{image created by me}
♥ Write a thank you letter. Pull out your pen and paper and write a little note to someone for something small. Thank them for making you smile, making you dinner or even just making the bed.
♥ Wear your best dress. I plan on pulling out a top I have hanging in my cupboard that still has it’s tags that I’ve been saving for some day. While you’re at it use your fancy plates for dinner.

♥ Make a vision board. Or update one you already have. I have one that sits beside my bed so I can see it every day. I haven’t updated it in a few months. It might be time!
♥ Switch off, and switch back on. Get off Facebook and get into real life. Meet a friend for coffee {instead of emailing/texting/messaging}. Take time for the people you adore.
♥ Take yourself out for cake. And you’re not allowed to count the calories or feel guilty about it either. Not for one moment.
♥ Say sorry. Mend any bridges that need fixing. Be the person to make the first move.
♥ Make something. This macrame necklace looks like it could be knocked over in an afternoon, and would look sweet with fluro yellow string. Or this broccoli fettuccine looks scrum-diddly-umptious.
♥ Plan a holiday. We’re heading off on a mini-trip later next month and I’m pretty excited about it. Not only is it fun to go on a vacation, but it’s also pretty exciting to plan it, talk about it, dream about it and then head off when it’s finally time.
♥ Sprinkle joy. Smile at strangers. Give money to buskers. Play longer with your kids. Greet your husband with a kiss + a hug. Be kind. Call your best friend.
♥ Donate $2 for Sarah. It’s only $2 but it could make a huge difference. Read about it here.
How will you be spending your extra day this Wednesday? I’ll be working, but I’ll try and inject some magic in somehow. Will you?
Excellent ideas! I never thought of February 29th like that. I'll have to do something special this year 🙂
Aaaah, after a while of being down in the dumps, this is definitely a pick-me-up. I've never really celebrated Leap Day before, but why not start now? I can't wait to break out that cute dress I've never worn and to spend the day making others' day. 🙂
Great inspiration to do something more with that day! Thanks for the ideas 🙂
great idea, I actually have a thank you post scheduled for that day purely by coincidence. I love your blog, I always look forward to reading it.
lovely post, really! And your feelings about plan a holiday ring truth to me!
These are all such awesomely sweet ideas, I'll definitely have to do something extra special that day 🙂 Thanks for all of the ideas!
xo Heather
These are some adorable ideas 🙂 I love my vision board it is so beautiful look at and draw inspiration from 🙂 My board is full of wedding ideas at the moment 🙂
What a great idea – thank you for this post.
Have a great day !
Love, hugs and positive energy.
Great idea! I only realized on Friday that it was a leap year. Where have I been? Suddenly all those Project 366's make sense to me. lol. I thought I would treat myself to something special so that I would remember this specific leap year on every leap year to come. I'm still not sure what that is yet. 🙂
Its an extra day before deadline for me! But I'll make sure I wear the dress with the tags on still while I type away furiously to meet said deadline.
I'm giving away prizes at our local shopping mall with a big Freddo the Frog man!
I would love to take the Pre-School to the Zoo or Aquarium,
we shall see how it goes.
I'm not waiting for my extra day. I'm doing now. I just donated $2 to Sarah. And I'm organising to see more friends in real life, to catch up on life and not just on Facebook. And I'm taking my kids out to play instead of catching up on housework because today is TODAY.
Thank you xo
What a fantasic idea! I will be at work doing my normal Mon-Fri thing – might treat my blog readers to something special!
Wonderful … I think I am going to plan some celebration too 🙂 Thank you for sharing
Warmest regards,
An extra day. LOVE the concept!
Love the idea…I've never thought of Feb 29th as having an extra day either!
Thank you for sharing the link to the “Haunted by Sarah” post. Incredibly heart breaking. Donated.
A vision board. Sigh. One of those things I always think will be great, but I'm never quite happy with the outcome. That pic has inspired me, though! Thanks!
We'll be celebrating my husband's leap year birthday. It is very exciting to have it come round every 4 years, the kids especially are very excited for it to get here!
A beautiful sentiment, I like it! I'm going to think this one through.
I've been meaning to tell you how much I love the new-look blog. And I can tell from your photo how fantastic you are looking lately too. Go you! x
I most certainly got off FB and I got so much more time back in my life!
Great post
Fantastic ideas!!! I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm excited about it!
I'm really grateful that you brought this to my attention, I just didn't think of it as an extra day and it really is … I'm going to do something with my gorgeous husband! Thanks again and have fun whatever you are planning. Jules x
I'm getting married 🙂
this is lovely. in defense of disney (ha someone has to?) everyone (myself included) with a pass will be able to stay in the parks all night instead of going home, 12 free hours or something like that. those of us sans kidlets might be interested in the park at 3am 🙂 xx
I'm gonna skip work & do some MAJOR cleaning!! Doesn't sound like “fun”…..but I will be happy with the results!
I have an appointment after work to try on wedding dresses. Didn't realize it was leap day when I made it, but it seems fitting. :o)
I will start with a thank you to you for making this more fun