised myself by keeping going and not missing a single day. I'll take a break after June (going on holiday with no Internet connection… it does feel great!) but will be back in september.
Hi fat mum slim 🙂 I´m taking the challenge and starting for the first time in June 🙂 I hope it´s ok, I translated your photo challenge to Icelandic (with a reference to your blog, of course)and put on my blog http://www.parapogg.is. I´m hoping that more Icelanders, like me, will take the challenge.
Happy photoing and thank you for your great blog 🙂
Kind regards from Iceland, Europe.
Sara Dögg
Proud to say, I have taken a photo a day since the first of january! And I'm not about to stop!! You're a legend 🙂
Hurray! I am already cooking up some ideas!
– Angela Marie @ http://sunkissedivory.blogspot.com
I'm looking forward to the first of June! xo
I will be participating once again! I really love this photo challenge, great way to document your life!
I started in May and I'm totally committed to this! I can't wait for June.
I decided to do this challenge through my blog because I can do it from my Iphone – no excuses not do get it done.
Dito! Will be doing mine via instagram. No excuses!
Will be doing my first photo challenge as well doing 30 bucket list items in June. Kicking down to age 30! http://Www.tampkinslife.blogspot.com
Someone posted about the June one on Facebook so I will take up the challenge. Sounds like fun!
Cheers – Joolz
This is my third month! love it!
Very nice idea .Think I can give it a try this month.
I'm in as a first timer.
I've been rubbish at keeping up in may so will try harder in June.
June's challenge looks really nice so I'm in 🙂
Greetings from sunny Finland!
Looking forward to doing this after seeing lots of people share pictures throughout May 🙂
I'm new to Instagram, this is a great way to get started!
I'm back in for the month of June! It should be particularly interesting since this is a crazy busy month for me 😉
Oh – you can find me at:
Hello! I've tried the photograph challenge at May, and I'm letting you know I'm gonna try it again for June!! I'm really excited!! I love this monthly photo-a-day challenge!!
I'm in again for June (I've been participating since April).
I post mine to my Tumblr blog at Whimpulsiveness.
I am planning on tagging my photos this month through my android phone's instagram, but can only seem to tag as #Photoadayjune due to my phone's settings. Will that still work? I 'instagrammed' the screen shot of the challenges as Planning for June with the tag above. My intagram name is alannahshore
Saw this on my friend Viv's fb page…thought i'd give it a go….betcha I'll be like lots of you gals & not be a 'stayer' for the whole month, but it'll be fun trying:):)
i was wondering if there's going to be a list of explanations about this month. since it's the first time i join photaday and i can't speak fluent englisch, there were some things i don't understand, like 12, 16, 22 and 28. i think it's such a great thing that you come up with, thank you.
I saw the photoaday for the first time this week… I am participating and I will continue in June!!!
My instagram account is: lfbweb
New to photo a day. Looking forward to this. 🙂
Very excited! I hope I do better in June!
Looking forward to doing this for the first time! Will I be able to rise to the challenge?
Planning on doing this for my blog this month…http://seelisawrite.blogspot.com. Looking forward to the challenge! thanks for the inspiration!
I'm going to try and participate as much as I can. It sounds like fun. I can't believe tomorrow is the start of June!
Will you add a list, of each day like you did for may? It really helped me alot. And I really enjoyed it, will be doing it for june as well 🙂
hi…just found you….well…i am going to try thiw.Got a new Nikon…which OFCOURSE dont know how to use…can i ask something???we publish our fotos in our own blogs…did i get it right??And then how exactly is it a contest??…sorrry…new in blogging…thank you!
I did really badly in May…I promise to do better in June : )
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Okay, I didn't like the previous comment so I deleted and I'm starting over.
I'm excited to try this challenge since I blog everyday at http://crazynovelpeople1.blogspot.com. Come see how I manage the list. I'm in!
Just in the nick of time. I will give this a good try too.
Just found out about this and sounds like fun! I'm going to participate via Instagram / Twitter, @SarahSaysRead.
So excited!
Thanks lady, you rock! Been doing this since March 🙂
Hi from Finland! I love this monthly photo-a-day challenge and I'm in again for June.
Photos are on my blog: haivahdyspurppuraa.blogspot.com
I heard about this challenge from a blog friend. I'm gonna try it this onth! Yay!
Thanks for the great list and challenge..I'm in and looking forward to it. Did another one during May and loved the daily challenge to think of things in a new way!
I just joined instagram. Follow me // MoreLinds
I'm super excited to participate & see everyone elses pics! :))
what could I do for the first one?
I'm not really sure about that one!
I will post my pictures here: http://puki24.wordpress.com/juni-foto-challenge/
explanations will be in german ^^
I have done all of May (well, not finished with today yet) and am looking forward to June! Follow me on Instagram at krbeegee.
I'm getting married this month and this will be my first photo a day month. I think it is a perfect way to keep memories! Thanks!!!
Im so happy i was ablt to take part of the photo a day may! Will be doing this june photo a day challenge again! Excited! 🙂
I post my picture at Instagram with username: klsepara 🙂
A quick question about Sharing Photo a Day on FB. I select Share on my photo but any combination of Fat Mum Slim (w/ spaces or capital letters) or doesn't come up as an option. Thoughts? Also, is there a Hipstamatic Group?
Grumpy Typewriter
Great idea!!! I found you through Marian and I am very excited with this concept!
I will be posting my pictures from Tuesday (we have a short vacations these days and I'll be missing).
Well done for the inspiration 🙂
kisses from Greece
I just found you on Pinterest and am excited to participate in my first photo-a-day!! You can find my photos on my blog ~
on Flickr ~ my ID is wendy0112
and on Pinterest ~
Thanks so much for doing this and I am truly looking forward to seeing everyone's photos!!
~ Wendy
I'm participating for the first time…hope I can keep it up!
Just found this and I'm gonna do this 🙂 Even tho I missed the first day :/ http://heardabouttheocean.tumblr.com/
hoping I can finish this 😀
Just found ur blog and challenge last night…realy cool and a great thing to reactivate my blog and to get to know my new camera 🙂
Greets from Germany
This is my fourth month of the photo a day challenge and i've liked them all.
You can find my pics here
this sounds like a lot of fun!
So awesome. totally doing this! I know i'm 3 days late…but from tomorrow and on.. It's on! lol.
Am loving doing this, such a fun idea!
Love This Challenge!!!
Follow Me On Facebook http://www.facebook.com/sexc87tash
or on instagram Rockstar_tash 🙂
LOVE this challenge too! Happy to have spotted you on Facebook the other day. Shared your blog & “the List” on my blog… and started to join in on the FUN!
Have a great week!
xo Lynda
I'm in!
My photos can be found here:
here's the link to my pics: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.464383753575174.118219.100000106612467&type=1
This is my 1st month. I've always wanted to do one of these. Thanks 🙂
You ca see mine here :
Hi! This is my second month!! Your idea is wonderful! Thank you so much! You can see my pics here: http://beloved-ideas.blogspot.gr/search/label/Photo%20a%20day
I just saw your challenge and I am in!!! I will keep instagraming photos from tomorrow! xx
I.ve already started. I though i had left a message but i can not find it. Anyway, i am sharing my photos on my blog: http://once-uppon-a-time.blogspot.gr/.
Greetings from shiny Greece.
I failed at May's challenge but am so glad I'm back on track with June!