Dear Lacey,
You’re EIGHT. I refuse to believe it. I do. Eight years on earth. Eight years ago you made me a mum.
Thank you.
Before you were born, I’d dream about what you’d look like {red hair and freckles were my bet} and what you would be like {placid and calm, and super easy-going}. Everything I thought you were going to be, was everything you aren’t and then so much more.
I couldn’t have dreamed you up. You’re sassy like your Aunt, and non-stop like your other Aunt, and placid you are not. You’ve tested me from the moment you were born, and challenged me in ways I couldn’t have imagined, but I’m a better person for it, a better mum as well.
You’re feisty, and talkative. I don’t think you think anything, instead verbalising every thought you have. You’re talented too. You can dance like you’ve been doing lessons for years, despite having almost none at all. You’re determined to boot, teaching yourself as many gymnastics tricks that you could find on YouTube.
You’re artistic, and love to get crafty and make a mess. You’re allergic to cleaning up after yourself.
You’re smart. Currently you’re obsessed with a dictionary you got for Easter, reading it over and over again, finding new words, telling whoever will listen what they mean and how to spell them. You’re always writing stories in books and on paper.
You’re loving. You’re a beautiful big sister. You love Luella more than anything in the world, and she’s lucky to have you {except for when you annoy her and she screams, but I’m sure she’ll grow out of that!}. This year I feel like a switch has been turned on, and you’ve come into yourself. You’re thriving in life. I met with your teacher last week, and she thinks the same.
You’re a nervous Nelly at times. You’ve just started netball, and we had to practically drag you there for your first day. You didn’t know anyone, and you didn’t know how to play. It was totally out of your comfort zone. You did it though. You played. You gave it a red-hot-go, and you did beautifully. You make me so proud with how you’ll overcome your worries and thrive.
Most of all, you’re going to do just fine in the world. You’re compassionate and generous. You’re sweet when you want to be, and you think of others. You’re open-minded. You’re also not afraid to stand up for yourself, and make a point of addressing things when they aren’t as they should be.
I love you Lacey. Thank you for stretching me to places where it feels uncomfortable, yet I know it’s where I’m growing and learning, and becoming better. Thanks for making me a mum.
This morning as you opened your presents, you looked at me with a huge smile on your face and told me, “I’ve always wanted you as a mum, thank you!”
And thanks for still thinking I’m a little bit cool. I’m sure next year it will be a totally different story.
Love Mum. xx
I got tears in my eye. Your Lacey reminds me so much of my Stella.
Thanks Tarina. Enjoy your girl. xx
“I’ve always wanted you as a mum”…heart explodes!❤️
Same! Heart, everywhere. x
What a beautiful heart Lacey has – just like her mum. Happy 8th birthday lacey
Aww, thankyou. xx
That is just beautiful. Your letters to your girls are my fave of all your posts. What a little go getter she is. Xx
She is! She’s a go-getter for sure! xx
Lovely. 🙂
Thanks lovely. xx
Just beautiful…your words and hers! xx
Thank you. xx
Probably the most beautiful letter to Lacey I’ve read and I’m pretty sure I’ve read them all over the years. Well done capturing the moment with the sweetest words and making this cynical woman cry x
Awwww, I wish I could offer you a tissue! x
Oh so beautiful Chantelle! I love that she loves words and is carrying a dictionary around – so nice to hear in a world where adults and kids are addicted to screen time! She sounds like a beautiful girl and at that age where she is really flourishing into her own person. So sweet x