Particularly Pretty.

Last year I spent a lot of time in Baby Change Rooms. I was in there changing nappies, but more so feeding Lacey. She fed quite often so I couldn’t have a trip to the shops without having to feed her once, perhaps twice (depending on how serious my shopping trip was!)

This week I ventured in to change a nappy and was pleasantly surprised that they’d had a makeover. Now I know some readers might be rolling their eyes here and starting to think I’m crazy… but it’s nice to know that people are thinking of us Mama’s. We like pretty things too. I’ve seen my fair share of crummy feeding rooms. Sometimes they don’t feel particularly safe, or smell particularly nice, or look particularly pretty.
This one is designed really well. The butterflies are quite cute, the lighting nice and discreet and those little people mirrors are adorable.

Put down the phone. Stop calling 1800-CRAZY. I promise I won’t take photos of public toilets…. well not this week, anyway. xx

7 thoughts on “Particularly Pretty.”

  1. Oh dear, you’ve created a virtual universe where all moms are catered to, in all stages of motherhood. Now, get me a healthy snack vending machine to occupy the olders, and I’m SOLD.

    My local TJ Maxx doesn’t even have a changing table. Yes, I’ve been using that filthy floor all these years. I’d expect much more from my FAVORITE store.

    Great pics!

  2. LOL glad I am not the only crazy one. I am always raving about different good and bad change rooms.

    It makes a difference to me – a bad change room design or state of cleanliness is close to a deal breaker with my relationship with a particular shopping centre 😉

    That looks lovely!

  3. Hi not going to say a word bout why you carrying camera with you…all about the mama bag right?? don't forget to pick up your pretty award from my site…you coy & paste it onto yours. xx

  4. I think it makes a huge difference to where you shop when you walk into a change room and it’s clean and refreshing and they have actually made an effort. I would rather sit outside on a park bench then sit in a depressing room that smelled of diapers. How lovely that they made the effort. I find change rooms up in Brisbane are so much nicer then down in Sydney, their just behind the times and really need to pull their find out and make an effort. I agree. It makes a huge difference to where you shop.

  5. GUA – That’s not right! You should pen a letter to them and let them know. 😉

    Amy – I’m glad I’m not the only one. 😛

    Dorsey – I could do with those mirrors at home…

    Paula – That’s my camera phone. My real camera is much too bulky to carry around everywhere!

    Danielle – I totally agree. I much prefer to shop somewhere that I can have enjoyable pit stops…not ones where I might curl over and die / or fear for my hygeine. x

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